Nepal Research
Website on Nepal and Himalayan Studies

Politics  (inclusion, exclusion, identity, nationalism, citizenship, patriarchy)

Time in Taksindu:
Human Rights

Politics (general)
China and Tibet
Civil Society
Ethnic politics
Foreign policy
Janata Samajbadi Party - Nepal
Local politics
Loktantrik Samajbadi Party
Maoist parties
Monarchy and monarchists
Nayan Shakti Nepal
(May 2018 - March 2021)
Nepali Congress
Opinion polls
Parties (general)
Province 1
Province 2 (Madhesh)
Province 3 (Bagmati)
Province 4 (Gandaki)
Province 5 (Lumbini)
Province 6 (Karnali)
Province 7 (Sudurpashchim)
Rastriya Prajatantra Party

Rastriya Swatantra Party

Tarai / Madhesh
United Nations

Historical background:
Constituent Assembly
Nayan Shakti Party - Nepal
Northeast India
Rastriya Janata Party Nepal
Samajbadi Party - Nepal

Lack of social inclusion in the current House of Representatives

This is in stark contrast to the preamble of the 2015 Constitution, in which top politicians promised: ... "protecting and promoting social and cultural solidarity, tolerance and harmony, and unity in diversity by recognizing the multi-ethnic, multi-lingual, multi-religious, multi-cultural and diverse regional characteristics, resolving to build an egalitarian society founded on the proportional inclusive and participatory principles in order to ensure economic equality, prosperity and social justice, by eliminating discrimination based on class, caste, region, language, religion and gender and all forms of caste-based untouchability.....

Financial Stability Key To Federalism, by Nahakul KC (rn 11/03/2025)

Nepal is losing its cultural identity: From temples to tongues, by Aaryan Kunwar (ht), Unleashing inclusive power for Nepal’s sustainable future, by Gita Subedi (ok 10/03/2025)

Bhagyashree Chaudhary’s political rise in Madhesh, by Shailendra Mahato (ok 10/03/2025)

Work Towards Empowering Women, by Ballav Dahal (rn 10/03/2025)

Women constitute only 7.88 percent of ICT workforce (ae 10/03/2025)

Bridge the digital gender gap : Lack of access to tech impacts women and LGBTQIA+ individuals’ economic participation, by Anuvishub Sanjay Tamang (kp 09/03/2025)

Predicaments of a subordinate society : No matter how high a person from a minority group rises, ethnonational leadership is always above, by CK Lal (kp 12/02/2025)

Distracted by communist utopia : Communist leaders are adept at falsely wooing Dalits with great promises about our freedom, by Mitra Pariyar (kp 04/02/2025)

A case for proportional representation : The reason UML appears to be antagonistic to PR is because of its inclusive provisions, by Deepak Thapa (kp 23/01/2025)

Madhesh Provincial government proposes bill to recognize five official languages (kh 23/01/2025), Madhesh govt to withdraw controversial Language Bill (kh 24/01/2025)

Gurung and Magar languages to become official in Gandaki Province (kh 20/01/2025)

Not just the home, women hold the key to running the country, by Bhasa Sharma (rep 16/01/2025)

Gender Equality: Shaping Nepal’s Diplomatic Future, by Aastha Pokhrel (rep 11/01/2025)

Calls for critical review of inclusion commissions : Assessment must be consultative, transparent, based on their impact on marginalised communities, say experts, by Binod Ghimire (kp 01/01/2025) [The patriarchal high-caste establishment doesn't want social inclusion at all! The above-mentioned commissions may therefore jeopardise the supremacy of this small minority that controls everything in Nepal!], Decade-long struggle : There needs to be a clear-eyed scrutiny of the functioning of the seven inclusion commissions (kp 03/01/2025) [This land is the property of male Khas Arya, especially male Bahun, isn't it?]

Māsinya: A History of Suppression and Resilience Among Nepal's Tamang Community : The term Māsinya finds its roots in the 1854 Muluki Ain (National Code) promulgated by the state of Nepal during the Rana regime, by Nabraj Lama (rep 28/12/2024)

Girls Get Equal: A push to prevent early, child, and forced marriages (ae 24/12/2024)

Women breaking barriers: New era of leadership in Nepal, by Sita Neupane (kh 17/12/2024)

LGBTQIA inclusion in Nepal’s economy : Bringing queer travellers in the country can give the tourism industry a notable boost, by Anurag Gupta (kp 04/10/2024)

Following backlash, government promises to pick envoys on the basis of inclusiveness : The parliamentary hearing special committee on Monday inquired Foreign Minister Arzu Rana why the government failed to make the appointments inclusive as per the spirit of the constitution (kp 10/09/2024)

Reaffirming affirmative action : Reservation has uplifted some of Nepal’s left out, but others are still underrepresented in the civil service, by Dhanu Bishwakarma (nt 06/09/2024)

House panel urges govt to adhere to proportional inclusive principle in ambassadorial appointments (rep 03/09/2024)

Constitutional Arrangements And Dalit Representation, by Sushil Darnal (rn 31/08/2024)

Ek Narayan Aryal appointed Chief Secretary (rep 29/08/2024) [Thank God, another male Bahun. This once again guarantees the continuation of social non-inclusion!], Two senior Secretaries resign over appointment of new Chief Secretary (kh 31/08/2024) [They may be personally affected, but from the outside it doesn't matter. They are all male Bahuns anyway! At less than 6 per cent, these only make up a very small minority of the population, but they are in almost all positions!]

Janata Samajbadi Party-Nepal picks office-bearers : Rakam Chemjong appointed co-chair, Lalbabu Raut and Ram Kumar Sharma become general secretaries (kp 27/08/2024) [Now that's a flawless democracy. The office holders are not elected, but selected by the party chairman. How would it be if all elections were abolished in Nepal? This would make the socially non-inclusive manipulation of party leaders much easier!]

Pandey elected Senior Vice Chair of Unified Socialist unopposed (kh 27/08/2024) [All those named here as elected are male Bahuns. Like the CPN (UML), CPN (MC) and NC as well as numerous other parties, the necessity of and constitutionally prescribed social inclusion is simply denied. Who do these parties actually represent? Male Bahuns are a small minority of not even 6 per cent of the population! Why do they hold most of the important positions in the state and in the political parties?]

Nepali Army seeks 280 officers for recruitment (kh 23/08/2024) [A good half of the posts are intended for the general public, which usually means predominantly for male Khas Arya, although at just under 15 per cent they really only make up a small minority of the total population. All shares of the other social groups are far from the constitutionally required appropriate participation. Until a clear upper limit is set for the participation of male Khas Arya, social inclusion of all population groups cannot be achieved in all job advertisements!]

Nepali women creating milestones, by Sumitra Karki (ae 14/08/2024)

Push for 50 percent women candidates in direct electoral system (kh 13/08/2024) [This is a very good demand, but it should go hand in hand with the correct participation of the numerous social groups on the basis of the census figures, which was already prescribed by the 2007 interim constitution, but was simply ignored by the political parties. This would have the logical consequence, for example, that only 6 per cent of candidates would be male Bahuns. With its enormous ethnic and cultural diversity, Nepal could become a model country.]

Top court orders law amendments before next polls to ensure constitutional spirit of inclusiveness : ‘Nepal should also follow the criteria of narrowly tailored proportionality like in other countries while giving opportunity to the deprived community’, by Purushottam Poudel (kp 09/08/2024)

Poor implementation of Constitution fails Dalits, by Sushil Darnal (ae 08/08/2024)

Female labor force participation up in Madhes, by Manika Jha (ae 07/08/2024)

Successive governments ignore directives on Dalit representation : Dalit lawmakers decry persistent discrimination despite political changes, by Binod Ghimire (kp 05/08/2024) ["The Dalit shall have the right to participate in all bodies of the State on the basis of the principle of proportional inclusion." (Article 40 of the constitution). In view of the deliberate disregard for this article, all governments, including the current Oli government, are illegitimate. Their misbehaviour is not a trivial offence but a serious breach of the constitution! Male Bahunbad must be ended immediately. For example, in view of the inclusion provision of the Constitution, there should only be 1-2 male Bahuns in the Council of Ministers, but there are currently 10!]

Indigenous Commission urges govt to celebrate World Indigenous Day as a national event (kh 05/08/2024)

Sindoor, tika and topi now allowed while taking National ID Card photos (rep 01/08/2024) [Does this apply only to the cultural attires of the Hindu castes or also to the other types of the country's numerous ethnic groups?]

Antecedent of the ethnonational majoritarianism : Hegemonic assertions that Nepal enjoys ‘a culture of peace and harmony’ at all times are purely synthetic, by CK Lal (kp 31/07/2024)

Misuse of reservation quota rampant, by Bhuwan Sharma (rep 30/07/2024) [Long live the patriarchy and nepotism of the Khas Arya minority, especially the Bahuns!]

Women and tokenism : Instead of creating a more equal field, tokenism will destroy our gender-equal dreams (kp 30/07/2024)

Widen Dalits' Participation In Media, by Sushil Darnal (rn 29/07/2024)

Perplexities of the permanent minority : Strengthening the Khas-Arya supremacy appears to be the main agenda of the Oli government, by CK Lal (kp 17/07/2024)

Harnessing Demographic Diversity, by Jhabindra Bhandari (rn 17/07/2024)

Oli Cabinet sans Dalit representation, women get two seats (kh 15/07/2024) [Outstanding social non-inclusion in the tradition of Khas Arya patriarchy!]

Strengthening Indigenous Rights: Key to Peace and Prosperity in Nepal's Federal Era, by Nabraj Lama (rep 15/07/2024) [The ruling Khas Arya minority refuses to understand this!]

Experts stress clear rationale, broad talks on constitution revision : An analyst says shrinking the scope of proportional representation would make Khas-Arya a more dominant force in Parliament, by Binod Ghimire (kp 07/07/2024) [This is the true face and intention of the ruling male Khas Arya minority (<15% of the population)! Their political leaders strictly reject appropriate social inclusion because they would then lose dominance and privileges in the multi-ethnic, non-patriarchal state. For them, politics is a toy without social responsibility!]

A feminist foreign policy: A new opportunity to advance gender equality, by Anjan Shakya (rep 01/07/2024)

Partisan interest in envoy picks tarnishes Nepal’s image : The government laid out criteria for ambassador appointments in 2019, only to be ignored, by Anil Giri (kp 23/06/2024) [And the overwhelming proportion of male Bahuns, who make up less than six per cent of the population, is once again staggering and demonstrates the absolute unwillingness of high-caste politicians when it comes to social inclusion!]

The issue of inclusion in politics, by Jeetendra Dev (ae 20/06/2024)

Identity activists renew protests against naming ‘Koshi’ province : Participants of the meeting held to announce the next wave of protest against naming 'Koshi' province (kh 16/06/2024)

Panel highlights media’s role in women’s political visibility : Experts call for increased media support for women in Nepali politics (kp 13/06/2024)

Taming of the shrews : Even in politics, the men in charge prefer women who embody traditional femininity, by Sucheta Pyakuryal (kp 03/06/2024)

Women in politics and policy-making positions in Nepal, by Pallav Bhusal (rn 02/06/2024)

Struggles For Recognition Bolster Inclusion, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 01/06/2024)

33% of women in Nepal own property (kh 280/05/2024), Female participation in civil service reaches 28.5 percent (kh 28/05/2024)

Beyond Quotas for Women's Political Empowerment, by Aastha Pokharel (rep 22/05/2024)

Women lead the way in Kathmandu city management, by Ruby Rauniyar (rep 20/05/2024)

Case filed at SC against PMO alleging exclusion of Dalit representation in current govt (rep 14/05/2024)

Nepal’s banking industry is a leader in South Asia in employing women : They make up 45 percent of financial service staff, but much less in senior positions, by Krishana Prasain (kp 11/05/2024)

Experts call for carving feminist policies including foreign policy : Nepal has been unable to translate its constitutional and international commitments on gender equality, Ansari says (kp 08/05/2024)

Dalit women in local governance : Political parties must understand that quotas don’t ensure adequate and meaningful resources, by Sajhana Tolange (kp 05/05/2024)

Culture Key To Spurring National Integration, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 04/05/2024)

One-third women representation an important achievement, but not enough: Former President Bhandari : She stresses on striving for proportional representation while also safeguarding the opportunities that are already achieved (kp 12/04/2024) [Without an end to patriarchal thinking and behaviour, the equal participation of women will remain a pseudo-issue!]

