Nepal Research
Website on Nepal and Himalayan Studies

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Substance Abuse: A Growing Problem in Madhesh, by Ganesh Mandal (rep 26/06/2024)

Survey reveals 18 percent of children addicted to tobacco, by Pabitra Sunar (rep 02/06/2024)

Taplejung police launch vigorous crackdown on drug addiction (rep 31/05/2024)

Government to lift ban on marijuana, brand local alcohols (kh 28/05/2024)

Government raises VAT on cigarettes and alcohol (kh 28/05/2024)

Why a ban on e-cigarettes needs more consideration : Vapers may go back to tobacco. Users say a ban makes little sense without measures to regulate the sale of tobacco cigarettes, by Manjushree Mahat (kp 17/05/2024)

73 succumb to tobacco consumption every day (kh 04/05/2024)

Tobacco use on the rise in Nepal, 34.1% of population addicted (rep 07/04/2024)

Number of smokers in Nepal decreases by 34.1 percent (rep 28/11/2023), KMC to impose complete ban on sale of tobacco products from December 13 (rep 29/11/2023)

Police in Karnali launch campaign against drugs : Cases of drug abuse and smuggling have seen a steady rise in Karnali Province in recent years, by Tripti Shahi (kp 15/10/2023)

Eastern hill village prepares to legalise ‘kodo ko raksi’  : Residents believe liquor production will create jobs and encourage millet cultivation, by Chandra Karki (kp 30/08/2023)

New provisions for reintegration of drug users into society (ht 28/08/2023)

More people consume alcohol than smoke in Nepal, report says : Forty-two percent men and 11 percent women drink alcohol while 28 percent men and five percent women use tobacco (kp 20/07/2023)

More than 5,500 people arrested for drug abuse in last FY 2022/23 (rep 18/07/2023)

Youths Falling Prey To Chemical Drugs, by Nayak Paudel (rn 14/07/2023)

Coping With Perils Of Drug Abuse, by Uttam Maharjan (rn 07/04/2023)

Nepal’s failed approach to controlling tobacco use, by Sabitri Dhakal (ae 28/06/2023), Impose prohibitive tax on tobacco (ae 28/06/2023)

Alarming rise in substance abuse among youths calls for policy-level intervention : A 2020 survey showed that as many as 130,424 Nepalis were abusing drugs. Police estimate the number will double in the next survey in 2025, by Anup Ojha (kp 18/06/2023)

Drug use and related crimes on the rise, by Ajabi Poudel (ae 03/04/2023)

A smoke-free Nepal : The country can take a cue from New Zealand, which has implemented a tough law against smoking, by Jaya Kumar Gurung (ae 07/03/2023)

After ‘MaPaSe’, police now launch ‘GaPaSe’ drive : In the past month, police booked 15 persons, including a US citizen, for driving under the influence of drugs, by Anup Ojha (kp 18/01/2023)

Young people in Sudurpaschim Province are increasingly cottoning to narcotics : The number of drug-related arrests in five months of the ongoing fiscal year has surpassed last fiscal year’s total for the province, according to police data. The number of abusers in rural areas is higher than those in urban centres, by DR Pant, Mohan Budhaair and Bhawani Bhatta (kp 22/12/2022)

Women in Kalikot launch campaign to control alcoholism (kh 09/12/2022)

Nepal’s drinking problem : Nepal has rules in place to regulate alcohol sales. Alcohol cannot be sold to those under 18, by Cilla Khatry (ae 08/09/2022)

Drug abuse cases on rise in three years (kh 30/08/2022)

Drug addiction on the rise in younger generation: Home Minister Khand (rep 26/06/2022)

Annually, over 27,000 people die from consumption of tobacco products in country (rn 31/05/2022)

Youths found to be more vulnerable to drug abuse (kh 20/08/2021)

Collective Action Needed To Curb Drug Abuse, by Uttam Maharjan (rn 12/04/2021)

