Nepal Research
Website on Nepal and Himalayan Studies

Permanent crisis (current year) [partially commented link collection]

Since the Delhi Agreement between seven parliamentary parties and the insurgent CPN (Maoist) of 22 November 2005, the people of Nepal have been waiting in vain for the promised realisation of an inclusive democratic system. Although the then putsching monarchy was abolished and a constitution was passed in 2015 after long power struggles between the political parties, even this was the sole work of the exclusively male leaders of the three major parties, predominantly male Bahuns. The appropriate participation of all social groups, as provided for in the interim constitution of January 2007, did not take place. In this respect, the constitution of 2015 even represented in part a step backwards compared to the interim constitution.
Thus, apart from the abolition of the monarchy, not much has changed since the 1990 system. Numerous fundamental human rights continue to be disregarded. There is no inclusion of all social groups. All power and the majority of all state functions are still in the hands of male Khas Arya, especially male Bahuns.  The latter make up hardly 6 percent of the population, but the identification of the state and its society and culture, in short the nationalist image of the state of Nepal, is still based on the culture and partly narrow-minded, anarchic, patriarchal and socially discriminating view and thinking of this small minority. As long as this state of affairs continues and the failed generation of political leaders of all parties is not replaced by a younger generation that is inclusive, open-minded, receptive and not exclusively oriented towards personal power interests, there will be no end to the crisis situation.

Since today's political parties and their leaders are proven to be disinterested in solving the crisis and, to make matters worse, supporters of the long-failed systems of monarchy and Hindu state are trying to use the failure of politics to revitalise their own interests, the title of this sub-page has been changed from Crisis solution to Permanent crisis.

Time in Taksindu:
Human Rights
Crisis solution (current)

11/03/2025: Corroding nation-state and republic : What did Gyanendra or his predecessors do other than suppress the people for their interests?, by Lok Raj Baral (kp), Political storm brews as Gyanendra Shah’s message challenges major parties ideals (kp), Restore Hindu kings in India, not Nepal, says Shankar Pokharel to Indian religious figures (kh), Kamal Thapa: People are calling for democracy with a king (kh), Durga Prasai accuses Rajendra Lingden and Kamal Thapa of double standards in monarchy movement (kh) [The Hindu monarchy has amply demonstrated in the past that it is not suited to the multiethnic and multicultural state of Nepal. Gyanendra himself, like his father before him, staged a coup against democracy purely for the sake of power and is now clearly trying to do so again. Today's party political leaders have failed and urgently need to be replaced, but there is no alternative to democracy, especially not by a monarchy!], Parties rush to react after pro-monarchy demonstration : Leaders rule out return of monarchy but stress the need for progressive forces to stay vigilant, by Purushottam Poudel (kp) [This alone is not enough! The failed top politicians and all those who supported them in their misguided policies must be weeded out. The parties must not only preach appropriate social inclusion in terms of gender and ethnicity, federalism and secularism, but also actually practise it. Continuing as before is not democracy and leads to the abyss, as the demonstrations and anti-democratic statements of a still small minority of monarchists (5 per cent in the last elections) show!], Sushila Badi: From marginalised Dalit community to Provincial Lawmaker (ok), Financial Stability Key To Federalism, by Nahakul KC (rn), Foreign aid shift from grants to loans: The path ahead?, by Pushpa Chaulagain (ae), Migration misunderstood: Nepal’s self-inflicted crisis, by Nirmal Aryal (ae)

10/03/2025: Monarchists rally behind former King Gyanendra, sparking political tension : Merely dismissing the royalist wave as nostalgia risks alienating a segment of the population that genuinely feels left behind by the republic, by Gyanu Ghimire (kp) [However, one must not forget that a much larger section of the population once felt forgotten by the monarchy and the Hindu state, just as they do today by the ruling male Khas Arya oligarchy! We are talking here about Dalits, Janajatis, Madhesis, Muslims and women in general, i.e. the vast majority of Nepali society! In contrast, the RPP, which continues to demand monarchy and a Hindu state, was elected by just five per cent of the population in the last elections! The reasons for the increasingly apparent failure of democracy, republic and federalism lie with the political parties and their incompetent and exclusively power-hungry leaders! The claim that Gyanendra wants to ‘sacrifice himself once again for the nation’ is a farce. He too is only interested in returning to power.], Ex-king returns to capital to rousing support : Political parties, seemingly alarmed by the monarchists’ surge, stress delivery as an answer (kp), Gone are the days : The only credible way to establish the support for monarchy is through the ballot box (kp), Royalist resurgence and the fragile republic : The former king appears to be seeking backing from India’s Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) for his campaign, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (ae), National Assembly member calls for reserved proportional electoral seats for women (kh), Amid reform delays, rights body braces for status review : NHRC member Surya Dhungel claims they are in a stronger position to defend the commission’s ‘A’ status, by Binod Ghimire (kp), Meltdown at the top of the world, by Masatsugu Asakawa, president of ADB (kh), Presumption of Guilt Until Proven Innocent: The Erosion of a Fundamental Right in Nepal, by Ankit Raj Pandey (rep), An analysis of social media bill, by Krishna Raman Adhikari (ae), Social media bill needs to be revised to uphold global human rights principles : Freedom of expression protects all forms of information, regardless of the truth or falsehood of the content, interview with  Ana Cristina Ruelas, Senior Programme Specialist on Freedom of Expression at UNESCO (kp), Nepal is losing its cultural identity: From temples to tongues, by Aaryan Kunwar (ht), Unleashing inclusive power for Nepal’s sustainable future, by Gita Subedi (ok), Bhagyashree Chaudhary’s political rise in Madhesh, by Shailendra Mahato (ok), Work Towards Empowering Women, by Ballav Dahal (rn), KDAO imposes two-month ban on protests and gatherings in various areas of  Kathmandu (rep)

09/03/2025: The Systemic Use and Misuse of Democracy in Nepal, by Vidhu Prakash Kayastha (rep), Gyanendra Shah’s political overtures put major parties on edge (kh) [Why is an abolished institution, which was one of the main responsible forces for the escalation of casualties during the Maoist insurgency, still allowed to be politically active? This is unconstitutional, despite some justified criticism of the politicians and parties. After all, this man has already once staged a coup against the democratic system! When will the Nepalis learn from history?], Kathmandu on high alert as royalist groups plans mass rally for Gyanendra Shah’s return (kh), Mainstream parties struggle to respond as pro-monarchy forces hit the streets : As royalist forces rally around deposed king Gyanendra Shah, Nepali Congress chief Deuba and Prime Minister Oli again dare him to form a party and fight election, by Anil Giri (kp) [Instead of asking an anti-democratic force to actively participate in the democratic system, the so-called top politicians should implement a people-orientated democracy themselves!], Security tightened at TIA ahead of Gyanendra Shah’s arrival (kh), Real communists are those who fight for the people, not for power, interview with Narayan Man Bijukchhe by Gyanu Ghimire (kh), Bridge the digital gender gap : Lack of access to tech impacts women and LGBTQIA+ individuals’ economic participation, by Anuvishub Sanjay Tamang (kp), Kulman Ghising calls Minister’s clarification notice prejudiced and unfair (kh), Lawmakers demand guaranteed women representation at policy-making level (rep)

08/03/2025: Health ministry braces for Rs3 billion budget cut next year : Finance ministry has capped next year’s health budget at Rs83 billion even as the US halts its aid, by Arjun Poudel (kp) [??], Women As Leaders, Not Just Participants, by Patricia Fernandez-Parcheco (rn), Prachanda suggest Gyanendra Shah to form party and contest elections (kh) [Just as confused as KP Oli the day before?], Monarchy cannot be alternative to republic: Minister Lekhak (rn) [The place of Nepali monarchy is in the dustbin of history!], Minister’s construction company fails to complete bridge project in Saptari even after six years : The project in Chatti Tol in Tilathi Koiladi Rural Municipality was contracted to Purna Bahadur Tamang’s company Kanchharam Construction in 2018, by Abdhesh Kumar Jha (kp), Special Court convicts Nepali officials, foreign firms in Mobile Device Management System procurement case : The court sentenced former NTA chairmen Digambar Jha and Purushottam Khanal to one year and imposed penalties of Rs58 million each (kp), Government's Misplaced Priority (rep)

07/03/2025: Warrants issued against 10 activists supporting the Mukkumlung movement in Taplejung (kh), Machhapuchhre Bank freezes account of activist Saru Limbu over Pathibhara cable car protest (kh) [An incredibly authoritarian approach against a person who is exercising her right to freedom of expression!], Minister Gurung: Gyanendra Shah has forgotten his place (kh), Recognise Women’s Role In Nutrition, by Monica Pradhan (rn), In the driving seat (ae), Women’s rights in Nepal: Constitutional pledges v ground reality, by Shraddha Acharya (ae), Ensuring safe public space for women, by Shreya Shrestha (ae), The slaughter of our daughters : Nepal ranks highest for sex ratio at birth in the region due to gender-biased sex selection, by Shristi Karki (nt), Women first in 2027 : Empowering women to enter politics and preparing candidates for elections two years away, by Sangya Lamsal (nt), Culture of cover-up : Society-backed exoneration of those committing violence on women hints at a deep social malaise (kp), After a month of wrangling, upper house approves 5 ordinances : But the land-related ordinance is still pending due to protests by several parties (kp)

06/03/2025: Nepal’s geopolitical dilemma: Navigating foreign policy among China, India, and USA, by Binoj Basnet (kh), Five ordinances approved by National Assembly (kh), PM Oli challenges former King Gyanendra to contest elections (kh) [Former putschists and dictators are not compatible with democracy. This also applies to former putschist PMs! Do the Nepalis really have such a short-term memory?], Creating a regime of fear : The government is criminalising dissent in the name of regulating social networks, by Dinesh Kafle (kp), Let the investigation begin : Large-scale corruption is not possible without the collusion of the political leadership, by Naresh Koirala (kp)

05/03/2025: A check on executive power : The National Assembly’s role in safeguarding democracy is indispensable, especially during crises, by Khim Lal Devkota (kp)