What hinders women’s meaningful representation : Achieving true gender equality requires policies that respect, value and treat women equally, by Rabina Shrestha (kp 11/04/2024)

Inclusiveness not just theory in this school : Kanya Mandir in Kathmandu puts inclusiveness into practice by balancing education with religious tolerance, by Shamshad Ahmad (nt 05/04/2024)

Of women and strongmen : Hardly have women begun to creep to the top and men already think women have too much power, by Deepak Thapa (kp 04/04/2024)

NC President Deuba nominates 10 members to party’s cooperative department (rep 29/03/2024) [Nominations by the all-powerful party leader are extremely democratic. Nominating only male Bahuns speaks for excellent social inclusion. After all, male Bahuns make up almost six per cent of the population and there are still a few positions that are not held by them!]

Women racing to the top : Male whiners perhaps fail to appreciate that women are now massively invested in education, by Deepak Thapa (kp 24/03/2024)

Niraula appointed as DG of DoI, new CDOs assigned in 11 districts (rep 19/03/2024) [Social non-inclusion is alive and well!], 19 candidates in running for Sebon chair (ae 19/03/2024) [And again the same game! That those responsible are not ashamed to only consider people from this small social minority!]

Plural histories of school education : Nepal needs more diverse historical works on schooling that go beyond state-centric perspectives, by Pratyoush Onta (kp 15/03/2024)

Court orders parties not to abuse proportional representation system : Constitutional Bench directs them to follow constitutional spirit of giving space to under-represented populations, by Binod Ghimire (kp 14/03/2024) [The leading politicians do not abide by the constitution and subordinate laws or court orders, i.e. they will continue to pursue their non-inclusive nepotism system!], Elite capture : The usurpation of the PR system by imposters has sowed suspicion about the idea of representation (kp 15/03/2024)

Caste-based discrimination: A call for equality and change, by Prabin Kumar Yadav (ae 04/03/2024)

Women are key drivers of economic growth, societal progress, by Arzu Rana (kh 02/03/2024), Rana calls to reframe gender issues, up women’s participation : Congress leader Arzu Rana Deuba says Nepali women entrepreneurs face a myriad of challenges (kp 03/03/2024)

Making Nepal more inclusive, by Simone Galimberti (ae 19/02/2024)

Reform in reservation is necessary, by Ritesh Panthee (rep 06/02/2024)

Women leadership lacking in Badghars (rn 23/01/2024)

Gender-Inclusive Energy Sector, by Sanju Adhikari (rn 19/01/2024)

Nepali women in foreign policy : Despite an inclusive constitution, appointment and recruitment are highly male-dominated, by Anjan Shakya (kp 09/01/2024)

Absence of Dalits in the private sector : Caste-based preference motivates workers to focus on ‘chakari’ rather than skills, by Abhishek Jha (kp 04/01/2024)

Women In Hydropower Sector, by Sanju Adhikari (rn 28/12/2023)

Revisiting Nepal’s inclusion policy, by Ashansha Mulmi (nlt 27/12/2023)

Towards genuine gender equality in Nepal’s politics : Despite the widely acknowledged principle that societal development hinges upon the active involvement of all its members, women continually find themselves marginalized in the decision-making process, by Dipti Ghimire (nlt 20/12/2023) [The participation of women is even greater if they come from the Dalit, Muslim, Janajati or Madheshi groups! For example, the number of Dalit women is greater than that of Bahun men! The disparity in participation is astronomical!], Parliamentary Hearing Committee endorses six nominees for Supreme Court justices : The House panel endorsed Saranga Subedi, Abdul Aziz Musalman, Mahesh Sharma Paudyal, Tek Prasad Dhungana, Sunil Pokharel and Bal Krishna Dhakal (kp 21/12/2023) [In support of the previous comment: 14 of the 20 judges of the SC are now Bahun, 13 of whom are male. Only three of the judges are women.]

Inclusion And Representation In Nepal’s Federal Parliament, by Kåre Vollan (sp 15/12/2023)

Identity-based faction to counter UML’s Mid-Hill Highway Campaign (kh 26/11/2023) [As with other parties, the national identity characteristics of the UML are male, high-caste, Hindu, historically based on the Nepal of the Shah monarchy and socially and culturally not inclusive!]

A traffic jam in Jaleshwar : At least in Madhesh, federalism has little to do with better governance and faster development, by CK Lal (kp 22/11/2023)

Govt to establish embassy in Portugal, Shanil Nepal recommended as ambassador (rep 19/11/2023) [Nepal's politicians remain true to their conviction that only male Khas Arya are really suitable as ambassadors. They call this "inclusion"!]

Dashain and the Dalits : All their services notwithstanding, Dalits are still forbidden from entering Durga temples, by Mitra Pariyar (kp 17/10/2023)

Call to increase participation of women in tourism sector (kh 30/09/2023)

Improve Women's Role In Decision-making, by Jeewan Rimal (rn 23/09/2023)

Women's participation in decision-making level pathetic (rep 15/09/2023)

Judicial Council recommends names of 27 candidates for appointment as judges in high courts (With List) (rep 15/09/2023) [Not a single woman and predominantly male Bahuns! Welcome to socially inclusive Nepal!]

Poll Reform Bill To Enhance Inclusion, by Liladhar Upadhyaya (rn 15/09/2023) [In absolutely no public sector is social inclusion even rudimentarily practised!]

Communication Of Critical Mass For Peace, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 09/09/2023)

Patriarchal Nepal sees steep rise in female-headed households : Agriculture Census 2021-22 report, released on Thursday by National Statistics Office, shows 32.4 percent, or 1.33 million, households in the country are headed by women, by Sangam Prasain (kp 08/09/2023) [This is far from being a reason for the ruling machos to grant women equal rights and participation!]

Surviving a dangerous neighbourhood : Blowing with the ill winds since 2014, the spectre of ‘neo-Hindutva’ has begun to haunt Nepal, by CK Lal (kp 30/08/2023), Assessing Nepal’s Future Conflict Trends, by Rajendra Bahadur Singh (rep 30/08/2023)

Regional Conference on Women and Foreign Policy in South Asia highlights the imperative of inclusivity in crafting effective foreign policies (rep 26/08/2023)

DPM Khadka calls for caution against those disturbing social harmony (kh 25/08/2023) [Social harmony is endangered by all those who deny the multi-ethnicity, multi-religion and diversity of cultures of the country, who refuse proper inclusion of all sections of society and who identify the country exclusively with Hinduism and the language and culture of the (male) Khas Arya!]

Degrees of Dalitness : It is a fallacy to think that the Dalits are the only community facing caste discrimination, by Mitra Pariyar (kp 22/08/2023)

Marginalised communities struggling to obtain citizenship cards : The ward offices refuse to provide recommendation resulting in minorities being deprived of rights, by Bal Krishna Sah (ht 15/08/2023)

Dalit students at a disadvantage in under-resourced community schools : Most villages in Kaski are emptying out due to outmigration with only impoverished Dalits left behind. With no other option, their children go to schools riddled with problems, by Deepak Pariyar (kp 10/08/2023)

Joint movement of indigenous nationalities essential to safeguard achievements, say activists : Recent struggle indicates that indigenous nationalities are dissatisfied and angry but they also have no collective way to channel their frustration. Activists say the movement against the ‘Koshi’ name could inspire more groups, by Tika R Pradhan (kp 09/08/2023)

Lessons from Manipur : The Nepal government too is notorious for ignoring ethnic, caste and communal grievances, by Mitra Pariyar (kp 08/08/2023)

Maoist Center set to expand Central Committee, embracing inclusivity (kh 02/08/2023) [Social inclusion must take place to the same extent at all levels of the party. Otherwise, one cannot speak of such inclusion. Especially at the upper levels of the party, as with all parties, the proportion of male khas aryas is overwhelming. For example, at the top party level, there should be at most one male Bahun. The CPN (MC) is still worlds away from this!]

Empower Marginalised Communities, by Bhupa P Dhamala (rn 21/07/2023)

Cabinet picks envoys for six missions (kp 16/07/2023) [Of course, six male Khas Arya, who else?], Panel to question minister on lack of inclusiveness in envoy nominations : Parliamentary hearing committee is set to meet today, by Anil Giri (kp 02/08/2023), Inclusive approach embraced in all appointments, including ambassadorial posts: Foreign Minister (rep 02/08/2023) [Brazen lies against all facts! If the Minister's count is correct, 8 ambassadors alone are from among the Khas Arya he did not name. Now 6 more male Khas Arya are to be added. How stupid does this man think the people of Nepal are?]

Addressing Population Issues : A Call For Gender Equality, by Ramesh Kumar KC (rn 14/07/2023)

Need To Build A Coherent National Identity, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 08/07/2023)

Bridging the digital divide in Nepal : Digital divide in Nepal is not only limited to rural and urban disparities. It extends to marginalized communities, such as disadvantaged groups as well, by Abinash Gajurel (nlt 06/07/2023)

MPs from mountain region and oppressed castes treated as third-grade representatives: MP Sherpa (rep 03/07/2023)

EC directs parties to elect 33% women candidates in FPTP (rep 03/07/2023)

For some groups experience can be lowered: SC, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht 30/06/2023)

Female participation in higher education : How Good Is Good Enough?, by Bhim Prasad Subedi (rn 23/06/2023)

Discussion on Changing the Electoral System : Is social inclusion falling out of reach?, by Karl-Heinz Krämer (kh 19/06/2023)

‘Actors are fighting a rigged system’ : How Binita Thapa Magar, an actor with over 14 years of experience, is only just catching her big break, by Urza Acharya (kp 19/06/2023)

Female mahout numbers grow as safaris get popular in protected areas : Women mahouts are dedicated and can handle challenging tasks easily, park officials say, by Rupa Gahatraj (kp 19/06/2023)

National Investigation Department announces vacancies for 71 positions (rep 17/06/2023) [Are the rules on social inclusion being applied or are these again predominantly jobs for male Khas Arya?]

Deuba moots election system change : Speaks of having in place FPTP system for HoR and PR system for National Assembly, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht 11/06/2023) [Deuba pleads for the final end of social inclusion in the HoR instead of ensuring that this inclusion is also prescribed in the selection of candidates for the FPTP system! 15 percent male Khas Arya should be the absolute limit for all political levels and also for the leadership levels of political parties if Nepal's social harmony is to be maintained!]

