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Website on Nepal and Himalayan Studies

Economy (tax, revenue, customs, royalties)
Time in Taksindu:
Human Rights

Economy (general)
Economic politics
Price index
Social security

Number of taxpayers surpasses seven million in Nepal (rep 30/01/2025)

Over RS 290 million collected in revenue in six months (rn 30/01/2025)

Dry port customs revenue in Birgunj drops sharply in six months (kh 16/01/2025)

Govt collects Rs 559 billion in revenue in first six months of current FY, marking 13% rise (rep 14/01/2025)

Supreme Court upholds Rs 226 million fine against Bhatbhateni for tax evasion (kh 10/01/2025)

Nepal Police collects over Rs 2.24 billion in revenue (kh 06/01/2025)

Dryport customs office in Birgunj records drop in revenue collection (kh 18/12/2024)

Of investment climate and taxpayers : In the first four months of the current fiscal year the government collected revenue worth Rs 323 billion, which makes up 22.77 percent of the annual target (rep 18/11/2024)

Tax The Rich People, by Raman Kannan (rn 16/11/2024)

Mechi Customs Office collects Rs. 3.58 billion in three months (kh 20/10/2024)

Birgunj dry port collects 12.7 billion in revenue in three months (kh 19/10/2024)

Dry port customs office collects Rs 8.39 billion in revenue (rep 24/09/2024)

Perils of shrinking revenue : Without improving the revenue base, Nepal might soon be unable to finance regular expenditures, by Achyut Wagle (kp 24/09/2024))

Birgunj Customs collects over Rs 25 billion in two months (rep 21/09/2024)

IRD to refund 10 percent of VAT for payments through electronic means at restaurants and bars (rep 09/09/2024)

Revenue increases by Rs 500 million at Rasuwa customs (rep 02/09/2024)

Govt announces two rapid teams to check revenue leakages taking place via smuggled goods (rep 02/09/2024)

Metropolitan cities’ finances or local taxes for development, by Anurag Gupta (ae 19/08/2024)

22,000 taxpayers fail to pay tax in Janakpur (rep 11/08/2024)

Tax reform committee proposes increasing Social Security Tax to ease burden on low earners (rep 29/06/2024)

Absence of TERAMOX technology results in annual revenue fraud of Rs 25 billion: Mohan Basnet (kh 28/06/2024)

Rasuwa customs collects Rs 585.5 million in fines (kh 21/06/2024)

IRD reports revenue growth of 11.30% (kh 21/06/2024)

High level study committee on tax proposes govt to remove subsidy on cooking gas within three years (rep 20/06/2024)

Promote a culture of fiscal prudence (rep 20/06/2024)

Mechi customs collect revenue over Rs 12.93 billion (rn 19/06/2024)

Mallik Committee recommends abolishing all tax exemptions, reducing income tax (kh 18/06/2024)

State treasury could get Rs 300 billion more in revenue if tax systems reformed: HLRC (kh 17/06/2024)

Govt makes HS Code mandatory on VAT Bills for imports (rep 14/06/2024)

Govt increases exemption limit of income tax for amounts deposited in pension funds (rep 14/06/2024)

After iron producers, food importers decry tax policy : The advance income tax on food and pulses has increased the price of a 25kg rice bag by Rs100 and pulses by Rs20 per kg (kp 06/06/2024)

EVs’ prices likely to go up by at least 10 percent with revised tax rates in budget for FY 2024/25 (rep 30/05/2024)

Govt imposes green tax on petroleum products (rep 28/05/2024), Budget introduces green tax on petroleum products
Excise duties on alcohol, beer and tobacco have been increased. The customs duty on the import of skimmed milk has been reduced to 1 percent
, by Krishana Prasain

Tax payments to be facilitated with QR codes (rep 28/05/2024)

Over Rs 286 million in royalties yet to be recovered from hydropower projects (rep 27/05/2024)

ISPs say ready to file due taxes to government : On May 13, the top court scrapped the writ petition by Worldlink Communications and ordered the ISPs to pay the taxes they had raised from the public (kp 19/05/2024)

Private sector says Nepal’s tax system is upside-down : Calls for flipping the existing flat tax structure, which has put greater burden on people with lower incomes (kp 13/05/2024)

Tatopani customs exceeds revenue target (kh 18/04/2024)

Govt revenue collection stands at only half of its target at third-quarter end (rep 12/04/2024)

Nepal’s financial odyssey : We should negotiate double taxation avoidance with countries that have investors with deep bond pockets, by Shabda Gyawali and Pragres Acharya (kp 05/04/2024)

Finance Minister Pun hints at tax rate changes in new budget (rep 18/03/2024)

200,000 plus taxpayers not regularly paying tax at KMC (kh 29/02/2024)

Pashupatinagar Customs Office collects Rs 13.41 million revenue in six months (kh 27/01/2024)

Govt. collects Rs 3.15 billion in royalty from hydel projects (kh 20/01/2024)

Revenue surge: Over 55 billion collected in four days, marks remarkable 16% growth (kh 12/01/2024)

Documents / Websites

Department of Inland Revenue (IRD)

Department of Customs

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