Nepal Research
Website on Nepal and Himalayan Studies

Society (Dalits)
Time in Taksindu:
Human Rights

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Ethnicity and identity

Sushila Badi: From marginalised Dalit community to Provincial Lawmaker (ok 11/03/2025)

How Dalits practise untouchability : Criticising upper castes for excluding lower castes while the latter also practise exclusion is ironic, by Mitra Pariyar (kp 04/03/2025)

Data shows low participation of Dalit women in decision-making levels (kh 28/02/2025)

Land ordinance aims to resolve practical problems : Nearly 300,000 landless Dalits and squatters should get priority during land distribution, interview with Jagat Deuja (kp 24/02/2025)

Home Ministry sends letter to establish ‘Dalit Desk’ at Police Headquarters (kh 23/02/2025)

Don’t exonerate them : The home minister and the IGP must resign if they have abused power in the Sarlahi case, by Mitra Pariyar (kp 18/02/2025)

Dalit rights activists write to NC demanding action against home minister (rep 07/02/2025)

Distracted by communist utopia : Communist leaders are adept at falsely wooing Dalits with great promises about our freedom, by Mitra Pariyar (kp 04/02/2025)

Can untouchability be eradicated in Nepal? The declaration of an untouchability-free nation was a blatant lie on the part of the new ruling elites, by Mitra Pariyar (kp 21/01/2025), Ending caste discrimination: A conversation is necessary, by Simone Galimberti (ht 21/01/2025), Dalit youth stage protest in front of EC office (In Photos), by Dipesh Darsandhari (rep 22/01/2025)

Constitution and the status of Dalits : Dalits continue to suffer violent and inhumane treatment, including murder and social ostracisation, by Sushil Darnal (kp 09/01/2025)

Intellectual deprivation of Dalits : The question of whether Dalit issues pertain to class or caste has confounded many Dalits, by Mitra Pariyar (kp 07/01/2025)

Where’s the inclusion? Equitable treatment of Dalit and marginalised children cannot be expected under the proposed Education Bill, by Sunil Pokhrel and Rup Sunar (kp 07/01/2025)

Debating the ‘Dalit’ word : Eliminating a word doesn't necessarily free the community from oppression, by Mitra Pariyar (kp 25/12/2024)

Constitutional Provisions and the Status of Dalits, by Sushil Darnal (rep 25/12/2024)

The Miseries of Musahars in Madhesh: An entire community struggles for land, livelihood, and basic rights, by Sneha Karna (rep 06/12/2024)

Dahal’s casteist slurs : He must publicly recognise his mistake and seek an apology from Dalits, by Mitra Pariyar (kp 26/11/2024)

The Future Course Of Dalit Movement, by Sushil Darnal (rn 23/11/2024)

My black Dashain ‘tika’ : It’s a symbolic protest against the anti-Dalit rituals and customs, by Mitra Pariyar (kp 29/10/2024)

Dalit Civil Society organizations demand economic justice for social protection (kh 25/09/2024)

Caste discrimination still rife in Nepal, by Sushil Darnal (ae 24/09/2024)

Dalit activists conduct shirtless rally from Maitighar to New Baneshwar (In Pictures) (rep 14/09/2024)

Dalit-friendly workplace: A call for change, by Giri Bahadur Sunar (ae 12/09/2024)

Mitigating caste violence : Dalits must stop believing their political masters and focus more on religious and spiritual causes, by Mitra Pariyar (kp 03/09/2024)

Constitutional Arrangements And Dalit Representation, by Sushil Darnal (rn 31/08/2024)

Initiating religious reform at Pashupati : The presence of Krishna Damai, a Shudra body, in such a sacred and holy space was significant, by Mitra Pariyar (kp 20/08/2024)

Nepali society must stand up for Dalit rights, by Simone Galimberti (ae 15/08/2024)

Dalit community protests against unequal ministerial and political appointments (with photos) (kh 10/08/2024)

Poor implementation of Constitution fails Dalits, by Sushil Darnal (ae 08/08/2024)

Dalit repression by ethnic groups : Ethnic leaders excluded Dalits from their movements and didn’t talk about ending untouchability, by Mitra Pariyar (kp 06/08/2024)

Successive governments ignore directives on Dalit representation : Dalit lawmakers decry persistent discrimination despite political changes, by Binod Ghimire (kp 05/08/2024) ["The Dalit shall have the right to participate in all bodies of the State on the basis of the principle of proportional inclusion." (Article 40 of the constitution). In view of the deliberate disregard for this article, all governments, including the current Oli government, are illegitimate. Their misbehaviour is not a trivial offence but a serious breach of the constitution! Male Bahunbad must be ended immediately. For example, in view of the inclusion provision of the Constitution, there should only be 1-2 male Bahuns in the Council of Ministers, but there are currently 10!]