A home for all : If our identities are fluid, citizenship cannot remain dictated by archaic divisions and anxiety of otherness (kp 01/06/2023)

Nepal’s literature doesn’t have to be in Nepali. We have other languages too : Using local texts for education and formal discourses encourages future generations to learn more about the marginalised languages, by Kshitiz Pratap Shah (kp 30/05/2023)

Journalists and civil activists commit to give priority to issues of marginalized, by Lalit Bista (rep 15/05/2023)

The Hindutva template of hegemony : The controversy over Bhanubhakta’s statue shows the emancipation of the subaltern is a long process, by CK Lal (kp 10/05/2023)

Inclusive participation of women in all levels, structures of State demanded (rn 09/05/2023)

Debating the discourse of discrimination against Dalits with JB Biswokarma : ‘The state must be inclusive, society needs to respect every member of the society equally regardless of gender, caste and ethnicity, and create an environment where everyone can have a dignified life’, interview by Simone Galimberti (nlt 02/05/2023)

Nepal doing better in financial inclusion, narrows gender gap, report says : The economic participation and opportunity for women in Nepal have improved—from 116th in 2013 to 107th in 2021 and 98th in 2022 (kp 29/04/2023), Nepal achieves increase in financial inclusion (rn 29/04/2023) [see report by IFC], 89% women and 90% men in Nepal have access to financial services: Report (rn 29/04/2023)

The politics of emotional control : The polls have diverted the national attention away from some of the more pressing issues of political economy, by CK Lal (kp 26/04/2023)

Campaigners against Koshi hope province will get new name : Province 1 renamed Koshi on March 1. There are no signs of movement for name reflecting ethnic identity ebbing, by Tika R Pradhan (kp 22/04/2023) [Janajati groups may be in the majority, especially in Province 1, but this land belongs to the male Khas Arya and they decide!]

Inclusion of Dalits, disadvantaged groups still negligible : Experts demand amendment to election laws to ensure inclusiveness as envisioned by the constitution, by Tika R Pradhan (kp 12/04/2023) [And please democratise the Political Parties Act at the same time, which in its present form only serves the authoritarian power of the incompetent party leaders!]

Where are women in academia? One can only wonder why women disappear as they advance academically, by Aarati Baral (kp 05/04/2023)

Swatantra Party announces bypoll candidates : Rabi Lamichhane will contest from Chitwan-2, Swarnim Wagle from Tanahun-1 and Ramesh Kharel from Bara-2 (kp 02/04/2023) [Exclusively male Bahuns in this "alternative" party too! Besides, if I don't get nominated as a candidate in one party, then I'll just switch to a more willing party.]

Thapa, Kunwar and Nepal appointed advisors to Prez Poudel (rep 31/03/2023) [All male Khas Arya! This symbolises the President's willingness for continued non-inclusion!]

Review the Reservation System (rep 28/03/2023) [Quite obviously, this system has not really been implemented so far, at least the higher the administrative or political level. Since the new census report does not contain any information on ethnicities/castes and their participation, the reservation system is labelled a farce anyway!]

Govt urged to recruit employees on the basis of ethnicity to implement proportional inclusion (rep 22/03/2023)

History of women lawmakers : To ensure women’s rights, their presence is necessary in Parliament and the law-making process, by Khim Lal Devkota (kp 22/03/2023)

Resolution discussed in National Assembly to end discrimination against Dalits (rep 22/03/2023)

Book on political representation of Dalit unveiled in Kathmandu (kh 21/03/2023)

Deprived, under-privileged communities should be brought into mainstream: Speaker Ghimire (kh 13/03/2023) [By continuing to give almost all posts to male Khas Arya, especially Bahun?]

Missing Dalits in research institutions : The issues of Dalits won’t be taken seriously when nobody is in the team to put them forward, by Sagoon Bhetwal (kp 12/03/2023)

Evolving gender equations : Women should speak up for justice notwithstanding concerns of family reputation or social pressure, by Sushila Karki (kp 08/03/2023)

Empowered Nepali women : Things will change when men who do not do dishes at home stop lecturing on women’s empowerment, by Sujeev Shakya (kp 07/03/2023)

Women’s participation in state’s bodies being ensured: Speaker Ghimire (kh 07/03/2023) [With a few exceptions, the women involved only play backstage roles! More than the 33 per cent of women parliamentarians prescribed by the constitution are not involved anyway. In the Council of Ministers and other institutions, not even this is achieved!]

Under provincial name Koshi, currents of discontent still flow : Madhesh is the only province named on identity basis. Many blame erosion in Maoist ideology, by Tika R Pradhan (kp 04/03/2023) [The fairy tale of social inclusion has long been forgotten! The male Khas Arya minority suppresses any historical and non-Hindu ethnic reference in terms of state ideology and nationalism.]

Calls grow for gender equality in foreign jobs m: The restrictive policies over the years, regarding labour mobility of women, have made them vulnerable to trafficking and forced labour, observers say, by Pawan Pandey (kp 28/02/2023)

Let Women Take Leadership Roles, by Juhi Adhikari (rn 24/02/2023)

State of the minorities in South Asia : Nepal's dominant Khas Arya minority reaps disproportionate benefits of their status, by Deepak Thapa (kp 23/02/2023) [see report]

When will women lead big political parties? Bibeksheel Sajha recently elected Samikchya Baskota as party chief while Ranjita Shrestha heads another new party, the Nagarik Unmukti Party, by Purushottam Poudel (kp 21/02/2023)

Women in lead : Nepali society is more open to women’s leadership than established parties would have us believe (kp 17/02/2023)

Social justice moving backwards : The leaders of the political parties are the biggest obstacles to achieving social justice, by Pradip Pariyar (kp 06/02/2023)

Landmark bill to boost women candidacy in polls : Election Commission is drafting a bill to increase women’s candidacy in all three tiers of government by a third, by Binod Ghimire (kp 02/0/2023), Hope amid despair : The proposed bill to field more directly elected women candidates is a silver lining (kp 03/02/2023)

Ruling coalition fails to ensure inclusiveness in Cabinet : Political parties won’t ensure inclusion, unless it’s made mandatory by amending the constitution, says expert, by Tika R Pradhan (kp 21/01/2023) [This reflects the basic non-inclusiveness of all political parties! Nepal is still not a democracy, but an oligarchy dominated and controlled by male Khas Arya.]

Jhapa leaders dominant in Parliament (ht 21/01/2023)

26pc women in new Cabinet, by Bal Krishna Sah (ht 18/01/2023) [All of them are Khas Arya. Only four of them are full-fledged ministers, i.e. 20 per cent. This is again a clear violation of the inclusion provision of the Constitution in several respects. Moreover, most of the male ministers are also Khas Arya!]

Parties snub inclusion principle in top provincial posts : All chief ministers are male. Constitution is silent on what should be done if the authorities fail to ensure proportional representation, by Nishan Khatiwada (kp 16/01/2023) [This is not a trivial offence, but a serious violation of the Constitution, the fundamental law of the land, and should be punished accordingly. In an increasingly conscious society, the social balance is in danger!]

Uphold Spirit Of PR Election System, by Sangita Subedi (rep 16/01/2023)

Space of exclusion: No women, no Dalits, no Janajatis in chief ministers of Nepal’s provinces : Experts say the tendency of the political parties to repeatedly undermine constitutional obligation to proportional inclusion could pose a threat to federalism itself, by Dhanu Bishwakarma (nlt 14/01/2023)

Power sharing, inclusive politics in Nepal: Honour the constitutional principle, by Yagya Bahadur Karki (ht 06/01/2023) [When will the arrogant high-caste macho males at the top of the state and political parties finally be punished for their constant disregard of the constitution and laws? A permanent ban from political office should be the minimum punishment! This is not a trivial offence, but malicious intent!]

Identity politics going through a churn : The November elections were not in favour of the parties that have long relied on it, by Binod Ghimire (kp 02/01/2023)

Women representation still remains bare minimum, by Arpana Adhikari (rn 25/12/2022)

Youths Emerge As Change Agents, by Shyam Prasad Mainali (rn 22/12/2022)

Disabled people’s representation minimal in new Parliament (kh 15/12/2022)

November polls fail to ensure fair representation of Dalits : The representation of Dalit community in the newly elected legislature—5.81 percent— is the lowest since the 2008 Constituent Assembly, by Nishan Khatiwada (kp 13/12/2022), 15 Dalit leaders elected to HoR under proportional category (kh 15/12/2022)

FPTP Election: A Road Less Travelled by Women : Providing equal opportunity to women in elections is crucial to believe in women’s capacity and change stereotypes in politics, by Neelam Dhanuse (rep 15/12/2022) [Nepal's macho politicians will do everything they can to prevent this!]

UML to send 19 female members under PR system, NC 29 (kh 08/12/2022) [Adequate social inclusion in parliament will never be achieved unless the parties dominated by high-caste males are required to apply the rules of social inclusion in the selection of candidates for the FPTP system. Khas Arya, for example, are already over-represented through the FPTP system. It is not understandable that more members of this social group have to be nominated through the PR system! The striving for adequate inclusion of all social groups, as declared after Jana Andolan II, is implausible. The ruling high-caste male elite is only interested in securing its privileges and posts!]

Dalit and women leaders in Karnali feel cheated : Big parties did not field any Dalit candidate for Parliament from Karnali Province, by Krishna Prasad Gautam (kp 01/12/2022)

New House of Representatives to be less inclusive : As proportional representation votes are scattered among parties, women, Dalits, Janajatis will be underrepresented, by Tika R Pradhan (kp 30/11/2022) [This is the outspoken goal of the political parties totally dominated by male Khas Arya! The fact that another 30 per cent Khas Aryas are nominated via the PR system contradicts all statements on inclusion!]

Women representation nil under FPTP in Karnali province : Single candidate to represent Dalits (kh 28/11/2022)

High cost of smartphones a barrier to digital inclusion, report says : Smartphones and barphones are taxed 18 percent and 15.5 percent respectively in Nepal, by Krishana Prasain (kp 26/11/2022)

Women participation in HoR: Seven get directly elected, two still leading (kh 25/11/2022) [Besides 158 males: this is what the patriarchal party leaders call appropriate and "inclusive"!], Women candidates in HoR and PA elections of 2079 BS, by Smriti Dhungana (rep 25/11/2022)

Promoting gender-responsive trade : Gender-inclusive trade can have a multiplier effect on women, their families and also the GDP of a nation, by Sagar Jung Karki (kp 24/11/2022)

Inclusion and reservation: Experiences from other countries, remedies for Nepal : The simple fact that political parties are neglecting potential candidates from Dalit and Janajati communities and women is an indicator that the country needs even stronger quota provisions for them, by Simone Galimberti (nlt 19/11/2022)

Democracy beyond elections : Without adequate representation, marginalised communities in Nepal are less likely to have their issues addressed, by Narayan Adhikari and Nicholas Budny (kp 17/11/2022)

Women’s share in House likely to shrink : With few women FPTP candidates, more of them may need to be elected to the upper house to meet the requirement, by Binod Ghimire (kp 13/11/2022) [The continued and even increased non-inclusive policies of high-caste male politicians must be criminalised and punished as a matter of urgency!]

Parties’ manifestos offer little to Dalits, Janajatis : Rights activists have demanded a ‘Dalit decade’ to end deep-rooted caste-based discrimination through policies and programmes, by Tika R Pradhan (kp 09/11/2022)

Dalit women in Nepali politics: Underrepresented, undermined, discriminated and oppressed : If political parties are really serious about ending the social discrimination, they should not hesitate to provide enough opportunities to Dalit women, by Radha Nepali (nlt 02/11/2022)

Nepali women packing a punch : Nepal occupies a respectable 16th position among the 133 countries regarding the proportion of elected seats held by women, by Khim Lal Devkota (kp 02/11/2022) [This comparison is misleading! The high percentage of women is based on legal regulations. Responsibility is still withheld from women today. Moreover, the legal regulations are increasingly undermined by the leading male politicians!]