04/03/2025: Bridging the Gender Equality Gap: A Call for Action in Nepal, by Gita Subedi (kh), Women face intimidation and violence amid Pathibhara protests (kh), Constitutional Amendment: Path to Stability or Political Unrest?, by Randhir Chaudhary (rep) [The so-called top politicians of the main parties are responsible for the political instability. The proposed constitutional amendments would only make the situation worse!], Govt’s move to revive Political Parties Bill sparks fears of political manipulation (kh), Govt to present five ordinances in parliament on Wednesday (kh), Govt halts land-related ordinance (rep 04/03/2025), UML and Nepali Congress issue whip for lawmakers to compulsorily attend House meeting tomorrow (kh), JSPN maintains support for government despite opposing land-related ordinance (kh), Five months after Kavrepalanchok floods, survivors cling to their crumbling homes in fear and without aid : As authorities dillydally in delivering aid for rebuilding, survivors fear the approaching monsoon will leave them stranded, by Jyoti Shrestha (kp), How Dalits practise untouchability : Criticising upper castes for excluding lower castes while the latter also practise exclusion is ironic, by Mitra Pariyar (kp), Experts stress menstruation as a public health and gender discrimination issue, by Pabitra Sunar (rep)

03/03/2025: A Closed Chapter of History (rep) [Nepal's politicians and political parties are putting on an unbelievable spectacle, but a small minority must not once again replace the hard-won democracy, which has been abused by the leading politicians, with the unjust regime of the Hindu monarchy!], Govt indifferent to Transitional Justice implementation (rep), FATF grey list: Repercussion of the power paradox, by Pushpa Raj Joshi (ht), Nepal’s Role in UN Peacekeeping Operations, by Januka Regmi (kh), Reminiscing last week: Mix of significant developments (kh), Constitutional Council meet delay leaves six key positions vacant : Oli reportedly waiting for Parliament to pass amendments to council law to give him upper hand in decision-making, by Binod Ghimire (kp) [Over and over again unconstitutional and anti-national machinations of KP Oli for the purpose of personal power interests!], Bill to amend Political Parties Act mulled to ‘browbeat fringe forces into backing ordinances’ : Smaller parties accuse Congress and UML of planning law revision to effect splits in them, by Purushottam Poudel (kp) [With such reprehensible policy, the decline of once dominant national parties will continue unabated, as Western nations are also experiencing at this time!], Unholy business : Playing with the Political Parties Act will further undermine ruling parties’ democratic credentials (kp), Constitution has good provisions on election system, only laws need change : It’s high time we adopted an early voting system for those staying outside their constituencies, interview with Chief Election Commissioner Dinesh Kumar Thapaliya (kp) [There are many points to agree within this interview, but the constitution already contains electoral regulations that urgently need to be revised, for example to finally achieve better social inclusion. This is particularly due to the incredible abuse of the direct election system by the political parties!], Excessive holidays trouble service seekers (rep), Budget deficit widens to Rs 110bn (ae), Balen targets KP Oli again, calls UML cadres corrupt (kh)

02/03/2025:  The Civic Space Severely Under Threat : The use of internet services and social media accounts is inevitable for individuals in a democratic world, by Charan Prasai (rep), Need for the Right to Anonymity, by Bivek Chaudhary (kh), Youth dedicated to nation is the need of the day: PM Oli (kh) [A competent PM and an equally competent government dedicated to social inclusion, democracy, federalism, secularism, respect of fundamental human right and radical anti-corruption is also the need of the hour!], Ruling parties explore ‘strategies’ to pass ordinances : Preparations to amend the Political Parties Act could be a strategy to push fringe parties to vote for the ordinances, by Binod Ghimire (kp), Ensure Transparency in Land Ordinance (rep), JSP-N not to support other ordinances unless land ordinance is withdrawn (rep), RSP suspects government’s foul intention in not producing Lamichhane to Parsa court : Almost a month after Lamichhane was presented to Chitwan court, the case against him has not proceeded in Parsa (kp), Strategic Approach To Foreign Aid, by Krishna Raman Adhikari (rn)

01/03/2025: Experts call for revisions in Social Media Bill (kh), Ruling parties to table ordinances on March 5 : Congress and UML leaders plan to convince two Madhesh-based parties on the disputed land ordinance, by Anil Giri (kp), JSP-Nepal not to support land related ordinance, says will devastate Madhesh (rep), Govt plans to submit Ordinances for Parliamentary approval by March 6 (kh), Harka challenges PM Oli in defense of Balen (rep), Budget estimates of around Rs 1.9 trillion in the offing (kh) [The budget is always a farce because, thanks to the incompetent government, only a fraction of it is actually invested!]

28/02/2025: Data shows low participation of Dalit women in decision-making levels (kh), Human rights body to recommend revisions to Social Media Bill : Social media needs regulation, not control, NHRC chair Magar says, at an interaction held to discuss proposed legal provisions (kp), Govt’s inaction contributing to public discontent: Gagan Thapa (kh), US aid suspension under Trump disrupts key health surveys in Nepal : Experts say lack of reliable data will hinder health planning and effective interventions, by Arjun Poudel (kp), Delays in foreign exchange approval renew internet shutdown threat : Nepal owes around Rs8 billion to Indian upstream providers, who are running out of patience, Nepali ISPs say (kp), Former Ambassador Karna criticizes land ordinance, warns of ‘looting regime’ (kh), Progress and/or Preservation : Nepal needs development, but development needs to be redefined, by Shristi Karki (nt), Enslaved Nepali migrant worker rebuilds her life : “No one knows what I had been through in Lebanon. The troubles are mine to keep.”, by Sajita Lama (nt)

27/02/2025: Nepal seeks support for UN Human Rights Council membership (kh) [A country with so many human rights shortcomings of its own like Nepal is not really qualified for membership in the UN Human Rights Council!], Nepal, China sign deal to boost ethnic ties : Two neighbours aim to promote ethnic cultures, tourism, governance, and academics through cultural exchanges (kp), Speak less, listen more : Grassroots campaigns of political parties should be used to connect with people, not shift blames (kp), Familiar faces, unfamiliar fear: Rape survivors speak out, by Saskanda Khadka (rep), Nepal's elections: The challenge of proxy voting, by Vidhu Prakash Kayastha (ht), Civil Society As A Vital Peacemaker, by Tara Dahal (rn), Rajendra Mahato vows to struggle for pluralistic national identity (kh)

26/02/2025: E-governance board introduces blueprint for digital transformation : Plan proposes the establishment of several institutions to strengthen Nepal’s digital infrastructure, by Aarati Ray (kp), Listen to reason : The Pathibhara protestors’ demand for a ministerial-level government talks team is justified (kp), The virality of sensational lies : With media chasing it, questioning has turned into maligning people and sabotaging institutions, by CK Lal (kp), Balen's response to Trump: Federalism on the receiving end, by Jiba Raj Pokharel (ht)

25/02/2025: Protect Essence of Free Speech (rep), Four people arrested for posting statuses to protest PM’s program (rep) [The basic democratic right to freedom of expression obviously does not apply when his majesty, Mr Oli, is criticised!], Nepal reaffirms commitment to human rights at UN Human Rights Council : Foreign Minister Arzu Rana Deuba highlights Nepal’s democratic progress, transitional justice, and climate concerns (kp) [But the reality looks different!], Nepali Army cites TRC in Maina Sunuwar case (ae), Call for Reform in Divorce Law in Nepal, by Sharmila Chandi Shrestha (Tandukar) (rep), Chure activists decry land ordinance : They claim it paves the way for encroachment of millions of hectares of Tarai forest land, by Aarati Ray (kp), Of princes, power and politics : Nepali parties are building popular belief systems which are eroding the ethos of democracy, by Sucheta Pyakuryal (kp), Debate sparks over ‘First Lady’ title for PM’s wife (kh) [??], MP Rekha Sharma criticizes PM Oli and former King Gyanendra (kh), Youths call for changes in education policy and curriculum to stop mass exodus , by Arjun Oli and Ganesh Bishu (rep), Monsoon-related disaster survivors to be provided relief (rn) [Don't be in a hurry, there are still more than three months until the next monsoon!]

24/02/2025: Nepal’s ‘Grey List’ dilemma: Leaders defend black money; businessmen hesitant to disclose investment sources, by Narayan Aryal (kh), In the grey, again : Political party leaders are yet to internalise the importance of a clean and efficient fiscal sector (kp), Land ordinance aims to resolve practical problems : Nearly 300,000 landless Dalits and squatters should get priority during land distribution, interview with Jagat Deuja (kp), Social Media Bill: A direct attack on the right to anonymity?, by Pratikshya Aganja (ae), Reminiscing last week: Politics, economy and blame-game (kh), NP Saud urges immediate compensation for freed Kamaiyas affected by Mahakali Irrigation Project (kh), Seven more US-funded programs in Nepal suspended (kh)

23/02/2025: Prohibitory order imposed in Taplejung amid Cable Car dispute (kh), RSP calls for immediate halt to Pathibhara cable car construction (kh), Lawmakers call for disclosure of expenditures under USAID programs (kh), Home Ministry sends letter to establish ‘Dalit Desk’ at Police Headquarters (kh), Bamdev suggests former King Gyanendra to form a party and become PM (kp) [Has his alleged communist lost his marbles?], Yogesh Bhattarai on Pathibhara Cable Car: Mixing religion with politics fueled controversy (kh) [The worst mixing of politics and religion was the Hindu state with its discriminatory social hierarchy. The negative excesses are still visible everywhere. The tensions in the originally non-Hindu Taplejung region are an example.], Return of the repressed : The voices repressed by the dominant parties are now coming back with a vengeance, by Ajaya Bhadra Khanal (kp), Ride-hailing guidelines delayed despite top court order : Without clear regulations, ride-hailing services operate in a legal grey area, raising concerns over worker protection, competition, and tax compliance (kp) [Such non-compliance with court orders is normal for Nepal's Netas!], Balancing Development and Conservation: A Call for a Prudent Approach, by Dikshya Pokhrel (rep), USAID, Deep State And Trump Tremors, by Ritu Raj Subedi (rn)

22/02/2025: FNJ decries manhandling and unnecessary pressure on journalists (rep), Government Report Card: Just Awful (rep) It’s official: Nepal falls back into FATF grey list : Paris meeting has approved Nepal’s plan to come out of the list, says Finance Minister Paudel, vowing to act, by Anil Giri (kp), Nepal placed on FATF grey list for not doing enough against money laundering (kh), Nepal to exit FATF Grey List ahead of schedule: Finance Minister (kh) [???], Nepal lands on FATF grey list: Can it bounce back? (rep)