Nepali men drink and smoke more than women: CBS survey; 81% of women in Nepal never consumed alcohol compared to 43% of men who did, shows a new survey (rep 09/12/2020)

Nepal votes in favor to remove cannabis from list of most dangerous drugs (kh 03/12/2020)

Closure of schools pushing students into drug addiction (ht 23/11/2020)

Recovering drug users in Nepal have it tough during the pandemic, by Sunny Mahat (ae 16/10/2020)

Alcohol consumption, smoking decline in Nepal due to COVID-19: Study (kh 27/09/2020)

What we should know about Cannabis legalisation and decriminalisation, by Lata Gautam, Jaya Satyal and Apil Raj Bohara (rep 26/06/2020)

Curbing drug abuse among youths in Dhanusa a challenge: Drug-related cases have doubled in the past three years. Police say they have intensified surveillance, but not much has changed, by Santosh Singh (kp 30/11/2019)

Should Nepal still continue to ban cannabis? The country needs to understand the history of its trade and consumption, and how the larger public feels about the issue, by Raju Adhikari (kp 08/11/2019)

Drug addiction: It is a health concern, by Rojan Khadka (ht 30/09/2019)

Inside Rolpa district’s quest to go alcohol-free: Alcohol was banned during the Maoist insurgency in the district, but the spectre of alcoholism has made a comeback, worrying locals and officials, by Kashiram Dangi (kp 01/09/2019)

Police start awareness drive against drug abuse in Bajhang schools: The week-long campaign was launched on Sunday to mark the International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking, by Basanta Pratap Singh (kp 27/06/2019)

Govt directs schools to form cells to check drug abuse (ht 17/06/2019)

Drug abuse on the rise among youths in Bardibas Municipality, by Sunita Baral (kp 13/05/2019)

The cannabis industry: Many have legalised marijuana while our policymakers have their head in the clouds, by Raju Adhikari (kp 17/03/2019)

City’s fresh bid to ban tobacco consumption in public places, by Anup Ojha (kp 12/03/2019)

Morang Police to continue drive against narcotics use (kp 27/02/2019)

16 youths arrested with drugs in 11 days, by Mohammad Habib (rep 11/02/2019)

Police destroy cannabis but never arrest farmers, by Mithilesh Yadav (rep 30/12/2018)

Kalikot district prohibits sale and consumption of alcohol, by Tularam Pandey (kp 29/11/2018)

Not worth the shot: The latest ‘alcohol ban’ is a classic example of tail-chasing (kp 29/11/2018), Clampdown on drinking to benefit bootleggers, by Rupak D Sharma (ht 29/11/2018)

The garden of Eden: The rise and fall of DD Sharma, Kathmandu’s hashish pioneer, by Prawash Gautam (kp 29/09/2018)

Rise in drug smuggling and abuse has police worried (ht 10/09/2018)

Drug users double in Banke district (kp 02/09/2018)

Bajhang bans alcohol from Sept 17, by Basanta Pratap Singh (kp 02/08/2018)

Drug abuse up 50 percent in valley, by Biken K Dawadi (rep 10/08/2018)

Drug abuse declining in Tikapur, by Yogesh Rawal (rep 10/08/2018)

Toxic liquor kills six people in Dhanusha, by Shyam Sundar Shashi (kp 29/06/2018)

Rethink ban on marijuana: Experts, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht 26/06/2018)

Govt launches nationwide campaign against drug abuse (ht 21/06/2018)

Once liquor-free Achham now ‘immersed’ in it, by Khamma Khatri (rep 16/06/2018)

Udaypur growing into a hub for drug dealers, users: 153 arrested on charge of drug abuse in last 11 months (rep 07/06/2018)

Drug abuse, smuggling rife in valley: NCB (ht 16/05/2018)

MoHA to launch drive against drug, alcohol abuse (ht 10/05/2018)