Widen Dalits' Participation In Media, by Sushil Darnal (rn 29/07/2024)

Old medicine in new bottles : Only an alternative political force under Dalit leadership will end the neglect of Dalit issues, by Mitra Pariyar (kp 25/06/2024)

Policy recommendation to end untouchability : The state should introduce new laws and policies to enforce the constitutional and legal provisions against it, by Mitra Pariyar (kp 11/06/2024)

Legal Education Empowers Dalits, by Umesh Raj Regmi and Rup Sunar (rn 09/06/2024)

Study reveals 71 percent of Dalit women face violence due to inter-caste marriage, by Pabitra Sunar (rep 07/06/2024)

Case filed at SC against PMO alleging exclusion of Dalit representation in current govt (rep 14/05/2024)

Caste discrimination against Dalits is systemic and widespread: Amnesty International report : There is an urgent need to take special measures to improve the situation of Dalit women and girls, the organisation says in a new report (kp 11/05/2024) [see Amnesty International report], Reviewing Amnesty’s report on Dalits : Caste is so sacred for many Nepalis that they would rather go to jail or die than flout caste rules, by Mitra Pariyar (kp 14/05/2024), Who cares? Amnesty International issues scathing report on caste-based discrimination in Nepal (nt 17/05/2024)

Dalit women in local governance : Political parties must understand that quotas don’t ensure adequate and meaningful resources, by Sajhana Tolange (kp 05/05/2024)

Dalits and ritual pollution : Dalit freedom is impossible until they question the beliefs and practices of untouchability in rituals, by Mitra Pariyar (kp 16/04/2024)

Dalit ex-chief of district body alleges caste-based abuse : Somnath Portel accuses Dambar Giri, an ex-vice-chair of Haldibari Rural Municipality, of verbally abusing him with caste-related derogatory words, by Parbat Portel (kp 11/04/2024)

Songs of hate : Singers often overlook controversial subject matters, not least caste and gender discrimination, by Mitra Pariyar (kp 02/04/2024)

Equality For Dalits Remains A Far Cry, by Namrata Sharma (rn 27/03/2024)

Woman consumes poison in National Women Commission premises (kh 25/03/2024)

Nuwakot Dalits: A grim story : Water is considered a superconductor of ‘caste pollution’ in our Hindu-dominated society, by Mitra Pariyar (kp 19/03/2024)

Helvetas Nepal's InElam Project Transforms Dalit Women, by Keshab Poudel (ap 10/03/2024)

Love, a ‘deadly trap’ for Dalits!, by Pabitra Sunar (rep 17/02/2024)

Impoverished Netuwa community seeks recognition and rights as minority Dalit caste : The government provides a Rs4,000 monthly social security allowance to impoverished communities, but Netuwas are deprived of this benefit, by Amrita Anmol (kp 10/02/2024)

Dalit women: empowered or imperilled? We must ensure equitable access to resources to ensure Dalit women’s active political participation, by Samiksha Baral (kp 28/01/2024)

“Musahar Community in Nawalparasi requires immediate attention”, by Brikshya Gautam (kh 18/01/2024)

Silence and shame in Ajit Mijar’s killing : Caste hatred often precipitates caste violence, and hardly any criminal is sentenced to jail , by Mitra Pariyar (kp 09/01/2024)

Absence of Dalits in the private sector : Caste-based preference motivates workers to focus on ‘chakari’ rather than skills, by Abhishek Jha (kp 04/01/2024)

Documents / Websites

“No-one cares”: Descent-based discrimination against Dalits in Nepal, report by Amnesty International 2024

Challenges for Dalits in South Asia’s Legal Community. Chapter I: Dalit Justice Defenders in Nepal, by American Bar Association - Center for Human Rights (18/06/2021)

Dignity Initiative, a Kathmandu-based not-for-profit, not-government organisation, which works on knowledge production on the issues of social exclusion and human rights of Dalits

International Dalit Solidarity Network (IDSN)

Dalit Representation in National Politics of Nepal, by Krishna Khanal, Frits Sollewijn Gelpke and Uddhab Prasad Pyakurel. Kathmandu: Nepal National Dalit Social Welfare Organisation 2012

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