21/02/2025: Nepal is not a failed state, but it is a fragile one : Two books on the socio-political history of Nepal have lessons for the country's future, by Sonia Awale (nt), Nepal’s Governance Mired In Endemic Corruption, by Dipak Gyawali (sp), Transitional justice in limbo with process paused for two months : There seems to be no urgency in appointing commissioners even as conflict victims’ quest for justice drags on for years. Victims plan to hit the streets demanding a new committee (kp) [As often mentioned on this website: Those who were once responsible are in leading positions and have no interest in justice for the victims!], The Great Game, 2nd Half : The MCC grant suspension will hurt US credibility and impede Nepal’s infrastructure plans, by Sonia Awale (nt), ‘Dear Trump, thank you for making us feel our country is better’: Balen Shah (kh), Is Modi unhappy with Nepali Congress-UML alliance? Sher Bahadur Deuba’s last-minute India visit cancellation sparks speculation, by Keshab Sawad (kh) [see it as part of US, Indian and Chines intervention in Nepal!], Reigniting the era of gunpowder : China can counter its 'global security threat' image by collaborating on tech and AI with peripheral nations, by Hindu Sanskriti Karki (kp), KMC Mayer Balen Shah asks PM Oli for ‘basis to live as a Nepali’ (kh), Govt. undermining multi-party democracy: Madhav Nepal (kh), Pathibhara cable car protest resurges. Several injured : Clash ensued on Thursday as ‘No Cable Car’ campaigners tried to reach the construction site in Taplejung, by Ananda Gautam (kp), Nepal's electoral threshold: A challenge to fair representation, by Vidhu Prakash Kayastha (ht), Unlocking Nepal’s Soft Power Potentials, by Ritesh Panthee (rn), Dr. Bhattarai’s comments on former King spark backlash from pro-monarchy leaders (kh), Saving what is left of Himalayan rivers : Not all mountain rivers need to be monetised, saving them will save us from climate breakdown, by Kunda Dixit (nt)

20/02/2025: 1,081 human rights violations recorded in Sudurpaschim Province in 2024 (kh), MCC funds freeze sparks fears of project delays : Nepal’s 2028 deadline for US-funded Millennium Challenge Corporation projects could be missed, by Anil Giri (kp), Is external funding really noxious?, by Pushpa Raj Joshi (rep), Fair regulation of social media : Having a ministry as a regulator of such platforms and their users is unacceptable, by Suraj Ray (kp), Nepal's Tryst with Democracy and Destiny (rep), Nepal at risk of FATF gray listing (ae)

19/02/2025: Devi Sunar asks UN to halt support to Army until daughter gets justice : Maina Sunar was tortured to death by Army soldiers 21 years ago over alleged Maoist ties, by Binod Ghimire (kp),  Government can enforce law to regulate free speech, top court rules : Constitutional Bench says that freedom of opinion and expression, despite being fundamental, is not absolute, by Binod Ghimire (kp), Stunted future : For an agriculture-based economy, it is a shame that our children are hungry and undernourished (kp), Govt fails to meet key milestones (kh), Govt cites 11 reasons for failing to achieve fiscal year goals (kh), US President Trump criticizes U.S. aid to Nepal and India, calls funding ‘fraud’ (kp) [What an arrogant puke! It's hard to imagine that the American people elected him to office without 'fraud'!], Nepal to focus on crucial health programmes, seeks donor support : Officials call for a bigger healthcare budget to continue maternal and child health, nutrition, and immunisation next year, by Arjun Poudel (kp), Who will lead the Nepali Congress next? Race for Nepali Congress Presidency heats up amid internal power struggles, by Keshab Sawad (kh), Shandar Mo:Mo tragedy sheds light on Nepal’s poor work culture, by Pawan Mudbhari (kh), Monarchy’s ‘ghost’ reviving to threaten political stability, warns Pokharel (kh) [Instead of realising a socially inclusive federal republic, the patriarchal high-caste elite has focused on pointless and anti-democratic power struggles! Neither Hindu monarchy nor patriarchal Khas Arya oligarchy offer a solution for the multiethnic and multicultural state of Nepal!], Nepal’s public debt crosses Rs 2.611 trillion Ratio of public debt to GDP reaches 45.77 percent (rep)

18/02/2025: Noise, dust and fear. Bethanchok battles crusher plants : Unregulated stone quarries in Bethanchok and Panauti in Kavrepalanchok have put schools, homes, and lives at risk. Residents call for urgent action, by Jyoti Shrestha (kp), Don’t exonerate them : The home minister and the IGP must resign if they have abused power in the Sarlahi case, by Mitra Pariyar (kp), Locally elected politicians: They should be more responsive and accessible, by Simone Galimberti (ht), 'Effective enforcement of law must to end child marriage', by Uma Sharma (rn), Where do our lawmakers disappear during sessions? (In photos) (kh), MCC projects also halted in Nepal after USAID (kh) [!!!!!], MCC project in Nepal suspended (rep), Police working to mediate after mockery of Newari accent sparks outrage (rep)

17/02/2025: Reminiscing last week: Political and social developments (kh), PM Oli declines to answer lawmaker’s ‘offensive’ questions : In another unusual event, upper house passes a motion regretting a lower house member’s criticism of its affairs, by Binod Ghimire (kp) [Typically criticism-hating Oli!], USAID funding freeze: Ministry terminates jobs of 36 staff nurses in federal, provincial hospitals : Health experts warn that achievements made in Nepal’s health sector with years of investment could unravel as a key donor agency pulls the plug (kp), Time for some self-help : The rollback of American aid can be the push Nepali actors needed to be more self-reliant (kp), Deuba can’t save coalition if PM Oli undermines Congress : Pushpa Kamal Dahal treated Congress as a junior partner while portraying himself as the leader who had become prime minister because of his acumen, interview with Minandre Rijal, NC (kp), Former President Yadav calls for environmental protection, by Mithilesh Yadan and Surendra Yadav (rep), Habeas corpus: Protection against unlawful detention, by Prabin Kumar Yadav (ae), Stakeholders oppose decision to lower legal marriage age (kh)

16/02/2025: Nepal’s Maoists: A party divided by leadership struggles, by Gyanu Ghimire (kh), Divorce in debate: News item or invasion of privacy?, by Sita Neupane (kh), Limited slots at government daycare centres leave working mothers without support : The daycare at Singha Durbar prioritises permanent staff, leaving contractual civil servant mums at a disadvantage, by Aarati Ray (kp), USAID fiasco and the NGO ecosystem : Breaking free from the cycle of dependence requires rethinking Nepal’s development framework, by Vibhav Pradhan and Ashish Ghimire (kp), Mukkumlung Struggle Committee in second phase of protest against cable car project : Groups opposing cable car in Pathibhara, Taplejung say the government is not ready to form a high-level dialogue team (kp), The Cable Car Controversy, by Narayan Manandhar (rep), Social media from the eyes of Nepali women: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly, by Smriti Dhungana (rep)

15/02/2025: Nepali Congress ministers ignore Deuba’s instructions on party engagement, by Keshab Sawad (kh), Congress battle heats up as Deuba seeks convention delay : Deuba loyalists plan to counter Koirala-Thapa faction, but party president noncommittal on successor, by Anil Giri (kp), More questions arise over Pathibhara cable car deal (kh), Government finally decides to constitute juvenile court : The court to be established in Bhaktapur will start service from April 15 per the decision published in Nepal Gazette (kp), Development partners weigh options to fill the gap as USAID support to Nepal hangs in balance, by Kosh Raj Koirala (rep) [The world has enough problems and does not need a country that tramples on democracy and human rights and prioritises the self-interests of a few super-rich over humanitarian aid for the needy!], Civic Competence For Democratic Polity, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn), Kathmandu becomes the most polluted city in the world (kh)

14/02/2025: “Govt violated talks; no cable car in Mukkumlung now!”, by Saraswata Singak (kh), Govt negligence leaves Babarmahal residents reeling after pipe burst floods homes and businesses, by Sita Neupane (kh), Comedy of errors : There is misalignment in the efforts of public agencies that should be working together (kp), Pipe burst calls for improved coordination (rep), Detailed damage survey begins 15 months after Jajarkot earthquake : Assessment has started in Nalgad and Bheri municipalities of Jajarkot as a pilot project. 44 victims of Jajarkot earthquake died in shelters, 12 in floods and landslidest, by Krishna Prasad Gautam (kp) [This exaggerated haste leaves you speechless. What a competent government this is!], Could the ordinances backfire on coalition if Assembly rejects one? Constitutional experts argue that losing a majority in the upper house is no threat to the government, by Binod Ghimire (kp), First batch of 1,000 Nepali auxiliary workers set to depart for Israel (kh) [Nepalese workers should not be sent to war zones where all warring parties are violating basic human rights!], Wildfires and brick firing season degrade Valley air quality : Experts warn that a prolonged dry spell may exacerbate forest fires and further worsen pollution levels. Vulnerable and sensitive people at risk (kp), Media Action Nepal slams NA's decision to pass restrictive Media Council Bill (rep), Government's income, expenditure remain weak in seven months (rn), Ban on female migrant workers to be lifted : Nepal must recognise and protect its undocumented female domestics in West Asia while legalising migration, by Ayushman Bhagat and Sunita Mainali (nt)

13/02/2025: Rotting from the head : Frustration with corruption, mismanagement and bad governance is reaching a boiling point (kp), Govt scrambles for support as ordinances face uncertain fate, by Gyanu Ghimire (kh), Ruling Loktantrik Samajbadi Party opposes disputed land ordinance : Mahantha Thakur’s party joins the opposition to the government’s land ordinance, stressing concerns over its impact on marginalised communities (kp), Air pollution in Kathmandu ranks second globally (kh) [The situation is always the same at this time of year. What has the government done to change this? Absolutely nothing!], Top court finally starts hearing petitions against four-year-old constitutional body appointments : The 52 appointments made by KP Sharma Oli in his earlier prime ministerial term were controversial for the recommendation process was modified through an ordinance (kp) [Take your time! PM Oli, who at the time staged a coup and was later deposed, was back in office faster than the SC would even want to react in this important matter!], Judicial reforms cannot wait, by Deependra Bista (ae), Broken minds, hidden cries: Nepal’s neglected youth, by Shraddha Acharya (ae)