Mother’s Group bans alcohol in Achham village, by Menuka Dhungana (kp 25/03/2018)

Police step up efforts to curb hashish menace, by Kashiram Dangi (kp 28/02/2018)

Ganja narratives of Nepal: Ganja has been intertwined with culture in Nepal, making the authorities’ attempts to control it all the more difficult, by Abhi Subedi (kp 18/02/2018)

Police to arrest cannabis users at Pashupati this Mahashivaratri festival, by Anup Ojha (kp 11/02/2018)

Affliction of booze: “Many problems will be solved if government bans alcohol. We can afford our children’s education and buy them better clothes and good food", by Ishwar Rauniyar (rep 10/02/2018)

Women drug users in eastern Nepal: A silent story; According to a 2012 projection, drugs affect around 18,663 women in Nepal. The scope of the problem is likely much larger, but cultural stigmas and taboos limit women from getting the help they need, by Jenna Kunze (kp 13/01/2018)

Growing menace of drug abuse worries government: According to a report, there are 200,000 drug users across the country (ht 30/12/2017)

In defence of the cannabis plant: Nepal should follow the emerging western trend of marijuana and hemp legalisation: It would benefit the economy, by Bimal Rawal (kp 03/12/2017)

Number of drug users on the rise in Surkhet, by Nagendra Upadhyaya (rep 01/08/2017)

What it means to listen: We should design societal systems that facilitate communication as a preventative measure against drug abuse, by Sagun Ballav Pant and Suman Giri (kp 30/06/2017)

Concerted efforts sought to check menace of drug abuse (kp 27/06/2017)

Female drug users lack family support (ht 27/06/2017)

Stop them before they start: Authorities must focus on easily accessible ‘gateway’ drugs such as alcohol and tobacco, by Ashish Sinha (kp 26/06/2017)

Double trouble: The abuse of pharmaceutical drugs has emerged as a major problem in recent years, by Apil R. Bohara (kp 25/06/2017)

Int’l day against drug abuse & illicit trafficking: Govt plans week-long programme (kp 19/06/2017), Govt to hold anti-drug awareness programmes (ht 19/06/2017)

What leads youths into drug addiction? (ht 07/06/2017)

Former addicts in drive against addiction (rep 05/06/2017)

Push to undo hash ban in Nepal: While the recreational use of marijuana is controversial, the case for legalising its medical use is strong, by Sahina Shrestha (nt 14/04/2017), Slim dreams: Girls using drugs to lose weight are getting addicted to them, by Shreejana Shrestha (nt 14/04/2017)

Health ministry drafts bill to regulate alcohol consumption (ht 27/02/2017)

Gov’s stringent policy to regulate alcohol products, by Manish Gautam (kp 22/02/2017), Govt bans alcohol at public functions, private parties (rep 22/02/2017)

75% drug users between 15 to 30 year olds: 6-7 percent users are girls; 35 percent prison inmates abuse drugs; Around 0.2 percent of school children also users: PABSON chair, by Bishnu Prasad Aryal (rep 11/02/2017)

Youths opt for controlled drugs over hard drugs, by Kamal Pariyar (rep 15/12/2016)

Govt to launch drive against drug abuse (ht 23/09/2016)

Store drugs lead addicts to street drugs: For addicts, the line is blurring between pharmaceutical drugs and hard drugs, by Shreejana Shrestha (nt 05/08/2016)

‘Drug abusers should be rehabilitated, not punished’ (ht 27/06/2016)

Drug abuse on the rise (ht 29/05/2016)

Daulichaur folk find a way to contain alcohol problem, by Basanta Pratap Singh (kp 01/05/2016)

Prescription drug abuse worry officials (ht 07/03/2016)

Addicts using parents to get drugs: Police, by Ghanashyam Khadga (11/02/2015)

Women Drug Addicts At Greater Risk Than Men, by Tuphan Neupane (rn 06/02/2015)

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