How the already-marginalized Dalit community is marginalized in Nepali politics : The representation of the Dalit Community, which accounts for almost 15 percent of the country’s population, in the parliament is expected to fall as only a few Dalit candidates got tickets from major political parties for the upcoming polls, by Laxman Darnal (nlt 31/10/2022)

UN CEDAW concerned about dire situation of women's rights, gender equality (ht 31/10/2022)

The declared ideals of 2006 and today’s political impasse, by Karl-Heinz Krämer (kh 24/10/2022)

Inclusion commissions at loggerheads over report : Tharu Commission has objected to the Madheshi Commission’s move to include the surnames of the Tharu people as Madheshis, by Binod Ghimire (kp 24/10/2022)

Indigenous Nationalities Commission slammed for proposing revisions to existing reservation system : Commission officials seem to have fallen into a trap set by anti-reservation groups who want to scrap the inclusive system, say marginalised group activists, by Tika R Pradhan (kp 23/10/2022) [This is due to the fact that all constitutional commissions are hand-picked individuals selected by the high-caste male state elite for whom the orders and interests of their anti-inclusive and anti-democratic masters have absolute priority!]

Women contenders in direct race have it tough in upcoming parliamentary elections : Major parties have been reluctant to field women candidates. Even the few in the fray have a battle in their hands, by Nishan Khatiwada (kp 23/10/2022)

Anthropologist Om Gurung dies of cancer : Gurung had spearheaded the fight against the state induced social exclusion, cultural discrimination and political domination against indigenous people and other marginalised and disadvantaged groups of Nepal (kp 18/10/2022)

Exclusionary inclusion : Marginalisation of the country’s small ethnic groups is a tragedy of modern Nepali politics (kp 18/10/2022)

Senior lives matter : This time, let us vote for what we want rather than what everybody else expects us to want, by Poonam Thapa (kp 16/10/2022)

Khas Arya candidates outnumber in inclusive category (kh 16/10/2022) [42% of the candidates from the Khas Arya group, which accounts for 30% of the total population! This is what the ruling elite calls "inclusive" under the PR system!]

Nearly half of ethnic groups unrepresented in Parliament in 15 years of PR exercise : The proportional representation system seems to benefit only the communities that are affluent and better linked, by Tika R Pradhan (kp 15/10/2022)

Hundreds of candidates withdraw from race : As many as 2,412 candidates are now in the race for seats in the lower house and 3,224 in provincial assemblies (kp 13/10/2022), 2,412 in fray for 165 FPTP HoR seats : Less than 10 per cent of contestants are women (ht 13/10/2022)

Continuity over change : The new roster of tried and tested electoral candidates does not inspire much confidence (kp 11/10/2022), Nepali elections are becoming a battle of same old faces : Lack of internal democracy in political parties is mainly to be blamed, by Nishan Khatiwada (kp 11/10/2022) [Maybe not yet a failing state, but definitely a failing democracy!], Subverting political federalism : The coalition culture has sidelined deserving candidates in favour of cronies and sycophants, by Achyut Wagle (kp 11/10/2022), Major political parties fall short to ensure gender parity in politics : Almost all political parties have an extremely lower ratio of women to men candidates fielded under the first-past-the-post category in the upcoming elections (nlt 11/10/2022), Zero woman candidacy for HoR member in Baitadi (kh 11/10/2022)

Limited number of women candidacies recorded under FPTP (kh 10/10/2022)

Voters favour women, party leaders don’t : Selection of candidates is based on whims of male politicians as women are under-represented in top party committees, by Aakriti Ghimire (kp 29/09/2022) [The party leaders are and remain the greatest propagandists of patriarchy and the non-inclusive state!]

Political parties continue to abuse proportional representation system : Many nominees in the closed lists submitted to Election Commission have repeatedly occupied positions of power, by Binod Ghimire (kp 21/09/2022),
Women MPs, unite : A new women’s parliamentary caucus is needed at a time when they are being brazenly discriminated (kp 21/09/2022)

Fixing a flawed quota system : The solution to the loopholes is not discontinuation but evidence-based revision, by Divya Rana and Vibhav Pradhan (kp 21/09/2022)

MP Pant's appeal to political parties to increase candidacy of women (rep 16/09/2022)

Dalit politicians being denied tickets : Political parties didn’t field women Dalit candidates in 124 wards in the local elections last May : The number of Dalit mayors decreased by half in 2022 polls compared to 2017, by Nishan Khatiwada (kp 15/09/2022)

On equal footing : The constitutional provisions for inclusion cannot be ignored or circumvented anymore (kp 15/09/2022) [But the reality looks different as the high-caste political patriarchy does not abide by the Constitution, laws or SC rulings! And they do not even have to fear punishment!]

Pathos of collective humiliation in Madhesh : Elections may come, elections may go, but the struggles of Madheshis will have to continue to establish themselves as ‘the People’, by CK Lal (kp 14/09/2022)

Revival of women’s caucus vital to advancing feminist movement : The sorority in the 2008 Constituent Assembly laid foundation for gender equality in the constitution, by Aakriti Ghimire (kp 13/09/2022)

Affirmative inaction : Party patriarchy sidelines women aspirants to office, and gives bare minimum representation (nt 09/09/2022), The power to have a say in her-story : As the November elections approach, Nepal’s male-dominated parties are loath to let women contest, by Shristi Karki (nt 09/09/2022)

Indirectly elected representatives, most of whom are women, have less powers : In the upcoming elections, women aspire to contest first-past-the-post seats but political parties don’t seem enthusiastic to give them tickets, by Aakriti Ghimire (kp 31/08/2022) [According to the patriarchal thinking of the ruling male elite, Nepal belongs only to men, especially to those from the Tagadhari castes, particularly the Bahuns. The citizenship law and the current discussion on this matter make this clear. Since because of the alliance the direct candidacies are also divided among the parties, the ruling men cannot "waste" any mandate on women!]

Bring Fresh Faces To Leadership, by Yug Bahadur (rn 26/08/2022) [And this must be done inclusively. Given the existing disproportion, at least half should be women; at least 20 per cent should go to Dalits; a male Bahun should only be added if at least three male Bahuns drop out at the same time!]

Did Maoists abandon the issue of “inclusion” and equal representation?, by Sunita Bhul (kp 22/08/2022) [Without any doubt, this process already started with the elections to the first CA. After its defeat in the elections to the second CA, the party has forgotten all the ideals for whose implementation 17,000 people had to lose their lives!]

Inclusivity just a refrain in Maoist party, as it fails to practise what it preaches : Party picks 21 office bearers with just one woman, two Madheshis, four Janajatis—none from Dalit, Muslim communities, by Tika R Pradhan (kp 21/08/2022) [Oligarchy and nepotism are features of all Nepali political parties, including the CPN (Maoist Centre)!]

Questions of inclusivity arise over Sunday’s Karnali Cabinet reshuffle : There are eight members in the Cabinet—all men from the Khas-Arya community, by Jyotee Katuwal (kp 15/08/2022) [Nepal urgently needs a rejection option in the electoral law if this oppressive male Tagadhari dominance is to end!]

Voices grow for fair representation of women as major elections near : Women leaders complain parties field fewer women for direct election. Experts blame the patriarchal mindset, by Nishan Khatiwada (kp 13/08/2022)

MPs demand 50 per cent FPTP tickets for women, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht 02/08/2022)

Despite reservation quotas for minorities, Brahmins continue to dominate civil service : Forty-five percent civil service seats are reserved for women, indigenous groups, Madhesis, Dalits, people with disabilities and those from backward regions, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp 28/07/2022) [This does not only apply to civil service!]

Reshaping Indigenous Movement in Nepal, by Krishna K Shrestha (rep 25/07/2022)

Only 0.30pc news stories have bylines of female journalists in Nepali media (ht 19/07/2022)

NIC empowered to recommend action against rights violators (ht 18/07/2022) [Given the strict denial of social inclusion by the ruling male Tagadhari elite, there should be endless complaints!]

Nepal ranked second in South Asia in closing gender gap It will take another 132 years to close the global gender gap. As crises are compounding, women's workforce outcomes are suffering and the risk of global gender parity backsliding further intensifies, however, Nepal seems to be doing better in gender equality, the report indicates (nlt 14/07/2022) [This is probably only because women's participation in most other South Asian countries is even worse than in Nepal. Women's inclusion is still very poor in extremely patriarchal Nepal!]

A blueprint for political empowerment of Nepali women  : Male politicians in dominant positions should face the reality that women in Nepal have no equal opportunities to contest the elections, by Simone Galimberti (nlt 09/07/2022)

Gender-responsive budgeting: Good on paper, poor on implementation : In the absence of monitoring and evaluation mechanisms, existing gender financing policies of Nepal have failed to yield desired results, by Aakriti Ghimire (kp 06/07/2022)

Nepali remains lingua franca of all provinces, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht 02/07/2022) [It is not a question of replacing Nepali with another language, but a second language of the respective province should be made compulsory, especially for the high-caste elite, who must finally get away from the mistaken belief that only their language, religion, culture, etc. represent Nepal's identity!]

Congress leaders call for letting Nepalis away vote. Poll body says not feasible : Despite Supreme Court order in 2018, no initiatives taken for out-of-country voting. Debate on the issue when polls near seems to be more for public consumption, by Binod Ghimire (kp 22/06/2022)

Parties are reluctant to ensure fair Dalit representation in politics, report says : Dalit advocacy group’s report regrets dwindling Dalit representation in local governance (kp 21/06/2022)

Coalition partners eye alliance for upcoming polls, but there are complexities : There are more aspirants than the 165 lower house seats up for grabs and Maoist Centre and Unified Socialist want more seats than they have now, by Tika R Pradhan (kp 21/06/2022) [Voters will once again be presented with the old familiar non-inclusive male uppercaste candidates. The voters should dispose of them all in the dustbin of history!]

Patriarchy blamed for suffering of mothers, kids (ht 18/06/2022)

Fighting discrimination: Everyone's responsibility, by Simone Galimberti (ht 16/06/2022)

Strides In Women Empowerment, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 11/06/2022)

Leaving both houses without deputies reflects poorly on parties’ commitments : As House Speaker and Assembly chair are men, their deputies have to be women. Parties’ apathy leads some to suspect if they are being neglectful of women’s representation, by Binod Ghimire (kp 05/06/2022) [Nepal's macho men like to violate the constitution and laws when it comes to preventing women's participation!]

Why aren’t more women selected as candidates? Patriarchy alone is not a sufficient explanation for the lack of women in candidate selection for the recently held local elections, by Seira Tamang (rec 16/05/2022)

Implications of low women representation in local polls, by Neelam Dhanuse (rep 12/05/2022)

Despite law, Nepal fails to achieve Dalit women representation in wards : Parties say they failed to find candidates, an argument Dalit activists do not agree with, by Tika R Pradhan (kp 10/05/2022)

Women in politics: Get them interested from high school , by Simone Galimberti (ht 09/05/2022) [Without a radical disciplining of the male party leaders, enforcing harsh punishments and at the same time comprehensively changing the laws, it is unlikely that much will change!]