12/02/2025: Falling short : Even as women continue to suffer from violence, justice remains elusive (kp), Predicaments of a subordinate society : No matter how high a person from a minority group rises, ethnonational leadership is always above, by CK Lal (kp), Govt faces roadblock as JSP withholds support for ordinances (kh), JSP Nepal refuses to support land ordinance, urges govt to withdraw it (kh), JSP-Nepal refuses to back disputed land ordinance : The Madhesh-based party says the ordinance favours corrupt elites, threatens public land, national interest, by Binod Ghimire (kp), Average national IQ pseudoscience : Generalised and unverified claims popping up as scientific research on the internet can be harmful, by Kiran Raj Pandey (kp), How economic inequality is driving youths abroad, by Pratik Ghimire (ae)

11/02/2025: Role of Corruption and Media Suppression in Nepal, by Ganga Thapa (kh), Corruption concerns grow as Nepal falls in global index (kh), TI Report: Corruption rises in Nepal, CPI ranking drops to 107th with a score of 34 (rep), Opposition protests removal of Anti-Corruption Bill from parliamentary agenda (kh), Tensions rise in parliament as deputy speaker faces opposition backlash (kh), Social Media Bill to be revised before endorsement, say members of various parties : ‘Just because opposition did not protest while the government presented it in Assembly does not mean they support it’ (kp), Have some heart : There can be no bigger health priority than saving the lives of children with timely cardiac care (kp), Monarchy’s popularity amid instability : The leading contemporary parties can be blamed for elevating Gyanendra’s popularity, by Paban Raj Pandey (kp) [Unfortunately, people never learn from history or they forget too quickly. The political parties are to blame for the political chaos, weak democracy and non-implementation of federalism, especially associated with the names of Oli, Dahal and Deuba. But the original blame for non-inclusive society, Khas Arya elitism, patriarchy and Hindu state lies with the Shah monarchy. Only a minority of the population has benefited from it and the political parties have done nothing to change it! How can the masses have forgotten Gyanendra's coup and the excesses of 2005 after only 20 years?], JSP Nepal withholds support for land ordinance (kh), Ministry of Finance to reprioritize the budget spending (ae), From exclusion to inclusion: Building equity for disadvantaged groups in forestry, by Aayushma Bhatta (ae)

10/02/2025: Political analysis or guesswork? We continue to trust political ‘experts’ who offer neat solutions to complex long-term problems, by Biswas Baral (kp), A crisis exploited : The new land-related ordinance is problematic. To solve one problem, it will create many others (kp), Nepal’s Debt Crisis and Corruption : The cases of bribery, nepotism, and embezzlement that continue to plague Nepal are classic hallmarks of a kleptocracy, by Vidhu Prakash Kayastha (rep), The Social Media Bill: A comparison with the theory of information overflow, by Vidhu Prakash Kayastha (ht), Protest against Pathibhara cable car resumes after failed talks with Government (kh), Lawmakers criticise Pathibhara Cable Car Project for ignoring local sentiments (ok), Reminiscing last week: A mix of political developments (kh), TI Nepal raises concern over ordinances (kh), No objection from opposition parties as government introduces Social Media Bill in Parliament : While the bill is widely criticised, including by leaders from ruling parties, opposition lawmakers didn’t register any rejection proposal (kp) [?????], Priotise To Approve Pending Bills, by Ballav Dahal (rn), Three major parties exploiting the country: Bhattarai (ae), Fluid politics makes it hard to build long-term ties, interview with German ambassador Tomas Prinz (ae), Contempt of Court case against Prime Minister over Giribandhu case (kh), Dalit activist Sunar arrested while trying to enter Parliament building (kh), Activist Sunar arrested for demanding Home Minister’s resignation (rep) [Demanding the resignation of the Home Minister is not a crime!]

09/02/2025: The coalition cannot deliver : Nepal’s biggest parties are losing their core values and aren’t focusing on the actual problems, by Ajaya Bhadra Khanal (kp) [Transform Nepal into a socially inclusive state with gender and ethnic parity. Reject Hindu thinking and patriarchy. Eradicate nepotism and corruption and, oh yes, Oli, Deuba and Dahal should retire from politics immediately! They are mainly responsible for the country's permanent democratic crisis!], Eighteen years of Madhesh uprising : It improved political representation, but marginalisation within the marginalised is emerging, by Tula Narayan Shah (kp), Prime Minister Oli rejects “People’s War” day label, stresses importance of Democracy Day (kh) [This day marks the beginning of a dark phase in Nepal's history. It began after the then PM Deuba, your current coalition partner, was unwilling to talk about the Maoists' demands, most of which were very reasonable. The Shah dynasty promised democracy in 1951 but imposed a restoration of the absolutist monarchy. Now multi-ethnic Nepal remains an oligarchy, only partially a democracy! So both occasions are rather commemorations of unfulfilled expectations and hopes!], Government, Pathibhara protesters at odds over talks team formation : The agitating side has been demanding the issue be resolved at the political level, not at the bureaucratic one, by Purushottam Poudel (kp), Taplejung cable car: Talks end inconclusively (kh), Do not evict landless squatters, commission tells governments : Land problem resolution panel says removing them without proper arrangements breaches their constitutional rights (kp), Malnutrition continues to afflict children in Nepal’s food basket : In Madhesh Province, babies suffer mainly due to poverty and lack of awareness, by Shankar Acharya (kp), JSP-Nepal undecided over ordinances but ruling parties count on its support : Leader of the Madhes-based party says it may surprise both the ruling and opposition sides with a last-minute decision (kp)

08/02/2025: Women Commission’s helpline struggles to meet demand amid rising cases : Survivors of gender-based violence in Nepal often face an uphill battle navigating the country’s complex support system, by Aarati Ray (kp), Int’l Human Rights Organizations urge Nepal to suspend Pathibhara Cable Car project (kh), Chandra Dhakal: Pathibhara cable car will create jobs for Taplejung residents (kh) [Obviously no respect on the part of the small Bahun minority towards the numerous non-Hindu cultures of Nepal!], ‘Republic offers opportunity to protect identity of all’ (kh) [You should remind Chandra Prasad Dhakal of this!], Climate crisis driving families from Nepal’s mountain, hill villages : Call for action to mitigate climate migration as droughts, floods, lost livelihoods force vulnerable families to leave, by Arjun Poudel (kp) [An urgent task for the Oli government. Is this disinterest, incompetence or both?], 17 US nationals, one Indian under investigation for proselytisation : They are accused of using voluntary work as a cover for coercing religious conversions, by Matrika Dahal (kp), National Shame Projects! (rep), Sudden removal of legislation bill from House agenda raises concerns, by Ishwari Subedi (rep), Attitude Change Key To Consolidate Democracy, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn), Budget spending of provinces stands at 16 per cent in six months (kh) [Why should the provincial governments do a better job than the central government, which always decides on the formation and composition of the provincial governments despite the federal state?]

07/02/2025: No comment : The Nepal government is once more trying to suppress freedom of expression in instalments, and activists are crying foul, by Shristi Karki (nt), Budget trimmed by 9 percent, citing low spending capacity : The revised estimate is Rs1.69 trillion. Only 35.89 percent, or Rs667.6 billion, spent in the first six months, by Sangam Prasain (kp), Negotiations with Yadav’s party delay ordinances’ passage from Parliament : Talks on with the Janata Samajbadi Party-Nepal, whose support is vital for the ruling parties to muster a majority in the upper house, by Purushottam Poudel (kp), Caught between the winds : Congress struggles to reclaim its democratic identity amid political unpredictability and opportunism, by Sanjeev Satgainya (kp), Divorce cases spike in Surkhet and other Karnali Province districts : Most divorce cases filed by women cite domestic violence as the main reason, by Jyotee Katuwal (kp), Save the trees : Continued destruction of our precious natural resources could invite an environmental ruin (kp), Nepal's climate crisis: Role of youth in advocating for action, by Aaryan Kunwar (ht), Dalit rights activists write to NC demanding action against home minister (rep), The new equaliser : Remittance money sent home by migrant workers annually is at least 30 times the aid Nepal receives (nt), Revisiting Transitional Justice (Reflections In The Shadow Of History), by Surya Dhungel (sp), Lingering Peace Accord And Peacebuilding In Nepal, by Govind Prasad Thapa (sp), Transitioning To Stalled Transitional Justice Process, by Shobhakar Budhathoki (sp), The Hidden Plight: Children In Agriculture And The Looming Shadow Of Hazardous Labor, by Suva BC (sp)

06/02/2025: Winter drought and low rainfall heighten fire risk, by Narayan Aryal (kh), Unprepared : As country could see many more forest fires in near future, those tackling it must be properly equipped (kp), Govt withholds ordinance in parliament due to lack of majority (rep), Restructuring CAAN: Legislature's dilemma or ignorance?, by Prakash Sharma (ht), Examining Nepal’s Aviation Struggles, by Pramod Basnet (rn)

05/02/2025: Jajarkot earthquake: Detailed damage assessment and reconstruction plans set to begin (kh) [An inconceivable lack of action by the government and administration!], JSP-Nepal could tip the scales on ordinances : The ruling Congress-UML coalition is strong in the lower house, but upper house remains a battleground, by Purushottam Poudel (kp), Speak up for provinces : Political leaders must step forward to ensure that provinces function as autonomous entities, by Khim Lal Devkota (kp), AG under investigative scrutiny for not filing Rabi’s organized crime case (rep), OAG forms probe committee (kh), Chitwan District Court sends Rabi Lamichhane to judicial custody (kh), Snowless winters threaten farming and tourism in Dolakha (ae)

