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Society (women, girls)
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Ethnicity and identity

Work Towards Empowering Women, by Ballav Dahal (rn 10/03/2025)

Women constitute only 7.88 percent of ICT workforce (ae 10/03/2025)

Five women’s organizations hold march in Kathmandu on Int’l Women’s Day (In Pictures) (rep 08/03/2025)

Women As Leaders, Not Just Participants, by Patricia Fernandez-Parcheco (rn 08/03/2025)

Women Commission’s helpline struggles to meet demand amid rising cases : Survivors of gender-based violence in Nepal often face an uphill battle navigating the country’s complex support system, by Aarati Ray (kp 08/02/2025)

In the driving seat (ae 07/03/2025), Women’s rights in Nepal: Constitutional pledges v ground reality, by Shraddha Acharya (ae 07/03/2025))

Recognise Women’s Role In Nutrition, by Monica Pradhan (rn 07/03/2025)

A woman’s drive to push boundaries : Female Nepali double-decker driver in Dubai has charted her own path through life, by Shanti Bhandari (nt 07/03/2025)

Neglected and criminalized: Sex workers demand legal reform, by Pratik Ghimire (ae 07/03/2025)

Singlehood is no barrier as Nepali women move on, by Ruby Rauniyar (rep 05/02/2025)

Nepali CSO submits shadow report before CEDAW Committee (rn 05/02/2025

Rising Women's Movement, by Babita Basnet (rep 03/02/2025)

Normalise Menstruation, Empower Women, by Sharmila Chandi Shrestha (rn 29/01/2025)

Women on the move : The blanket ban on migration to the Gulf is putting women at higher risk of exploitation and abuse, by Alina Acharya (nt 17/01/2025)

Not just the home, women hold the key to running the country, by Bhasa Sharma (rep 16/01/2025)

Women's economic empowerment: Policy innovations needed, by Bikas Adhikari (ht 14/01/2025)

Unwanted Pregnancies: The unimaginable pain of Nepali Gulf returnees, by Guna Raj Luintel, Upendra Lamichhane and Sabita Khadka (rep 10/01/2025) [see part II]

Women in farming : Shifting Nepali Farms As Men Migrate, by Indira Aryal (rn 20/12/2024)

Women breaking barriers: New era of leadership in Nepal, by Sita Neupane (kh 17/12/2024)

Women organise to negotiate for land compensation for hydel plant’s impacts : For indigenous women’s group Masto Lafa Bheja, money as compensation for leaving their homeland is not enough, by Ellie Davis (kp 08/12/2024)

32% households headed by women in Karnali (rn 08/12/2024)

Women work to build their quake-affected community back stronger : A women’s group in Rukum West is helping empower women through livestock farming after the devastating 2023 earthquake, by Ellie Davis (kp 03/12/2024)

Nepal’s first women-owned rice mill—a business model developed by women for women : The mill purchases paddy mostly from female-headed holdings, and makes, markets, and distributes non-steam rice, by Sangam Prasain (kp 01/12/2024)

Foreign employment: Women workers face challenges at home and abroad, by Arya Kharel (ae 26/11/2024)

The Newari musical group helping women play traditional instruments : Lubhoo Dhaa Khala has been raising a new generation of Newari women musicians, in what is a welcome break for a domain traditionally preserved for men, by Aarati Ray (kp 24/11/2024)

Fighting Climate Impacts On Women, by Namrata Sharma (rn 20/11/2024)

Legal Eyes on Women’s Issues and Rights : For some, progress made in women’s legal rights in Nepal has been a Cinderella-like fairy tale; for many, women are frustratingly made to look like turtles in a race against rabbits of patriarchy, by Sabitri Rasaily (rep 18/11/2024)

Nine ‘E’s to Transform Women Entrepreneurship in Nepal, by Shova Gyawali (rep 18/09/2024)

Quality of equality for women : The Nepal government should stop moral policing of Tij, and focus on ensuring true socio-political representation by women (nt 06/09/2024)

Nepali women and girls under siege in digital space : Nepal Police bureau reports 90 percent surge in a year in cyber violence against women, by Aarati Ray (kp 05/09/2024)

Reform in social behaviour reduces unjust treatment to women, girls: Minister Jaiswal (rn 31/08/2024)

Nepali women creating milestones, by Sumitra Karki (ae 14/08/2024)

Nepali society must stand up for Dalit rights, by Simone Galimberti (ae 15/08/2024)

High time for schools to challenge menstrual discrimination (ae 21/08/2024)

Female labor force participation up in Madhes, by Manika Jha (ae 07/08/2024)

Women and tokenism : Instead of creating a more equal field, tokenism will destroy our gender-equal dreams (kp 30/07/2024)

Achham women’s ordeal of becoming entrepreneurs : Women Entrepreneurs Association says the tax waiver for industry registration, easy bank loans, and subsidies provided to women are being misused, by Menuka Dhungana (kp 07/07/2024)

NA meeting : Women are unsafe due to Chhaupadi system, lawmakers say (rn 23/06/2024) [The reason is the unchanged patriarchal mindset in state and society!]