A latest study on Nepal’s journey from exclusion to inclusion published : "From Exclusion to Inclusion: Crafting a New Legal Regime in Nepal" looks at how the Comprehensive Peace Accord of 2006 and the adoption of the Interim Constitution in 2007 set the stage for the creation of an inclusive Nepali state, by Shrutika Raut (nlt 08/05/2022) [free download of book]

Kusunda tribe demands integrated settlement, protection of their nearly-extinct language (rep 06/05/2022)

Electoral syndicate against women : From the first election, one thing that hasn't changed is the politics of hegemonic masculinity, by Chandra Bhadra and Sucheta Pyakuryal (kp 05/05/2022)

Women leaders from across the political spectrum say they feel constrained : Their representation in local elections has been trimmed but they cannot speak up. Female politicians say the fight will continue though, by Aakriti Ghimire (kp 30/04/2022)

Hard to retain last election’s achievements with less women candidates this time (kh 26/04/2022)

Supreme Court set to decide today on petition on women’s representation in local governments : Deadline given to political parties to file nominations for the May 13 local level elections ends today, by Binod Ghimire (kp 25/04/2022)

Party leaders reach Musahar settlement after five years since last election (kh 21/04/2022) [This proves the whole disinterest of the politicians!], Call for meaningful participation of Dalits in local level polls (kh 22/04/2022)

Dalits demand respectable, proportional representation in upcoming elections (ht 18/04/2022)

Women in politics : One can have all the rules and yet find a million ways to sidestep them (kp 14/04/2022)

Government recommends names of ambassadors to 20 countries (with list) (kh 07/04/2022) [Three quarters of them are Bahuns, which once again shows who considers themselves as the owners of this land!]

Alliance politics may trim women’s representation in local governments : As coalition partners plan to fight May 13 polls in alliance, observers wonder if the inclusion idea is at stake, by Binod Ghimire (kp 04/04/2022)

New country, old rules : Systemic discrimination against women, minorities and free-speech advocates continue in subtle and not-so-subtle ways (ae 10/03/2022)

Women’s representation and intersectional (un)inclusion, by Kalpana Jha (rec 17/03/2022)

Minister Regmi informs global community on Nepal’s efforts on women empowerment (kh 15/03/2022) [Improvements yes, but the reality is different. In the constitution, laws and society, equality between women and men is still a long way off!]

Inclusion in teaching, inclusion in learning, by Karl-Heinz Krämer (rec 14/03/2022)

Women serving as deputies at local units aspire to take up executive roles : As local elections near, women representatives, however, doubt the male-dominated parties where patriarchy is deep-rooted will make way for them, by Binod Ghimire (kp 13/03/2022) [The male party rulers will never let women participate in power in the way they deserve!]

Strengthening female representation : Women’s underrepresentation in leadership positions reflects a combination of the design of the quota system and party nomination behaviour, by Rohini Pande, Michael Callen, Binod Paudel and Satish Wasti (kp 11/03/2022)

Women look for a human economy - equal for all, by Krishana Prasain (kp 08/03/2022)

Ensuring gender equality, by Diksha Sharma (kh 06/03/2022)

Khas-Arya women are de facto women leaders : While Nepal has rteserved quota for women, the majority of the positions at administratice, political, and bureaucratic levels are occupied by those from the Khas-Arya group, by Aakriti Ghimire (kp 21/02/2022)

Gender-based discrimination unabated in Nepal, says NHRC (ht 14/02/2022)

Model social inclusion policy for local levels (ht 23/01/2022)

Panel to ask PM on inclusive, proportional system in envoy appointment (ht 20/01/2022)

Nepali political parties far from inclusive : While the inclusive principles were applied in selection of lower-levels leaders, top leadership continued to be in the hands of the traditional elite groups, by Pratik Ghimire (ae 13/01/2022)

Electoral Integrity: A Crucial Aspect of Sustaining Democracy, by Rajaram Bartaula (rep 03/01/2022)

Maoists pledged to uplift marginalised. And they further marginalised them : Dalits in party are questioning if they are going to get the promised space, as they are left out of committees now, by Tika R Pradhan (kp 03/01/2022)

Deuba accused of nominating only supporters to Congress central committee : Among 13 nominated, just two, or mere 15 percent, are women, by Binod Ghimire (kp 03/01/2022)

RPP Chair Lingden and Bibeksheel Sajha Chairman Mishra discuss party unity (kh 31/12/2021) [Similarly minded parties, but this spells the final end of the Bibeksheel Sajha Party. Rabindra Mishra's alternativity means a return to the non-inclusive Hindu monarchy that more than 17,000 people sacrificed their lives to abolish! Whether Hindu state or secularism is not a question of religion. More than 40 per cent of the people are not Hindus from a social point of view. Hindu women and Dalits are also extremely discriminated against. Unfortunately, even the major parties have not come close to delivering what they promised in 2006. Therefore, Nepal has remained a state of high-caste Hindu men under a supposedly inclusive and secular republic.]

Everyone Will Be Represented In Party - PM Deuba (rn 25/12/2021) [This will only be the case when the proportion of male Bahuns and Chhetris at all levels of the party is reduced to no more than 15 per cent in total and the seats hitherto occupied by them are given to members of all other sections of society in proportion to their share of the population! Incidentally, this applies to all political parties!]

Reservation and quota, how justifiable?, by Ruby Khadgi (kh 09/12/2021)

Population Census 2021 : Data Vs Reliability, by Nir Bahadur Karki (rep 25/11/2021)

Let The Subaltern Speak, by Tulasi Acharya (rn 22/11/2021)

Fractured peace : The so-called representatives of the working class are the new elites of Nepal (kp 22/11/2021) [And this elite continues to be recruited from the same social strata. Under the monarchy, male Chhetris were in the majority. With the "democratisation" of 1990, male Bahuns took over this role. The Maoist uprising, Jana Andolan II and the new constitution have not changed this, as this traditional elite has deceived the people about adequate social inclusion until today!]

Women’s Attraction To Judiciary Rising, by Kalika Khadka (rn 16/11/2021)

CPN-UML convention : No females and Dalits elected in the leadership of 84 wards of Baitadi (rep 08/11/2021) [Here the CPN-UML shows its true colours of a patriarchal Tagadhari party! According to the 2011 Census, 54 per cent of Baitadi's population were women. The proportion of Dalits was 20 per cent! This means that about 65 percent of the population remains excluded!]

Feel angry? Read this : Archaic patriarchal beliefs will persist for years but you can't let negative emotions consume you, by Anjana Rajbhandary (nt 22/10/2021)

4.5 million girls at risk of not finishing school due to pandemicA UN report says with children remaining out of school,  the risk of child labour, gender-based violence, early and forced marriage, and early pregnancy may increase, by Binod Ghimire (kp 13/10/2021)

Programme for girl children fails to bear fruit in Karnali Province : The provincial government has launched ‘Bank Account for Daughters for Secure Life’ but many people in rural areas are unaware of the scheme, by Chandani Kathayat (kp 11/10/2021)

Six years since promulgation, problems remain with the constitution : Madhesis, Tharus, Muslims, and women are still unable to take ownership of the statute due to the document’s failure to encompass their aspirations, by Prasansha Rimal (rec 19/09/2021) [This was the intention of the high-caste male party leaders who had given this constitution to their MPs for an unopposed vote in blatant violation of the interim constitution!]

Six years of ethnonational upsurge : Khas-Arya supremacists consider the Divya Upadesh to be the manual of nationalism, by CK Lal (kp 15/09/2021)

Enhancing women’s access to finance : As a first step, we need to identify the actual needs and study international practices, by Shreya Subedi (kp 06/09/2021)

No citizenship, no job : Young Madhesis have been deprived of numerous opportunities as they can’t apply for citizenship. They can’t even go abroad for work, by Jitendra Narayan Thakur (ae 02/09/2021)

In Nepal’s politics and governance, old faces rule the roost : Top leaders’ penchant for power and young generation’s failure to challenge the seniors have made leadership handover a distant dream, by Binod Ghimire (kp 29/08/2021) [And they are overwhelmingly male Tagadharis, especially Bahuns, although the latter represent only a very small minority of six percent of the population! Is this the socially equal and inclusive Nepal that the same politicians promised in 2006 and again in 2008?]

Shakya becomes first woman chief minister, by Subas Bidari (kp 19/08/2021)

Tharu Morcha in protest, pressuring government to implement past agreements : Brihat Nagarik Aandolan, an alliance of civil society members and people from various walks of life, supports the protest, by Binod Ghimire (kp 18/08/2021)

With major shifts in party organizations, Maoist Center’s CC meet concludes (kh 15/08/2021) [But standing Committee not affected? The provision of the constitution applies to all party levels!?]

SC order on reservations draws flak, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht 13/08/2021), 'Court prejudiced against reservation' (ht 13/08/2021)

Indigenous people worry hard-won gains may be lost : Achievements made since 1990 are at risk as secularism and federalism are yet to be institutionalised and recent court ruling is another challenge, activists say, by Tika R Pradhan (kp 09/08/2021) [The traditional elite, especially male Bahuns, continue to control the country, prevent social inclusion and the development of federalism and secularism, and constantly demand that the wheel of time be turned back instead, e.g. Ganga Thapa, Rabindra Mishra, KP Oli, Shashanka Koirala, etc.], BSP Chair’s Dangerous Proposal, by Mukunda Raj Kattel (rn 09/08/2021), Indigenous people are victims of conservation 'success story' (ht 10/08/2021), Indigenous Peoples Suffer Under Conservation Policies: Report (rn 10/08/2021)

One step forward, two steps back : Recent court ruling to revisit reservation and affirmative actions for those discriminated against by the state is regressive and defeats the purpose, observers say, by Binod Ghimire (kp 05/08/2021), Going backwards : The idea that reservation must be based on need, and not caste, is flawed (kp 06/08/2021) [The judges also bear the characteristics of being male and high-caste. They obviously cannot escape their acquired view. As long as adequate participation in society is not guaranteed by a restrictive quota system also in the judiciary, a correct assessment of the situation of the traditionally excluded is unlikely to be realised!]

Sorry state of affairs : Challenges of implementation of the reservation policy for women in Nepal persist, by Roshee Lamichhane (kp 05/08/2021)

Karnali province strives to mainstream Rautes : Under the policy formulated by the Ministry of Social Development, members of the community shall be provided a place to settle permanently and issued citizenship certificates, by Hik mat Bahadur Nepali (ae 22/07/2021)

‘Incorporate inclusion in university curriculum’ (kh 20/07/2021)

The Politics of Quotas, by Sanjit Shrestha (rep 20/07/2021)

Ties of tradition that bind and blind : Without more aggressive politicisation of the  inclusive agenda, cultural divisions are unlikely to end, by CK Lal (kp 07/07/2021)

The Myth Of Merit, by Aashish Mishra (rn 26/06/2021)

Province 2 Chief asks CM to make cabinet more inclusive (kh 13/06/2021) [Cabinets in Nepal have never been inclusive. They are still dominated by men, except for Province 2 by male Bahuns. Janajatis (population share about five times that of male Bahuns) and Madheshis are severely underrepresented, women find at best a pseudo-representation. Dalits and Muslims are extremely rarely included.]

New provisions to enhance women entrepreneurship (ht 09/04/2021)

Women representatives in Achham are excluded from decision-making roles : Most women ward members say the inclusion policy has only served as a token gesture to fulfil gender and caste representation requirements at the local level, by Menuka Dhungana (kp 05/04/2021) [All the male Bahuns who dominate all levels in the state and parties, even though they are recruited from only 6% of the population, consider the state as their property and have no interest whatsoever in social inclusion, decentralisation and federalism! Ending the Bahun patriarchy requires a fundamental change in the state, parties and society!]