04/02/2025: Distracted by communist utopia : Communist leaders are adept at falsely wooing Dalits with great promises about our freedom, by Mitra Pariyar (kp), Taplejung cable car project: What’s fueling the protests? (kh), 12 hours of talks, no breakthrough: Government stands firm as Pathibhara cable car protests continue (kh), Nationwide internet outage raises concerns over outstanding dues : Apparent fibre cable issues in Airtel’s network in the Tarai spark suspicion of a pressure tactic over unpaid dues, by Krishana Prasain (kp), Collective failure : A troubling lack of consent awareness among Nepali boys points to a deeply flawed education system (kp) [The reasons lie deeper. They are closely related to the patriarchal society and the extremely inferior position of women in the Hindu social hierarchy, which are also reflected in the current constitution and subordinate laws!], Avoiding Nepal’s FATF Grey-listing, by Anil Karki (rep), Renewed push for Madhesi-Tharu unity, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (ae)

03/02/2025: 10 challenges that need urgent attention : Without urgent action, the country risks further decline, with long-term consequences for its economy, society, and democracy, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (ae), Reminiscing last week: Political and economic developments (kh), Cable car protest shuts transport in nine eastern districts : Protesters claim the project threatens the environment, Limbu culture, and residents’ livelihoods, by Ananda Gautam (kp), Two long-delayed civil aviation bills return to federal parliament : Bills vital for safety of Nepali skies and opening up Nepal’s airports to private investment, by Sangam Prasain (kp), Bill registered to split CAAN (ae), Trump’s aid cut jeopardises neonatal health: Experts. Over 2,000 neonates die in Nepal each year. Child health experts warn the halt in crucial programmes threatens years of progress in child health, by Arjun Poudel (kp), Chasing a hero who isn’t : Democracy thrives through the collective act of institution building rather than the heroics of populist activists, by Dinesh Kafle (kp), Disparity in law and order enforcement: The Ashika Tamang case, by Pushpa Raj Joshi (ht), Rising Women's Movement, by Babita Basnet (rep), Stricter rules, hefty fines and potential jail time, by Aishwarya Koirala (ae)

02/02/2025: SC tells govt: Protect citizens’ information (rep), Is Nepali politics in trouble? Before declaring the end of this system, we must consider the positive aspects of its origin and continuity, by Abhi Subedi (kp), Impasse over administrative federalism : Confusion regarding provincial autonomy over public services is constitutionally unwarranted, by Binay Mishra (kp), Oli pointed to tardy lawmaking. Why is the process so slow? If Parliament and committees don’t clear bills on time, the prime minister says, it’s natural to resort to ordinances, by Binod Ghimire (kp), [If Oli, Dahal and Deuba finally stopped their selfish power struggles and stopped misusing parliament for their miserable politics, the legislature could finally fulfil its task!], Supreme Court clears way for National ID card implementation, but people continue to face hassles : NID has been incorporated into the Nagarik App to provide additional services to the public, by Purushottam Poudel (kp), Nepal receives Rs 763 billion in remittances in six months; foreign exchange reserves reach Rs 2.3 trillion (kh)

01/02/2025: Resolution motion on dignified menstruation registered in NA (kh), Khanikhola families reeling in the cold under tents for four months (kh), Monetisation Of Politics Injurious To Democracy, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn), Winter session of Parliament opens to heated exchanges : Opposition parties decry rampant corruption, accuse ruling Congress and UML of protecting the corrupt, by Binod Ghimire (kp), PM reminded to revise some provisions of Cooperative Ordinance (rn)

31/01/2025: 18 years on, Nepal insurgency victims are in continued hardships, new study says : Education, healthcare, and social support remain out of reach for those affected by the Maoist conflict, ICJ survey finds (kp), Silencing the critics : The social media bill must be revised through the broadest possible consultations (kp), Corruption amid ideological drift : A sharp decline in political ideology calls for strong anti-corruption agencies, by Durga Gautam (kp), Winter session of Federal Parliament begins today (kh), Health Insurance program faces challenges amid leadership vacancies and unpaid claims, by Pawan Mudbhari (kh), PM Oli justifies issuance of Ordinances, highlights reforms (kh) [A fictitious claim! Parliament could have been convened weeks ago, but Oli refused in order to pass the ordinances without the annoying representatives of the people!], Opposition firm against ordinances with House set to sit : Maoist Centre clarifies its objection is to the process rather than the content of the six ordinances (kp), Ordinance, ex-prez’s political ambition, and social media bill, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (ae), Madhesh-based parties form eight-member task force to develop working guidelines for ‘loose alliance’ : The leaders, however, fail to pick a coordinator of the task force (kp), ‘Hope-mongering’ : Is the glass half-full or half-empty? Both, by Sonia Awale (nt), Pulse of the people : Once again, a survey shows that Nepalis are short-term pessimists and long-term optimists, by Sonia Awale (nt), Politics as usual : Public opinion poll confirms public disillusionment with serial prime ministers, their cadre and cronies, by Shristi Karki (nt)

30/01/2025: Make it work : Weakening of Parliament is, by extension, weakening of the political system (kp), Resistance against social media bill continues to build : Free speech advocates say social media content may need regulation but bill seeks to criminalise minor offences too (kp), Regulate, Not Crush Social Media (rep), Oppn parties to reject recently introduced ordinances (rep), Flood victims trapped in tarp shelters since September : Several families in Chanaute village of Kavrepalanchok are left without help as local government passes the buck on resettlement to federal government, by Jyoti Shrestha (kp) [A case of failure to provide assistance! But this is also a consequence of the Oli government's and the national party leaders' refusal to implement the federal state with clearly delineated responsibilities and means!], Political instability has adversely affected country’s economy: PM (kh) [And together with Dahal and Deuba, you personally are the main cause of political instability!]

29/01/2025: Opposition slams coalition’s plan to fast-track ordinances : Ruling parties face hurdles in National Assembly despite having a near 2/3 majority in House of Representatives, by Anil Giri and Binod Ghimire (kh), Unauthorised pharmacies, quacks thriving in Bajhang district : Patients dying after failing to reach health institutions on time is a near-daily occurrence in Sudurpaschim district, by Basanta Pratap Singh (kp), Social media bill proposes up to five years in prison and Rs1.5 million as fine for spreading fake news : The bill mandates additional penalties for those who engage in these activities using children or minors (kp), What kind of development? Generations of indigenous knowledge and culture are being dismantled to build a cable car line in Taplejung (kp), A regime of the amoral narcissist : Trump has little time and even less interest in what he once labelled as ‘shithole countries’, by CK Lal (kp), Avoid FATF grey-listing (rep), Children raised by single mothers to get citizenship (rep) [Children of Nepali women, whether married or not, must have the unrestricted right to Nepali citizenship! According to Article 18 of the Constitution, women and men enjoy equal rights, which in turn contradicts Article 11, which therefore needs to be amended urgently!], Pollution on the rise in the country: Need of suitable interventions urgently, by Jiba Raj Pokharel (ht), Normalise Menstruation, Empower Women, by Sharmila Chandi Shrestha (rn)

28/01/2025: Trump’s aid freeze hits four USAID projects in Nepal : MCA Nepal unaffected, but healthcare programmes including micronutrient survey, demographic health survey and disease surveillance could be derailed, by Anil Giri and Arjun Poudel (kp), Government forms National Cooperative Regulatory Authority : The newly formed body will mainly focus on monitoring and regulating the cooperative sector, an official says (kp), The great game in the Himalaya : Kathmandu must tread strategically in devising its foreign policy to maximise its interests, by Siddhartha Thapa (kp), Severe unemployment crisis: Pressing need for reform, by Vidhu Prakash Kayastha (ht),  NC’s priority: Power, not principles : Critics argue the NC is becoming a party that cannot represent any generation, whether old or young, by Balkrishna Adhikari (rep)

27/01/2025: Caste-based Prejudices Threaten Social Fabric (rep), Winter session four days away but bills stuck in committees : Just four of 16 bills have cleared parliamentary committees after months of deliberations. Parliamentary committees led by ruling parties hold up half of pending bills, by Binod Ghimire (kp) [There is an obvious lack of interest in parliamentary democracy in Nepal, while oligarchic party leaders combine executive and legislative powers in one hand and at the same time interfere in the judiciary!], The country’s pulse : The latest Sharecast nationwide survey gives a nuanced picture of Nepal (kp), Are political parties relevant today? They are losing their political space to non-political individuals and business tycoons, by Lok Raj Baral (kp), Proportional representation: And the issue of threshold, by Birendra P Mishra (ht), Cost Of Instability, by Khem Raj Niraula (rn), Reminiscing last week: Politics and diplomacy (kh), Tiger attack injures woman in chhaugoth in Kailali (kh) [Caused because of the performance of the Chhaupadi crime!], Bajura flood victims worried as housing tranche stalls, by Sher Bahadur Sarki (rn), Trump effect is already visible in Nepal  :USAID and its implementing partners have temporarily halted numerous ongoing projects, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (ae)

26/01/2025: Politics of discontent : Many believe big parties have failed and Nepal is on the wrong path, but will their discontent have any impact?, by Ajaya Bhadra Khanal (kp) [See corresponding opinion poll by Sharecast], Deuba asks Congress lawmakers to stand united behind ordinances in Parliament session : The instruction comes at a time when a faction within the party led by Shekhar Koirala has accused the government of introducing laws bypassing Parliament (kp) [In other words, the members of parliament elected by the people are not supposed to discuss and pass laws to the best of their knowledge and belief, but are to uncritically approve what the government has already presented to them in the form of ordinances. A strange kind of democracy! It was similar when the constitution was adopted in 2015.], Congress consults legal experts on ordinance (kh) [???], Operators of problem cooperatives find new way to dupe depositors : Cooperative managers make desperate depositors buy pricey lands, take hefty cuts but don’t pay back depositors, by Purushottam Poudel (kp), Disruption dividends : Trump’s second term offers renewed opportunities for smaller nations to strengthen relations with the US, by John Narayan Parajuli (kp), Philandering with Philanthropy, by Narayan Manandhar (rep), SC decision to halt 20,000 MW of hydropower projects: IPPAN (rep)

25/01/2025: Child Marriage Free Nepal campaign picks up in provinces : The country aims to end child marriage by 2030 (kp), Helicopters slash the trek to Earth’s highest peak, but leave Sherpas grounded, by Shashwat Pant (kh), Learning From History, by Bishalya Gautam (rn), Embrace Indigenous Model Of Development, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn), Rise in crime, banking fraud accounts for a quarter of cases (kh), Koshi Province CM defends ordinance, criticizes media opposition (kh) [This is not correct, Mr Karki. Legislation is the responsibility of parliament, not of the government. Parliament exists, but the convening of the session was intentionally delayed by the government.