National disgrace : Every night a woman has to spend in a chhau shed should count as the death of the conscience of Nepali society (kp 21/06/2024)

Panel highlights media’s role in women’s political visibility : Experts call for increased media support for women in Nepali politics (kp 13/06/2024)

Study reveals 71 percent of Dalit women face violence due to inter-caste marriage, by Pabitra Sunar (rep 07/06/2024)

Taming of the shrews : Even in politics, the men in charge prefer women who embody traditional femininity, by Sucheta Pyakuryal (kp 03/06/2024)

Increasing Investment In Women’s Health, by Shyam P Lohani (rn 02/06/2024)

Women in politics and policy-making positions in Nepal, by Pallav Bhusal (rn 02/06/2024)

Entrepreneurship For Women Empowerment, by Shyam Joshi (rn 31/05/2024)

For women in foreign employment, the way to empowerment back home is not easy : Stories of three women who returned from abroad for good and started a new life back home, overcoming barriers aplenty, by Sunita Baral (kp 29/05/2024)

33% of women in Nepal own property (kh 28/05/2024), Female participation in civil service reaches 28.5 percent (kh 28/05/2024)

Women are unequally vulnerable to disaster risk : Gender issues are just an afterthought in contemporary DRR policies and practices, by Priya Kamarcharya (kp 28/05/2024)

Feminism Is All About Equal Opportunities, by Kreeti Adhikari (rn 24/05/2024)

Beyond Quotas for Women's Political Empowerment, by Aastha Pokharel (rep 22/05/2024)

Women lead the way in Kathmandu city management, by Ruby Rauniyar (rep 20/05/2024)

Nepal’s banking industry is a leader in South Asia in employing women : They make up 45 percent of financial service staff, but much less in senior positions, by Krishana Prasain (kp 11/05/2024)

Kalpana's auto autonomy : Rickshaw operator in Jumla wants to encourage other women to take the wheel and gain independence, by Maheshwor Acharya (nt 10/05/2024)

Ministry Reports: Nearly 80% of women still face violence in Nepal (kh 07/05/2024)

Dalit women in local governance : Political parties must understand that quotas don’t ensure adequate and meaningful resources, by Sajhana Tolange (kp 05/05/2024)

It’s Time for Women to Take the Lead, by Prakriti Nepal (kh 17/04/2024)

One-third women representation an important achievement, but not enough: Former President Bhandari : She stresses on striving for proportional representation while also safeguarding the opportunities that are already achieved (kp 12/04/2024) [Without an end to patriarchal thinking and behaviour, the equal participation of women will remain a pseudo-issue!]

What hinders women’s meaningful representation : Achieving true gender equality requires policies that respect, value and treat women equally, by Rabina Shrestha (kp 11/04/2024)

Being a woman in Karnali -Three days in Jajarkot and Rukum!, by Samjhana Bista (rep 11/04/2024)

Analyzing Marital Rape Laws in Nepal, by Ruchi Dhital (rep 07/04/2024)

Of women and strongmen : Hardly have women begun to creep to the top and men already think women have too much power, by Deepak Thapa (kp 04/04/2024)

Climate Change Hits Pregnant Women, by Namrata Sharma (rn 03/04/2024)

Deconstructing flawed gender norms in fairy tales, by Shreyashi Bista (ae 01/04/2024)

Woman consumes poison in National Women Commission premises (kh 25/03/2024)

Gender equality begins at home, by Shivani Chenjong (ae 13/03/2024)

Helvetas Nepal's InElam Project Transforms Dalit Women, by Keshab Poudel (ap 10/03/2024)

Investing In Women: Accelerating Progress, by Prabin Manandhar (sp 10/03/2024)

Report shows Nepal ahead in closing gender gap. Ground reality is different : Men benefit from state subsidies, particularly those meant to help women become independent entrepreneurs, by Krishana Prasain (kp 08/03/2024)

Rural women deprived of reproductive health rights : At recent health camps in Achham, fewer people chose permanent family planning. Patriarchal attitudes and preference for sons blamed as root causes, by Menuka Dhungana (kp 08/03/2024)

Breaking barriers for women in foreign policy : With equal opportunities, meritorious women can contribute to IR with their intellectual insights, by Shradha Arjyal Joshi (kp 08/03/2024)

Solidarity Must To End Women’s Exploitation, by Namrata Sharma (rn 06/03/2024)

Women are key drivers of economic growth, societal progress, by Arzu Rana (kh 02/03/2024), Rana calls to reframe gender issues, up women’s participation : Congress leader Arzu Rana Deuba says Nepali women entrepreneurs face a myriad of challenges (kp 03/03/2024)

Bringing more women into science : Female scientists can now pursue their careers, but their role as caregivers represents a double burden, by Mamata Aryal (kp 09/02/2024)

Nepali women in foreign policy : Despite an inclusive constitution, appointment and recruitment are highly male-dominated, by Anjan Shakya (kp 09/01/2024)

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