Whatever happened to equity and inclusion? That one group should progress so disproportionately talks about the failure of the state-society compact, by Deepak Thapa (kp 01/04/2021)

Data collection for national ID card distribution hits snag : Against the target to collect the details of 10 million people, the government may only be able to collect the details of 4.4.5 million people because of Covid-19 scare, officials say, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp 28/03/2021) [And what about the millions of Nepalis who are denied citizenship because they do not fit into the male Bahuns' concept of national identity?]

Law implementation remains weak in cases of caste-based discrimination : A report says police are reluctant to register cases. And even if cases get registered, they lack evidence to back up the claims, which results in low conviction rate, by Binod Ghimire (kp 28/03/2021)

IFC partners with Nepal Stock Exchange for gender equality (kp 26/03/2021)

Empowering women farmers : Agricultural mechanisation is the key, by Pratigya Silwal and Subha Khanal (ht 25/03/2021)

Representation of women in state organs dismal: NHRC report (ht 20/03/2021) [see annual report of NHRC]

Language chauvinism : The recent arrests in Balaju show the need for greater understanding of language diversity, by Deepak Thapa (kp 18/03/2021)

Let women lead : Men must be part of the equation but women must be prepared and assert themselves, by Simone Galimberti (rep 16/03/2021)

Why participation isn’t enough : Women’s participation  in decision making may  not mean they are truly empowered, by Sahara Basnet (kp 15/03/2021)

Linguistic discrimination and conflict : As long as there is unfairness, the goal of an inclusive and prosperous Nepal is impossible, by Sangmo Yonjan-Tamang (kp 03/03/2021)

Bridging the gender gap  in higher education : Just improving literacy rates as a token of inclusion may not improve gender parity, by Roshee Lamichhane (kp 01/03/2021)

Tharuhat-Tharuwan National Front's special convention begins in Kailali (ht 28/02/2021)

Narrow the gap : Although the constitution has not discriminated its citizens based on gender, the laws need to be amended to see this in practice (ht 26/02/2021) [The constitution, too, discriminates against women, for example with regard to citizenship law!]

Citizens’ manifesto : The Citizens’ Movement has called for freedom from political regression and justice for the marginalised, by Pramod Mishra (kp 25/02/2021)

How proposed immigration policy on women is deeply flawed : Limiting women’s education, employment and movement hinders their economic empowerment and freedom thereby perpetuating their dependency on men, by Tara Kanel (rep 18/02/2021)

Temptations of saffron secularity and hybrid democracy : The political call for a Hindu Rashtra poses a mortal threat to the very idea of an inclusive Nepal, by CK Lal (kp 17/02/2021)

Nepal’s ‘inferior’ women : Nepal is still a highly patriarchal society that looks upon women as second-class citizens (ae 12/02/2021), ‘Women’s March’ in Kathmandu to demand an end to violence against women and impunity : People from various walks of life are participating in the march from Basantapur to Singha Durbar gate (kp 12/02/2021)

Why women should be given equal rights in citizenship : Nepal’s sovereignty will be stronger if we empower our women and children and weaker if we disenfranchise the children of Nepali mothers. A nation that treats its citizens unequally is doomed from within, by Riti Prasai (rep 09/02/2021)

Despite quotas, hill Brahmins disproportionately land civil service jobs : In fiscal year 2019-20, 28 percent of applications for civil service jobs were from the community but 45 percent of those recruited were from it. This has been a trend for past few years, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp 06/01/2021) [If one also takes gender into account, the disproportionality in favour of male Bahuns is even much greater!]

Proposed amendment on visit visa law is deeply flawed, by Karan Kunwar and Indu Dhungana (rep 03/01/2021)

Cultural Cohesion Fosters Unity, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 21/11/2020)

सामान्यीकरण : बढ्दो जातीय हिंसा तथा अपराधको कारण . मानव भएर जिउन पाउने नैसर्गिक अधिकार खोसेर समाज र राज्यसत्तामा रमाउनेहरूका विरुद्ध विद्रोह नगरुन्जेल दलित समुदायले सामाजिक न्याय नपाउने निश्चित छ [Generalization: Due to increasing ethnic violence and crime : It is certain that the Dalit community will not get social justice unless it revolts against those who rejoice in society and state power by depriving them of their natural right to live as human beings], by Prakash Bik (ka 18/11/2020)

राजनीतिमा दलित महिला सहभागिता : अहिले करिब ६,६८२ वडासदस्य, २८ प्रदेश सांसद र संघीय संसद्मा १३ जना दलित महिला छन् [Dalit women's participation in politics : At present, there are about 6,682 ward members, 28 state parliamentarians and 13 Dalit women in the federal parliament] , by Tika Kumari Bishwakarma (np 13/11/2020)

जातीय मुक्तिका अप्ठ्यारा मार्क्सवादी बाटा [The Marxist path to ethnic liberation], by Mekh Raj Udaya (nag 12/11/2020)

Participation of Dalit in media will be prioritized: Minister Gurung (kh 06/11/2020) [You are the only one who believes in this statement! Only male Bahuns are prioritised!]

Nepal’s great divide : It has become easier to understand what a white American male is thinking than what goes on in a Dalit Nepali’s mind in Rukum, by Dinkar Nepal (ae 06/11/2020)

Raute girl wants to study to become judge (ht 18/10/2020)

Listen to rural women : Nepal must commit to uplifting the status of those at the bottom of society (kp 15/10/2020)

Manels and the Nepali heart : The consistent case of only a few women being invited to speak at most conferences reeks of tokenism, by Deepak Thapa (kp 15/10/2020)) [Even better, you should call it Tamanel, Tagadgari male panel!]

Are you an Indian? ‘No, I’m a Nepali’ : We Nepalis like to immediately size each other up according to our last names. The one category universally hated, however, is to be perceived as an Indian, by Ranjan Adiga (rep 13/10/2020)

A crusader of Sanskrit education : Chandrakant Paudel’s frustration at the inertia of progress is something felt by many in rural areas, by Pramod Mishra (kp 11/10/2020)

Patriarchal Mind-Set Impedes Women Empowerment, by Niyati Adhikari (rn 03/10/2020)

Man Power : When political calculus involves dividing up the spoils, enforcing constitutionally-mandated affirmative action for women is meaningless (nt 02/10/2020)

Jumping on the Hindutva bandwagon : Nepali Congress has  nothing to offer the electorate save  its history, by CK Lal (kp 30/09/2020)

NC leadership barring women to take the lead: Arzoo Deuba (kh 29/09/2020)

Indigenous communities: Adversaries to Nepal’s development?, by Kushal Pokharel (ae 11/09/2020)

Access to formal jobs more restricted for women (ht 11/09/2020)

Gender inequality in education has widened during the pandemic : With families struggling financially, girls cannot focus on their studies. They have to help out in household chores and do not always have access to technology for remote learning, by Elisha Shrestha (kp 26/08/2020)

The progressive weakening of the Janajati movement in Nepal, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (ae 21/08/2020)

Us and them: In Nepal, divisions created by differences in caste, culture, gender, religion and vested interests are aplenty, by Pramod Mishra (kp 13/08/2020)

Indigenous groups feel deprived of their access to land and natural resources: Indigenous rights activists blame the state for its coercive approach, the latest examples being the eviction of Chepangs in Chitwan and plans to displace the Newars from Khokana, by Chandan Kumar Mandal (kp 10/08/2020)

Women from Chepang community demand skill-oriented training (ht 29/07/2020)

Ministry seeks opinion on social inclusion policy (ht 19/07/2020) [Yes, there still a few positions and functions that are not filled by male Bahuns!]

When it comes to portraying ethnicity, Nepali pop culture still depends on stereotypical tropes: From using blackface makeup to actors speaking in exaggerated indigenous accents, why is Nepali films and television still filled with regressive cultural stereotypes?, by Ankit Khadgi (kp 16/07/2020)

Rift between ruling party chairpersons widening? Dahal says no one in the party has monopoly over nationalism (ht 13/07/2020) [Both Oli and Dahal are power-hungry anti-nationalists! Nepal's nationalism has to be inclusive, multi-ethnic, multi-religious, multi-lingual and anti-patriarchal!]

Caste and the subtle psychology behind it, by Shreya Soni (ht 12/07/2020)

Women politicians go unheard when they speak out but are ostracised if they oppose party narrative: The trials of Sarita Giri illustrate just how difficult it is for outspoken women to have a career in Nepali politics, politicians and activists say, by Aditi Aryal (kp 10/07/2020)

Marginalised community commissions say they don’t have resources to fulfill their mandate: Parliamentary committee asks government to ensure that the constitutional bodies get the needed budget to implement their plans, by Binod Ghimire (kp 10/07/2020)

Imagining a motherland: Gender and nationalism; The boundaries set by the nation, state, families and societies often do not allow a woman to become a citizen. This leads to women not becoming the part of the nation but just a national embodiment, by Swasti Gautam (rep 09/07/2020)

‘Citizenship bill not inclusive’ (ht 02/07/2020), Patriarchy and citizenship: Conspiracy theories flowed seamlessly from Panchayat-era scholars to politicians, by Pramod Mishra (kp 03/07/2020)

Time To Have Boldness On Feminism, by Namrata Sharma (rn 01/07/2020)

What defines a Nepali citizen? Nepal needs to understand the realities of the 21st century. It needs to move forward, not backward, by Sujeev Shakya (kp 30/06/2020)

MoFAGA drafts Social Inclusion Policy-2020 (ht 28/06/2020) [It's a farce! In upper political circles there is no willingness for social inclusion, as you can see from the government, parliament, political parties and laws!]

Skirting the issue: On paper, Nepal has made some important strides towards gender equality and inclusion. Yet, in reality, the situation is far from perfect, by Deepak Thapa (kp 11/06/2020)

House to discuss constitutional amendment to update map after national consensus: As the issue concerns a matter of national importance, the ruling party had sought all-party consensus on the amendment to update the country’s map on the national emblem, by Anil Giri (kp 27/05/2020)  [The equal and egalitarian inclusion of the Janajatis, Madhesis, Dalits and women in general in the constitution would be of much greater importance than the territorial claims which the male politicians at the head of the state in 2015 completely ignored! Today, these same politicians are playing the nationalism card instead of trying to rationally contain the pandemic and save the people's economic base!]

Madhes-based parties press own demands alongside constitution amendment for new map: While there’s no debate on an issue of national importance, the constitutional amendment bill could be an opportune moment to address long-standing demands of Madhesis, Janajatis and Tharus, by Tika R. Pradhan (kp 24/05/2020) [The clarification of territorial claims is certainly important and decades overdue, but the inclusion of population groups that have been excluded for centuries, even under the constitution of 2015, is even more significant, a fact that the male Bahun at the head of the state and parties do not want to understand. It is problematic, however, that the leadership of the ethnic and regional parties is also exclusively male!]

omen and the media: While newsrooms have come a long way, they must do more to become truly inclusive, by Narayan P. Ghimire (kp 24/03/2020)

Killing and dying for nationalism: Even though nationalism has existed as long as states have existed, the construction of nations is not unchanging, by Sagun S. Lawoti (kp 22/03/2020) [As son of late Padma Sundar Lawoti, the author is representing Panchayat time views of nationalism and identity!]