24/01/2025: Madhesh govt to withdraw controversial Language Bill (kh), Transforming Nepal from Land-locked to Land-linked, by Keshav Bhattarai (rep), The week that was: Coalition drama, Trump’s presidency and more, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (ae), Wildfire season starts early in Nepal: A prolonged winter drought has sparked an early start of the annual spring fires (nt), राष्ट्रिय मत सर्वेक्षणको नतिजा : ‘देश ठिकठाक छ, जीवन सुध्रिएको छ, तर राजनीति बर्बाद भयो’ [National opinion poll results : ‘The country is fine, life has improved, but politics is ruined’], by Rameshwar Bohara (Ukalo), के सोच्दै छन् नेपाली? [What are the Nepalese thinking?] (Himalkhabar)

23/01/2025: A case for proportional representation : The reason UML appears to be antagonistic to PR is because of its inclusive provisions, by Deepak Thapa (kp), Rise of neo-fascism in Nepal : Nepal, with its fragile democracy and history of political instability provides fertile ground for the rise of neo-fascist tendencies, by Vidhu Prakash Kayastha (ae), Nepal’s upcoming budget to face significant reduction amid financial constraints : The upcoming budget will likely reflect the severe financial challenges facing the country (kh), Supreme Court questions government for listing murder as amnestiable : Government and constitutional bodies asked to clarify 75 percent sentence reduction in revised law (kp), UML stands firmly behind ordinances, Congress is divided : Opposition to chide government in House for ordinances, by Anil Giri (kp), Opposition up in arms against government, by Narayan Upadhyay (ae), New land ordinance sparks debate over real estate exemptions and policy implications, by Narayan Aryal (kh), Madhesh Provincial government proposes bill to recognize five official languages (kh), Families of Saurya Airlines crash victims demand justice (kh), Trump signals aggressive Indo-Pacific Strategy: Any significant change in US strategy toward China and India will have a ripple effect on Kathmandu's diplomatoic calculus, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (ae)

22/01/2025: Dalit youth stage protest in front of EC office (In Photos), by Dipesh Darsandhari (rep), Rabi Lamichhane’s legal troubles deepen with Supreme Cooperative scandal (kh), Gendered justice : Law in much of South Asia, including in Nepal, favours men, even in horrifying rape cases (kp), Where does the agriculture budget go? Sub-federal levels should better manage agriculture as they are closer to the farmers, by Khim Lal Devkota (kp), Youth’s severe beating in Chitwan brings to fore police use of excessive force : Nepal Police says individual cases of heavy-handed behaviour of personnel are punished, by Purushottam Poudel (kp), Bhim Rawal’s expulsion sparks debate: Is UML embracing autocratic leadership?, by Kosh Raj Koirala (rep), What ails Nepal's opposition parties?, by Narayan Upadhyay (rep), Opposition warns of parliamentary standoff over government policies (kh), Opposition plans to corner govt on governance and ordinances in Parliament, by Gyanu Ghimire (kh), Navigating Nepal’s topographical challenges, by Rajan Sharma (ae), Indiscriminate writ petitions: A call for responsible legal practice, by Saroj Bhattarai (ae)

21/01/2025: Can untouchability be eradicated in Nepal? The declaration of an untouchability-free nation was a blatant lie on the part of the new ruling elites, by Mitra Pariyar (kp), Ending caste discrimination: A conversation is necessary, by Simone Galimberti (ht), Child marriage, teenage pregnancy persist in Dang : Despite laws and awareness campaigns, deep-rooted traditions and lack of education are perpetuating the practice, by Durgalal KC (kp), Accessible Healthcare (rn), Setback for UML in Achham as 1,081 cadres join Bhim Rawal’s campaign (kh), Dirty and dangerous : Nepal perhaps needs a policy-level overhaul to cut air pollution from vehicles (kp), High court seeks reasons for releasing Lamichhane on bail (rep)

20/01/2025: Gurung and Magar languages to become official in Gandaki Province (kh), Threshold for stability: A new political excuse, by Binay Mishra (rep), Coalition gears up for winter House session as pressure mounts : CPN-UML chief whip Mahesh Bartaula claims Parliament will convene no later than February 2, by Purushottam Poudel (kp) [Parliament really is an annoying institution for an autocratic PM!], Losing their grip : The erosion of people’s trust in Madheshi parties is dangerous for all (kp), Repolarisation of alternative forces is the right way forward : Balendra Shah should be more open and transparent, interact with people and get involved in debates, interview with Baburam Bhattarai (kp), Mandamus order to immediately shut illegal excavation of river-based materials (kh), Government appeals to keep Rabi Lamichhane and associates in custody (kh)

19/01/2025: ‘Improve electoral system assuring proportional and inclusive representation’ (kh), ‘Justice is dying in Nepal. Let’s save it!’, by Akhilesh Tripati (rep), Weak opposition gives Oli government free rein, by Gyanu Ghimire (kh), Govt’s outstanding debt exceeds Rs 2.53 trillion (kh), Balidan Diwas events lay bare divisions amid Madheshi parties’ unity talks : Forces accused of forgetting federalism’s spirit in quest for power, failing the marginalised, by Purushottam Poudel (kp), Problematic anti-human smuggling law : Introducing such a law could fail to address the root cause of migration and create new problems, by Ayushman Bhagat and Sunita Mainali (kp), Public debt reaches over Rs 2536 billion (rn), FDI commitments rise 5.88 percent in first half : Nepal received investment pledges worth Rs23.39 billion for 200 projects in the period (kp), It’s not just inflation anymore, Cheapflation has entered the chat!, by Swastik Mohan Bhattarai (rep), 1.1 million families to get land ownership, thanks to new ordinance, by Bhuwan Sharma (rep) [Nevertheless, this should have been done on the basis of a law passed by parliament and not by an anti-democratic government ordinance!], Lawyers protest against assault on Senior Advocate Tripathi  by wearing black bands (with photos), by Dipesh Darsandhari (rep), Consensus Must For Statute Revision, by Ritu Raj Subedi (rn), Government fails to meet expected foreign aid targets (kh), Supreme Court clears path for implementation of National ID cards (kh)

18/01/2025: Lawmakers voice concern about deferrals in hearing petition against 2020-21 appointments in constitutional bodies : National Human Rights Commission officials urge lawmakers to pressure the government into introducing the bill to amend NHRC Act in Parliament (kp) [This was an important part of KP Oli's coup d'état at the time and should finally be judged as such! Oli is currently proving that he has not changed.], Madhesh-centric parties unite to counter proposed electoral threshold, by Gyanu Ghimire (kh), Opposition parties intensify call for PM’s resignation : Allege moral failures, rising impunity for corruption, rule through ordinance, and growing public frustration (kp), Charting Nepal’s energy and tech renaissance : Nepal stands at a pivotal moment in history. By harnessing its hydropower resources, it can play a dual role: a key supplier of sustainable energy and a regional hub for computational capacities, by Sixit Bhatta (kp), A Ticking Time Bomb (rep), Can Politics Be Shaped As Virtuous Sphere?, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn), Earthquake victims moves into a cracked house to escape cold, by Sher Bahadur Sarki (rn), Over 200 children of Musahar community missing classes for two months (rn)

17/01/2025: Transitional justice: Donor help sought to foot Rs40 billion bill : A planned peace fund will be used to pay for reparation and other expenses needed to conclude peace process, by Binod Ghimire (kp), ‘Airports left underutilized, Rs 1.8 trillion investment at risk’ (kh), Opposition parties, including the Maoists, accuse Congress-UML alliance of five major issues (kh), Prachanda demands PM Oli’s resignation in presence of seven opposition parties (kh) [But PM Oli should not be replaced by PK Dahal or SB Deuba. All three have failed often enough and caused damage to the country. Nepal needs a socially inclusive government of a much younger generation that is capable of freeing Nepal from the old shackles of Shah monarchy, Hindu state and autocratic party patriarchy!], Ordinance will be presented in parliament in two weeks, says PM Oli (kh) [Ordinances must be confirmed or rejected by Parliament. In a democracy, a bill is debated and then passed as law. This is a crucial difference. The Oli government obviously wanted to bypass the crucial involvement of the elected representatives of the people.], Let the parliament convene : As the things stand, there's no reason why the government should resort to ordinances to run the affairs of the state (ae), Bhim Rawal advocates for nationalist unity amidst political turmoil (kh), First meet of Madhesh forces for unity to counter ruling parties’ plans falters : Absence of some parties in inaugural sitting suggests an alliance won’t be easy to build, by Purushottam Poudel (kp) [The Tarai leaders are just as autocratic, selfish and patriarchal as the leaders of the national parties!], Increasing vulnerability of survivors: The struggle of recounting trauma, by Nisha Shrestha (ht), Justice To Cooperative Victims, by Bini Dahal (rn)

16/01/2025: The Merchants of Poverty in Nepal, by Vidhu Prakash Kayastha (rep), Not just the home, women hold the key to running the country, by Bhasa Sharma (rep), 12 Acts amended at once (kh) [Legislation by means of ordinances is an inconceivable presumption on the part of the Oli government and puts the separation of powers ad absurdum!], Oli backs ordinances as opposition alleges executive power abuse : Six opposition parties led by the Maoist Centre blast ‘arbitrary’ rule, by Purushottam Poudel (kp), PM Oli claims unanimous support for ordinances : Oli concluded the press conference without facing questions from the press, by Pratik Ghimire (ae) [However, the unanimous support of the ordinances within the government does not make them lawful. There is an elected and immediately convenable parliament that is responsible for laws, not the executive!], Stumbling on ordinances : Why did PM Oli take the route instead of convening Parliament and getting the bills endorsed there? (kp), Deuba calls joint meeting of Congress ministers with party’s parliamentary panel : Meeting today to discuss government’s performance, status of pending bills in the House and current affairs. Deuba reportedly has some strong instructions for the ministers (kp), Court finds five grounds for Rabi Lamichhane’s guilt amid bail decision (kh), Home Minister Lekhak condemns assault on Senior Advocate Dinesh Tripathi (rep), Police arrest suspect in assault on advocate Dinesh Tripathi (kh), Development spending stalls at 16 percent (ae)

15/01/2025: President cites ‘sensitive issues’ to halt ordinance related to land, forests and national parks : The ordinance envisions free ownership for landless Dalits and squatters who have built houses and lived on public land for a long time (kp), Opposition parties condemn govt’s decision to rule through ordinances (kh), Private sector happy with ordinances aimed at economic revival: FNCCI (kh) [The primary problem is not so much the content as the anti-democratic approach of an executive that arrogates legislative power. There is an elected parliament and it has to pass laws, not the government!], SC likely to hear writ petition challenging Oli’s ordinance appointments in 2020 (kh) [It is incomprehensible that the SC has not dealt with such an important issue for four years, the effects of which have also caused international damage to Nepal! Now the former PM is back in office and shows that he regards the SC's behaviour as a carte blanche!], The UML leadership: Virtually losing moral relevance, by Jiba Raj Pokharel (ht), President issues ordinance to amend land-related acts (kh), Trouble brews in coalition, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (ae), Mayor Balen slams land ordinance, criticizes leaders for favoritism (kh), Deuba unmoved despite growing pressure to ditch Oli : Many leaders in both the Congress and the UML believe the Oli-Deuba bond right now is too strong to break, by Anil Giri (kp) [Deuba, Oli and Dahal should finally retire from active politics for the good of Nepal!], Deuba summons Nepali Congress leaders to review govt’s performance (kh), Upholding Good Governance And Combating Corruption 'Key' To Breaking Nepal’s Poverty Cycle. Beyond the Bottom Billion: Applying Paul Collier's lessons to Nepal’s development crisis, by Sara Pahari (rep), Advocate Tripathi assaulted by Rabi Lamichhane’s supporters at court premises (kh), Rabi Lamichhane released on Rs 6 million bail in Swarnalaxmi Cooperative case (kh), Rabi Lamichhane secures release after providing bail guarantee (kh)

14/01/2025: Women's economic empowerment: Policy innovations needed, by Bikas Adhikari (ht), Right reforms : Reform-oriented policy changes must make Nepal’s agriculture the gravity of potential investment, by Achyut Wagle (kp), Nepal Rastra Bank proposes new standards to regulate cooperatives (kh), 66,000 Nepalis seek permanent residence abroad in 2024; 850,000 seek employment (rep), Govt fails to meet capital expenditure target, spending only 16.16% in first half of FY 2024/25 (rep)

13/01/2025: No silver lining : The first six months of the Oli government has been woeful any way you evaluate it (kp) [This was to be expected right from the start!], Ordinance fails to reassure cooperatives victims : Those who lost savings question compensation plans, and possible use of their funds to finance regulatory body, by Purushottam Poudel (kp), Majority government amends 29 laws via ordinance, favours Giribandhu and Min Bahadur (kh), Dev Gurung: Running the government through ordinances behind closed doors is undemocratic (kh), Four ordinances issued, land-related amendment held at Sheetal Niwas (kh) [He should have held them all back and called on the government to pass the laws democratically through parliament!], Three days after Kaski bail, Rastriya Swatantra Party chief Lamichhane lands in Kathmandu police custody : He will be in police custody until the Kathmandu District Court decides whether to free him on bail or send him to judicial custody (kp), Reminiscing last week: Blend of political events (kh), Technological intervention at the bottom : A digitally empowered Nepal will lead to a more equitable, prosperous and inclusive society, by Roshee Lamichhane and Biplab Bhattacharjee (kp), A Paradigm Shift in Learning and Teaching : Education in the Age of Generation Z and Beyond: Challenges and Opportunities for Millennial Educators, by Ritu Raj Lamsal (rep), Govt indifferent to hardships of quake victims in western Nepal: Shakti Basnet (rep), Tarai-Madhes-centric parties step up preparations for forming a front (kh)

12/01/2025: Opposition cries foul as Cabinet passes 5 ordinances : Many lawmakers have termed the government’s decision to bypass Parliament to amend laws ‘regressive’ (kp) [Such undemocratic behaviour is unfortunately a tradition among Nepal's party politicians who arrogate power! It should be the President's job to show the erring politicians the right way!], Government sends three ordinances to the President for authentication (kh) [What kind of strange understanding of democracy is this? In a parliamentary democracy, the executive does not pass laws by ordinances! The president should refuse to sign them! It is his task to safegzard democracy!], Fake release in Deuba’s name goes viral, Congress objects strongly (kh), Freezing temperatures add to the woes of Tarai’s poorest communities : Without proper shelter and clothing, families struggle to survive as a cold spell grips, by Shankar Acharya, Shiva Puri and Abadhesh Kumar Jha (kp), Sharma challenged Dahal’s role as Maoist leader. Then he was tranquilised by an old potion, by Purushottam Poudel (kp) [All parties in Nepal are dominated by power-hungry autocrats. Freedom of expression and equal opportunities within the parties should be the basis of democracy!], Geopolitics of economic growth : It is vital to consider the current coalition’s foreign policy and its impact on Nepal’s economic development, by Ajaya Bhadra Khanal (kp), Fading fourth estate : While Nepal’s press freedom ranking indicates progress, the dwindling credibility of the FNJ suggests otherwise, by Bhanu Bhakta Acharya (kp), Shera Durbar, Dibya Upadesh And Independence, by Ritu Raj Subedi (rn), Mayor Balen questions role of provincial govt in local issues (kh) [This is a consequence of the centrist attitude of national politicians. They don't want federalism at all, but want to keep everything under their direct control!], Rabi Lamichhane sent to custody after court statement (kh)

11/01/2025: Govt brings ordinance to streamline public services (kh) [Nepal is a parliamentary democracy and does not require ordinances. Laws must be passed by parliament!], What’s inside the govt’s legal reforms ordinance? (kh), PM Oli: Ordinance aims to remove barriers for Nepali IT firms’ global operations (kh), As electoral law revision looms, Madhesh parties mull an alliance for resistance : Yet there’s no unanimity. Prabhu Sah has no idea of bid to bring together Madheshi forces, by Purushottam Poudel (kp), Central Labour Advisory Council recommends for ratification of ILO instruments (kh), Gender Equality: Shaping Nepal’s Diplomatic Future, by Aastha Pokhrel (rep), Bumpy road ahead for constitutional amendment, by Narayan Upadhyay (rep), Shun The Politics Of Muddling Through, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn), Rajendra Lingden: Current government leaning toward authoritarianism (kh)

10/01/2025: Looming Instability : Despite the claim of leaders in the ruling alliance that this government will last for the full term, the factors of instability are looming large (sp), NP Saud criticizes NC-UML coalition for neglecting development issues (kh), 14 landless families in limbo over railway compensation : Bardibas municipal officials say they have done all they can to secure compensation for these families and are now awaiting railway officials’ decision, by Sunita Baral (kp), Government prepares to delegate authority to handle SEE to provinces : Ignoring repeated requests from provincial governments, the federal government had so far been refusing to delegate the authority (kp), The Tibet warning : Given the millions of lives on the line, earthquake risk should be taken as a perpetual emergency (kp), Unwanted Pregnancies: The unimaginable pain of Nepali Gulf returnees, by Guna Raj Luitel, Upendra Lamichhane and Sabita Khadka (rep) [see part II], Kulman Ghising claims 98.99% work performance (kh), PM Oli briefs President on formation of constitution amendment task force (kh) [Yesterday he expressed exactly the opposite!], Complaint filed against Judge Rai for granting Rabi Lamichhane bail (rep), Moving beyond the 16 Days of Activism: Continuing the Battle Against Gender-Based Violence : The challenge now is how to ensure that the momentum generated during these 16 days is sustained throughout the rest of the year and beyond, Shuva BC (sp)

09/01/2025: Constitution and the status of Dalits : Dalits continue to suffer violent and inhumane treatment, including murder and social ostracisation, by Sushil Darnal (kp), UML welcomes India-China border dialogue as positive step for regional stability and Nepal’s interests : Despite the optimism, the agreement has not been without controversy in Nepal (kh), Dahal blames UML, interest groups for stalled peace process : Urges conflict victims to hit the streets to mount pressure, by Binod Ghimire (kp) [Alongside the state leadership of the time, the monarchy and the army leadership, you yourself were one of the main perpetrators of the crimes. Without involving the victims' side, your previous stance centred on reconciliation in the interests of the perpetrators at the time!], Show, don’t tell : If Dahal is committed to accountability and transparency, he must first embody those traits (kp), Congress voices reservations over Oli’s remarks against constitution revision plan : Leaders of the coalition partner say the prime minister cannot speak against the two-party agreement without consulting the largest party. Oli had said the plan to amend the constitution had been deferred until 2087 BS (2030-31) (kp), Constitutional changes still a far-fetched wish, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (ae), Arjun Narsingh KC criticizes PM Oli for disrespecting agreement with Nepali Congress (kh), Kaski District Court grants bail to Rabi Lamichhane and others in cooperative fraud case : Rabi Lamichhane released on Rs 6.5 million bail (kh), Court demands Rs 6.5 million bail from Rabi Lamichhane in cooperative fraud case (kh), Former DIG Chhabi Lal Joshi ordered to post Rs 8.8 million bail in cooperative fraud case (kh), Ravi and all seven detainees to be released on bail; what are the bail amounts? (kh) [What politician or civil servant can post such bail sums without income from corruption? On the other hand, the amounts are ridiculous compared to the level of the corruption allegations!]