Women invisible: Let's have more women on televised discussions, in newspaper interviews and on debate panels, by Andrea Upadhya (kp 19/03/2020)

Your ‘rightful’ place: When people talk of Dalit, Janajati or NGO leadership it is the same old faces that reap benefit without being questioned. This leads to new form of othering and exclusion, by Pranab Kharel and Gaurab KC (rep 19/03/2020)

Financially free abroad, socially constrained at home: Women migrants acquire expertise and financial independence abroad but on return, they find themselves trapped in a social order that does not value their talent, by Elisha Shrestha (kp 12/03/2020)

The case for achieving gender parity: Formal structures like laws and policies play a decisive role in eliminating gender inequality, by Geeta Bhattrai Bastakoti (kp 10/03/2020)

Women have numerical strength in local units, but little say: Gender pay gap runs deep in all kinds of profession in Makwanpur, women leaders say, by Pratap Bista (kp 09/03/2020)

Women’s status: Figures speak for themselves, by Chanda Chaudhary (ht 09/03/2020)

The fight goes on: Men and women both benefit from living in a gender-equal society (kp 09/03/2020)

Women journalists bring diverse perspectives, but their presence in newsrooms remains sparse: It’s time for the Nepali media to reflect on gender inequality in newsrooms and act to reverse the imbalance, women journalists say, by Srizu Bajracharya (kp 08/03/2020)

Empowerment vs Commodification: While Nepal is heading toward institutionalizing the federal democratic republic, re-conceptualizing women empowerment appears a vital task, by Mohan Nepali (rep 08/03/2020)

Nepali women are unequal by law: Nepal is still lagging far behind international human rights standards concerning equal rights to citizenship, by Jesselina Rana (kp 08/03/2020)

There are more women in politics, but few and far between at decision-making level: Despite inclusion refrain, there is a huge underrepresentation of females in Nepali political parties and state organs, by Elisha Shrestha (kp 08/03/2020)

No More Misogyny, by Prativa Subedi (rn 08/03/2020)

Gender Landscape In Nepali Media, by Kundan Aryal (rn 06/03/2020)

Laws aren't enough to end discrimination: Prejudices surrounding race, religion and caste have to be shattered (kp 24/02/2020)

All-male panels are on their way out, but women’s representation remains tokenistic: Instead of acknowledging that women have valuable contributions to make, they are often limited to women-specific panels or are placed as moderators, by Elisha Shrestha (kp 23/02/2020)

What’s in a name? Sometimes, everything: An effort to restitute indigenous names would surely reveal countless examples of cultural approximation all over Nepal, by Deepak Thapa (kp 20/02/2020) [The effort of the male Tagadhari minorityelite to recognise historical and ethnic names and territories was one of the outstanding reasons for the failure of the first Constituent Assembly. The same thinking is reflected by the naming of the current provinces!]

Herstory’ repeats itself: The misogynic politics of all political parties mustered to make women the political underdogs of Nepal, by Chandra Bhadra (kp 13/02/2020)

Shiva Maya Tumbahangphe: Patriarchy is structural—it is in every individual: The former deputy speaker talks about her fight for the position of House Speaker, women’s representation in politics, and patriarchy’s deep roots, interview with Pranaya SJB Rana (kp 02/02/2020)

What can a mere prayer to Saraswati do? Dalits and people from other castes must organise and ask for their right to an equitable education, by Pramod Mishra (kp 30/01/2020)

Women’s concerns won’t be addressed unless they are at the decision-making level, interview with Binda Pandey, NCP (kp 27/01/2020)

NCP bags 16 out of 18 NA seats up for grabs (ht 24/01/2020) [Once again extremely inclusive: 50 % are Bahuns, 5 of them male; not a single Janajati besides one Shrestha; only one Madheshi; no Dalit woman!]

Issue Of Women’s Empowerment, by Kundan Aryal (rn 24/01/2020)

Women Leadership At Local Level, by Mukti Rijal (rn 23/01/2020)

Thirteen years on, Madhes movements, despite some momentum, remain incomplete: While representation, inclusion and federalism have materialised, their effectiveness and institutionalisation continue to be contested, analysts say, by Chandan Kumar Mandal (kp 22/01/2020)

Let women rise (rep 22/01/2020)

Patriarchy stronger than monarchy, says Tumbahangphe after quitting (ht 21/01/2020)

And the world will live as one: Countries should fully utilise the effects of globalisation, but also ensure national identity, by Illa Mainali (kp 21/01/2020)

Women’s rights activists laud Tumbahangphe not resigning (rep 14/01/2020)

Satya Mohan Joshi: When you talk about cultural diversity, you make room for inclusiveness: Celebrated centenarian talks about life, his works and the significance of cultural identity in a global world, by Srizu Bajracharya (kp 07/01/2020) [interview]

Gender insensitivity and Nepali Congress: The party elite, and Congress itself, think that women cannot be effective political actors, by Prabha Poudyal (kp 07/01/2020)

NCP finalises NA election candidates (ht 04/01/2020) [Wow, really inclusive: Far more than half of them are Bahuns!]

Challenges Of Inclusive Development, by Kopila Rijal (rn 03/01/2020)

The adoption of multilingualism in Province 2 is significant: Among the changes that are going to have a long-term effect on people’s self-esteem and opportunities is language, by Pramod Mishra (kp 02/01/2020)

NCP’s indecision on Speaker also exposes deeply entrenched patriarchy in the party: Tumbahangphe is keen on becoming Speaker, but leadership is fighting to install someone of their choice—and the leaders they have in mind are men, by Binod Ghimire (kp 29/12/2019) [What is true for the NCP is true for all political parties in Nepal!]

Dahal defers proposal to make party secretariat more inclusive: The proposal, tabled by two women standing committee members, envisions turning the all-male nine-member secretariat into a 15-member inclusive body, by Tika R. Pradhan (kp 25/12/2019) [This reflects the arrogance of the male Bahun elite that dominates all political parties and tries to uphold the non-inclusive state at any cost!]

The Politics Of Recognition, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 24/12/2019)

Growing inequalities: A painful reality of the 21st Century: What could be more depressing than realising that irrespective of one’s ability, the outcome is still guided by gender, ethnicity, and parents' wealth?, by Madhukar Upadhya (kp 20/12/2019)

Female deputy speakers of various provinces complain of being given rights, but no responsibilit: The task of the deputy speaker is to run the house in the speaker’s absence but the position doesn’t allow one to take decisions independently, by Pratiksha Kafle (kp 11/12/2019)

Government aims to achieve gender equality by 2030 (ht 09/10/2019)

Madhesi inclusion in judiciary still a far cry (ht 08/12/2019)

The athletes representing Nepal reflect the country’s identity: Leaders would do well to remember that the Nepali nation is defined by its diversity and tolerance of varied identities, by Pramod Mishra (kp 05/12/2019)

Kathmandu’s Newars watch cautiously after government hints at reviving the Guthi Bill: Although officials said the new land bill will include suggestions from indigenous communities, local leaders say no one has reached out to them yet, by Tika R. Pradhan (kp 02/12/2019)

NVC seeks action against 258 employees (kp 01/12/2019) [How can the Nepalese state dare to force all civil servants to wear the Hindu caste clothes in office?]

Nepal’s Stride In Gender Equality, by Mukunda Raj Kattel (rn 27/11/2019)

Raut’s party holds mass rally in capital against ‘discrimination’ (rep 24/11/2019)

In Rajapur, police consistently fail to investigate cases involving marginalised communities: Police have refused to look into a number of recent cases involving Tharus and Dalits, despite their families alleging foul play, by Shuvam Dhungana (kp 16/11/2019)

Constitutional Council meeting postponed yet again without making appointments: Delay in appointments to crucial commissions weakens institutions, experts say, by Binod Ghimire (kp 14/11/2019), PM plans to fill constitutional bodies positions after by-polls (rep 14/11/2019)

‘Beti Bachau-Beti Padhau’ campaign fails to take off this year in the absence of employees: Under the scheme, which is often referred to as a pet project of Chief Minister of Province-2, Lal Babu Raut, every newborn girl is to be insured across all eight districts in the province, by Santosh Singh (kp 14/11/2019)

'Equal representation of women in politics still a far cry' (rep 13/11/2019)

Brahmins and Chhetris continue to dominate entry into civil service: Despite reservation policies for marginalised groups, Brahmins and Chhetris have not just maintained their dominance but have increased their presence in civil service, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp 12/11/2019)

Butwal’s women leaders burdened with gender-based discrimination in governance: Women leaders stress the need to condemn gender-based discrimination from all quarters, by Amrita Anmol (kp 04/11/2019)

Women lawmakers demand 50pc reservation in Parliament (ht 02/11/2019)

For four years, commissions mandated to empower marginalised communities have remained largely vacant: While five commissions—Madhesi, Dalit, Tharu, Muslim, and Inclusion—have chairpersons but no members, two others—Women and Indigenous Nationalities—don’t even have chairpersons, by Binod Ghimire (kp 24/10/2019)

Striking out on their own: Recent events show that Rajbanshis are as capable of organising themselves as any other group, by Pramod Mishra (kp 24/10/2019)

Civic Edifice Of National Identity, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 22/10/2019)

Janajati, Madhesi forces seek to revive identity-based movement: The KP Sharma Oli administration has undermined the rights and privileges of marginalised communities, leaders say, by Anil Giri (kp 21/10/2019)

Inclusivity and minority rights: Reservation ensures them, by Yagyadi Acharya (ht 02/10/2019)

Far from progressive: Yes, the constitution is a historic document but it has still failed to become the people’s document for it is not still wholly accepted by the excluded and marginalized communities, by Praveen Kumar Yadav (rep 29/09/2019)

For Chepang locals, government services are 80 km away: Officials say they don’t have enough staff to open office near the village, by Thakur Singh Tharu (kp 28/09/2019)

Social equality is essential for sustainable development: Uplifting all segments of the Nepali community has holistic benefits for the society, environment and economy, by Sneha Pandey (kp 26/09/2019)

In Bardiya, even elected Dalit representatives face caste-based bigotry: Untouchability and caste discrimination may have taken a backseat in public places and platforms, but it is still prevalent on an individual level, say Dalits, by Kamal Panthi (kp 25/09/2019)

As country celebrates the constitution, marginalised groups await amendments: For Madhesis, Tharus, and indigenous groups, the constitution is still a contested document, but the government doesn’t seem too bothered, by Chandan Kumar Mandal (kp 19/09/2019)

Women's battle for citizenship continues: The new proposals regarding the Citizenship Amendment Bill still treat women as second-class citizens (kp 16/09/2019)

Politics of the Dolpo festival: The violation of the political rights of Dolpo in 2014 is still fresh in the minds of many, by Tashi Tewa (kp 16/09/2019)

Fair or not, some say it’s time to talk about skin colour discrimination: Like racism, colourism is largely overlooked and dismissed in Nepal. Some Nepalis say society should start addressing it head on, by June Karkee (kp 10/09/2019), Interethnic representation is fraught with pitfalls: If artists cannot be careful about avoiding exoticising characters, they are better off representing their own, by Pramod Mishra (kp 12/09/2019)

Let women entrepreneurs rise: By ignoring special needs of female entrepreneurs, we are missing an opportunity to modernize the country. Female workers are in a position to contribute to the country’s growth, by Biswo Poudel (rep 09/09/2019)

Voices of women unheard in Dolpa local units: Because of male-dominated local units, plans and policies of the local units are not in favour of women in Dolpa, by Chandani Khatayat (kp 29/08/2019)

Financial exclusion: Poverty, illiteracy and lack of access to financial services are key barriers to promoting entrepreneurship in Nepal, by Jaganath Karki (rep 28/08/2019)

Dalit women representatives in Pokhara say they continue to face discrimination: The representatives say they are disrespected by colleagues and are often relegated to the sidelines, by Deepak Pariyar (kp 25/08/2019)

Nepal to counter Oli, Dahal with note of dissent, by Jagdishor Panday (ht 20/08/2019) [May the male Bahun fighting within this party go on for eternity! Male Bahuns, who constitute only six per cent of the population, fill half of the leading positions within the special committees of the NCP! Of course, this is not criticised by male Bahun Mahav Kumar Nepal !]