08/01/2025: Subnational autonomy at risk : The Federal Civil Service Bill under consideration in Parliament threatens subnational autonomy, by Khim Lal Devkota (kp), How earthquakes resurface fears and trigger mental trauma : Tuesday’s earthquake served as a stark reminder of Nepal’s seismic vulnerability and the importance of disaster preparedness (kh), “Current tremors suggest imminent earthquake risk”, interview with seismologist Khadga Sen Oli (kh), Dahal returns to radical agendas, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (ae) [If he ever comes back to power, all this will be water under the bridge for him again!], UML must learn to respect dissenting voices, by Narayan Upadhyay (ae) [Autocrats like Oli should not be able to think and act in such a democratic way!], Oli warns against airing party grievances publicly: Speak at meetings, not on the streets (kh) [!!!], UML to train members in social media usage to counter criticism (kh), Energy Minister Khadka hounds power utility chief with new clarification letter : Explanation sought over ‘poor performance’, transformer purchases, ‘lack of cooperation’, by Purushottam Poudel (kp) [All in all, Kulman Ghising's performance is outstanding, which cannot be said of the government by any stretch of the imagination, Mr Minister!], Fight for Climate Justice Continues after Betrayal at UN Climate Conference : The Global South has been historically suffering the impacts of the climate crisis and Nepal in the last few years has seen the worst climate disasters through extreme weather events, by Abhishek Shrestha and Prayash Adhikari (rep)

07/01/2025: Intellectual deprivation of Dalits : The question of whether Dalit issues pertain to class or caste has confounded many Dalits, by Mitra Pariyar (kp), Where’s the inclusion? Equitable treatment of Dalit and marginalised children cannot be expected under the proposed Education Bill, by Sunil Pokhrel and Rup Sunar (kp), Gen Z’s Materialistic Obsessions, by Jigyasha Sonam (kh), Sexual assault survivor stages hunger strike in Kathmandu over lack of legal action (kh), Frustrated by delays, Rukum West quake survivors ignore building codes : Facing harsh winter and with no aid, many survivors are rebuilding on their own with minimal resources (kp), Factionalism has beset UML, party leaders warn : They say internal divisions are eroding the party’s strength and undermining public support (kp), Oli’s political document and future of NC-UML coalition, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (ae), Why is Nepal not developing? All the revolutions in Nepal have brought some changes in political and democratic systems, with more changes in lifestyles of political leaders and their affiliates, but people's lives have been deteriorating after each revolution, by Hari Prasad Shrestha (rep), The proposal for constitution amendment: Is this for the people?, by Lok Bhattarai (ht) [No, it is primarily about the interests of the oligarchs at the top of the political parties!], Price of freedom: How bail decisions impact human rights, by Ajay Tamang and Raju Bamjan (ae)

06/01/2025: Reminiscing last week: Political shifts and celebrations (kh), Internal rift looming in RPP as Lingden’s leadership faces scrutiny (kh) [The monarchy has been abolished, but there is a party that wants it back, even though this request is clearly unconstitutional. At the same time, ex-king Gyanendra is also showing that he is endeavouring to overthrow the political regime. Democracy is dying and the political parties are eagerly assisting, or how should we call it?], Kathmandu ranks fifth among world’s most polluted cities today (kp), Greater Nepal activist Phanindra Nepal arrested from Singha Durbar (kh), 46 UML members in Godawari Municipality quit expressing discontent with party leadership (kh), By hitting out at factionalism, Oli lays bare his fear of being challenged : No obvious threat seen to Oli’s leadership, but some hint at Bidya Bhandari’s comeback, by Purushottam Poudel (kp), Take the lead, PM Oli : Rather than blame bureaucrats for government’s sub-par performance, he can show the way (kp) [But this would require government competence, wouldn't it?], Supreme Court says the executive cannot decide order of precedence arbitrarily : In a 7-year-old petition, the Constitutional Bench has asked the government to place chief justice right below the prime minister (kp), Child marriage is impending child rape and has no place in Nepal : A national framework may define the policy but the policy must reach every single child. So the provinces, the municipalities, the village councils—they all need to come together, interview with Bhuwan Ribhu (kp), Prospect of unified Madhesi political force, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (ae), Only 11.58 percent of capital budget utilized in five months (ae), Intercaste teenage couple found dead after a week of disappearance : Two seventeen-year-old lovebirds, a boy from the Dalit community and a girl from the Chhetri community, who had gone missing for a week, were found dead in a forest nearby their home on Sunday, by Biken K Dawadi (rep)

05/01/2025: Bhandari and Pun: What fuels the ambition of Nepal’s former President and Vice President? (kh), Youth Exodus A Threat To Economy, by Samriddha Upreti (rn) [And the government is encouraging the exodus instead of creating jobs and decent working conditions in the country!], Locals voice for drawing attention of int'l community on damage by climate change (rn), Bishwa Prakash Sharma calls for constitutional amendment to ensure five-year prime ministerial term (kh) [This would not change anything. The Prime Minister always needs a parliamentary majority and there is currently no such majority in sight for any of the parties; a coalition government is therefore required. As the three party leaders, who have failed so often and therefore have proved to be incompetent, are only interested in their personal power, they conclude agreements from the outset that rule out a five-year term of office. In other words, they are destroying Nepal's democratic system!]

04/01/2025: Govt’s deficit budget continues to push citizens into debt trap : Nearly 30 percent of the budget—Rs 547.67 billion—remains unfunded (kh), Petroleum discovered in Dailekh as govt prepares extraction plan (kh) [The whole world is increasingly turning away from petroleum, but Nepal now wants to exploit it!], Royalist slogans welcome Bhim Rawal in Biratnagar amid campaign launch (kh) [?? If Bhim Rawal really wants to join the slogans of the monarchists and supporters of a Hindu state, his movement is already stillborn! sn't Oli too a secret supporter of Hindu state ideals and symbols?], Is the government amending Act to ease party splits through ordinance? Ruling Nepali Congress, CPN-UML leaders deny it. Opposition Maoists suspect foul play (kp), Public Service Commission bats for stronger CDOs : Commission Chairperson Madhav Prasad Regmi’s proposal goes against provincial governments’ demands (kp) [Further strengthening the centrist state?], Bending The Rise Of Strong Men Politics, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn)

03/01/2025: Decade-long struggle : There needs to be a clear-eyed scrutiny of the functioning of the seven inclusion commissions (kp) [This land is the property of male Khas Arya, especially male Bahun, isn't it?], Parties race to finalise pending bills ahead of new House session : A key bill is on giving CIAA access to phone and electronic communication, another on splitting civil aviation body, by Binod Ghimire (kp), Top court asks government to fast-track legislation to govern ride-hailing services : According to the full text released by the Supreme Court, ride-hailing services are rapidly becoming a popular potential alternative to public transit as consumers value availability, hassle-free, time efficiency and accessibility (kp)

02/01/2025: Trouble brewing in ruling coalition at provincial level, by Keshab Sawad (kh) [This is a consequence of the completely misunderstood principle of federalism. Provinces must form their governments completely independently of the national level of their parties. The perverse power games at national level are destroying Nepal's democracy!], Government-NEA dispute deepens over new committee : Power utility chief Ghising, officials question the legal basis of a tariff study panel formed by energy ministry, by purushottam Poudel (kp), Question of intent : Pick of officials in the new authority will show if the ruling parties want to solve the cooperative crisis (kp), Promoting climate-responsive buildings : Many building designs in Nepal fail to meet the thermal safety needs of women, children and elderly, by Usha Maskey Manandhar (kp), Bhim Rawal attacks Oli, UML leadership : The ousted UML leader did not announce a new party on Wednesday but said he would institute one after taking suggestions and feedback from the public. There is the need for an alternative politics with nationalist plank, he said (kp), UML responds to Bhim Rawal’s allegations, likens them to past criticisms from Prachanda, Baburam, and Rabi (kh) [But that really sounds too simple: Oli doesn't make mistakes, only everyone else does!], Expectations, inflation and livelihood crisis: Visionary leadership and commitment needed, by Laxman Neupane (ht), Invest In Youth To Achieve Prosperity, by Devendra Gautam (rn), Maoist Center concludes Nepal is becoming a geopolitical battleground (kh)

01/01/2025: Calls for critical review of inclusion commissions : Assessment must be consultative, transparent, based on their impact on marginalised communities, say experts, by Binod Ghimire (kp) [The patriarchal high-caste establishment doesn't want social inclusion at all! The above-mentioned commissions may therefore jeopardise the supremacy of this small minority that controls everything in Nepal!], Hearing set for writ challenging Oli’s ordinance appointments in 2020 (kh) [Why was there no immediate court ruling on this important incident in 2020?], Hearing on petition against constitutional appointments deferred again (kh) [This is typical!], Pledge to end child marriage in Nepal : As part of a national campaign and in order to meet the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, stakeholders reaffirm their commitment to ending underage marriages by 2030, by Aarati Ray (kp), Nepal in 2024: A Year of Change, Challenges, and Milestones (kh), Looking back at 2024: Pessimism reigned, hope scattered, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (ae), Geoeconomics: The new geopolitics in Nepal, by Anil Giri (kp), KP Oli treated me like enemy, he didn't even want to talk to me: Bhim Rawal (rep) [Oli only accepts subordinate servants. He takes down critics and intra-party rivals. That's what he calls democracy!], Bhim Rawal to launch ‘motherland awakening campaign’ (rep), Understanding transitional justice: Challenges, solutions and Lessons for Nepal, by Krishna Raman Adhikari (ht), Seek Consensus To Amend Constitution, by Yuba Nath Lamsal (rn), 598 people at risk of trafficking rescued from Nepalgunj transit point in 2024 (kh)

Chronology of the failed creation of a socially inclusive multi-ethnic and multicultural Nepal:

days since Delhi agreement of political parties
days since the people forced King Gyanendra to end his putsch
days since Compreheive Peace Agreement; government, leading party politicians, former Maoists and army leaders still prevent conclusion of the peace process
days since promulgation of the Interim Constitution
days since elections to CA-I
days since lections to CA-II
days since promulgation of non-inclusive and until today not really implemented constitution through illegal procedure (text of constitution)
days since the federal system should have been implemented; still missing: numerous laws, infrastructure, fiscal regulations, naming of Province 1, etc.
days since KP Oli became PM: most of the necessary working processes not really completed; instead, growing violation of fundamental rights, federal chaos, unabated nepotism, corruption and power struggles
days since PM Oli putsched and tried to destroy the democratic system with the help of President Bidya Devi Bhandari
days since the Supreme Court ruled that the merger of CPN-UML and CPN-MC to form the NCP on 17 May 2018 was illegitimate, thereby reactivating the two original parties
days since the Supreme Court reinstated the House of Representatives again and ordered the replacement of Prime Minister KP Oli by Sher Bahadur Deuba; continued disregard of constitution and democratic principles
days since PK Dahal became PM in cooperation with KP Oli, misusing the votes of former coalition partners, later returning to the parties of his election alliance and then again returning to the coalition with CPN (UML) producing highest political instability
0239 days since KP Oli became PM again despite his attempted coup of 2021


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