Ethnic communities to hold a protest rally on World Indigenous Peoples' Day: The indigenous nationalities say the state is still reluctant to address their concerns of identify and inclusion, by Tika R. Pradhan (kp 09/08/2019), Indigenous movement, once a champion for the rights of indigenous people, is losing steam: Activists fighting on behalf of the indigenous population themselves are not hopeful about sustaining their efforts, by Tika R. Pradhan (kp 11/08/2019)

Gender stereotypes: Hamper social inclusion, by Bina Jha (ht 02/08/2019)

As tourism minister, there are immediate challenges—and opportunities—for Yogesh Bhattarai: Bhattarai, elected from Taplejung, has been overseeing the party’s publicity department and has often been critical of the Oli administration, by Bhrikuti Rai and Tika R. Pradhan (kp 01/08/2019) [Thank god, another male Bahun! This is obvious what the government understands by inclusion. 10 of the 23 full-fledged ministers are Bahuns, of whom 9 are male Bahuns, although male Bahuns account for only 6 percent of the total population. So 1-2 male Bahuns in the government would be appropriate, not more!]

Ruling party’s repeated failures to ensure representation call its commitment to inclusion into question: The recent selection of the top leadership in its district and metropolis committees has shown a distinct failure to be inclusive, which is mandated by law, by Tika R. Pradhan (kp 29/07/2019)

NHRC urges govt to end caste-based discrimination (kp 24/07/2019) [see NHRC report of 18/07/2019, in Nepali]

Despite protests, Public Service Commission continues exams to hire staff for the local level: Protesters have said the vacancy notice is against the principle of inclusion, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp 21/07/2019)

Rise against discrimination: How many Dalits possess land in cities? How many Dalit students are enrolled in top-notch private schools and colleges? How many Dalit politicians are there in higher ranks?, by Sangita Chalise (rep 18/07/2019)

Hundreds protest against FPSC’s job notice (ht 17/07/2019)

The dismissal of gender equality: Although the government does have social inclusion provisions, they are largely ignored or purposefully ridiculed, by Deepak Thapa (kp 11/07/2019)

Politics of marginalization: Diversity is strength only if the state promotes a policy of equality and justice. Inequalities, oppression and marginalization lead to instability and conflict, by Tejendra Pherali (rep 10/07/2019)

Government’s apathy renders constitutional commissions ineffective: Dalit, Tharu, Muslim, Madhesi and Inclusion commissions  not a priority right now, an aide to prime minister says, by Tika R. Pradhan (kp 07/07/2019) [This state belongs to the small minority of male Bahuns only! They will do everything to keep all other groups excluded!]

With parties still divided on Citizenship Amendment Bill, parliamentary sub-committee fails to make headway: The primary bone of contention remains the provision related to obtaining  naturalised citizenship through marriage, by Tsering D. Gurung (kp 06/07/2019) [The main problem is the male superiority delusion of the patriarchal high-caste political elite and their misguided national identity thinking!]

SC clears way for recruiting 9,000 plus govt staff, by Ananta Raj Luitel (rep 02/07/2019)

Dalit women representatives and decision making: They are entering positions of power in their own right, not thanks to the quota system, and need to be respected, by Sarita Pariyar (kp 27/06/2019)

In the name of merit: It needs emphasising that merit isn’t inherited with the DNA of a person despite claims to the contrary, by CK Lal (kp 26/06/2019)

‘Madhesi Dalits and Janajatis want quota within quota’, interview with Vijay Kumar Dattachairperson of Madhesi Commiussion (kp 24/06/2019)

Why do we encourage women to give up their careers?We, as a society, never question the added responsibility we so often place on women, by Madhukar Upadhya (kp 21/06/2019)

Casteism is so deeply entrenched, not even law can deter it: Elected representatives from Dalit communities say they are discriminated by their own colleagues (kp 19/06/2019)

In filling public sector jobs, the government is making mistakes: It keeps forgetting about federalism and inclusiveness, by Deepak Thapa (kp 13/06/2019)

Inclusion Commission recommends measures to local governments to empower marginalised people: One of the suggestions is building care centres, amusement parks, religious spaces and sports grounds for the marginalised, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp 09/06/2019) [A better inclusion on the basis of Khas-Arya ethnicity is rediculous! Male members of this group already dominate all spheres of public life!]

Dalits used as ‘vote banks’ by parties forgotten after elections, by Pant (kp 06/06/2019)

Caste discrimination still a hindrance for Dalits, by Binod Pariyar (rep 05/06/2019)

Breaking the glass ceiling: The participation of women in Nepal’s info-tech sector is still very low but the future holds promise, by Asmod Karki (kp 01/06/2019)

An anaemic republic: Democracy failed to take root because society is poisoned with the toxicity of ethnonationalism, by CK Lal (kp 29/05/2019)

Itahari mayor misbehaves with a journalist and deputy mayor issues apology: The instance may look like simple bureaucracy, but female politicians say it shows how women are denied decision-making role and made to play second fiddle, by Bhrikuti Rai (kp 26/05/2019)

The importance of dialectics, by Tejendra Pherali (kp 22/05/2019)

Men sideline women from leadership and decision-making roles in consumer committees, by Menuka Dhungana (kp 16/05/2019)

Improve human development index, NIC told (ht 10/05/2019)

Free Public Service Commission prep classes arranged for Baitadi women, by Tripti Shahi (kp 09/05/2019)

Only 22 percent of working-age women are employed in Nepal: There is also gender pay gap and it must close, experts say, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp 02/05/2019)

Women’s empowerment: Still an uphill task, by Kokila Khadka KC (ht 01/05/2019)

Empower minorities: It is the constitutional duty of the three tiers of government to protect the language and culture of the marginalised communities (ht 29/04/2019)

Nothing done to create special, protected or autonomous regions, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht 28/04/2019)

Leadership failed to follow principle of inclusivity, ruling party leaders say: District committees announced on Sunday, concluding the unification, have only three women, two Dalits and 19 Janajatis as chiefs, by Tika R Pradhan (kp 24/04/2019)

Don’t compete, cooperate: The savings and credit concept has proven to be an effective tool to empower women, by Prativa Subedi (kp 14/04/2019)

Women groups in Kailali empower rural women, by Ganesh Chaudhary (kp 11/04/2019)

Inequality, Inclusive Growth And Nepal, by Hira Bahadur Thapa (rn 05/04/2019)

Nomination of Supreme Court justices draws flak for not being inclusive: The decision violates constitutional provision on proportional inclusion, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht 04/04/2019)

Investment summit showcases the country’s mega projects—and its gender disparity: The biggest stage for business and investment fails to provide stage for women entrepreneurs and investors, by Bhrikuti Rai (kp 30/03/2019)

‘We represent diversity’: Chauvinists can learn from the New Zealand prime minister and change their way, by Pramod Mishra (kp 28/03/2019)

On the wrong side of history: Defending unequal citizenship rights is defending the Khas-Arya man’s status, not the state sovereignty, by Amish Raj Mulmi (kp 22/03/2019)

Women’s voices go unheard in local units led by male officials: Budget for women empowerment and income-generation unspent, by Menuka Dhungana (kp 16/03/2019)

Practice what you preach: The Art & Literature Festival needs to be more inclusive of the Koch-Rajbanshis, by Pramod Mishra (kp 14/03/2019)

Debate on women’s citizenship rights rages as House takes up amendment bill: Activists say lawmakers’ reluctance to grant equal citizenship rights to women is reflective of the deep-rooted patriarchal beliefs in society, by Tsering D Gurung (kp 08/03/2019)

Nepal’s Badi community finds itself in a bottomless pit of despair: Although the community is slowly weaning off the world’s oldest profession to keep their  hearths burning, they are also struggling to shrug off the history they are burdened with, by Basanta Pratap Singh and Dipesh Khatiwada (kp 03/03/2019)

First female CDO offers a ray of hope to people in Jumla (rep 02/03/2019)

Bouquets and garlands for men, but cold shoulder to women: When the national women’s cricket team returned home after a successful performance in Thailand, an empty airport greeted them, by Adarsha Dhakal (kp 01/03/2019)

Nepali women lag behind in economic empowerment (ht 01/03/2019)

Girls' education still not a priority for Jumla families, by DB Budha (rep 25/02/2019)

More reservation quotas sought for ethnic groups, by Jagdishor Panday (ht 19/02/2019) [The text of the bill provides for a reduction!]

Tharu women are taking role of community chief in Kailali, by Ganesh Chaudhary (kp 15/02/2019)

They have a home. They don’t have a country: In a tiny village in western Nepal, arcane laws and government bureaucracy have left families without citizenship and pushed them further into poverty, by Tsering Ngodup Lama (kp 09/02/2019)

Govt moots joint land ownership in couples’ names, by Rewati Sapkota (ht 09/02/2019)

Structural blindness: The foundation of modern Nepal lies in the caste system of governance, by Subhash Nepali (kp 05/02/2019)

Women run the fields: Agriculture in Nepal is experiencing rapid feminisation - why isn’t legislation catching up?, by Maina Dhital (kp 03/02/2019)

Council nominates chairpersons of five commissions, by Tika R Pradhan (kp 21/01/2019) [Once again little social inclusion: Predominantly male Bahuns who constitute only 6 per cent of the country's population! This is true even for commissions that are meant to provide better inclusion of disadvantaged sections of society! Long live male Bahunbad!]

‘Indigenous nationalities neglected’ (ht 14/01/2019)

Third space of conversationIt should be a space for transformation for Dalits and non-Dalits, men and women, by Sanjeev Uprety (kp 13/01/2019)

Richest 10 % Nepalis over 26 times wealthier than poorest 40 % (rep 11/01/2019) [see OXFAM report], Costs of inequality: Key among the development challenges facing Nepal is the ever-widening income and wealth gap between the haves and have-nots, by Cecilia Keizer (rep 13/01/2019), More or less equal? Availability of updated data instrumental for credible conversations about prosperity, by Sailesh Tiwari (kp 18/03/2019)

Engendering change: Reluctance to accept women leadership is a culturalised behaviour (kp 10/01/2019)

The number game: The Public Service Commission has not been shying away from providing government data, by Deepak Thapa (kp 10/01/2019)

Lead anew: The creation of new organisations of historically marginalised groups can lead to transformative change, by Subhash Nepali (kp 08/01/2019)

Give fairness a chance: Conflict is caused by inequality, so inclusive development is needed to sustain peace, by Prakash Paudel (kp 07/01/2019)

Task force recommends reinstating 12 holidays: The incumbent Oli administration had slashed these holidays soon after coming to power last year, saying that the unnecessary  holidays hinder service  delivery to the public, by Anuj Kumar Adhikari (kp 04/01/2019), Panel proposes 13 more public holidays (rep 04/01/2019)

Cabinet names five envoys, recalls three, by Anil Giri (kp 28/12/2018) [They all belong to the small minority of male Bahuns (about 6.5% of the population) that has been "extremely discriminated" by filling most of the positions in state and administration!]

The new trailblazers: It is important to open up non-agricultural avenues for rural women, by Khilendra Basnyat (kp 27/12/2018)

Let women work: Our society does not encourage women to develop entrepreneurship skill even if they are capable of doing so, by Kabi Adhikari (rep 22/12/2018)

Madam diplomat: Women should get more opportunities to show their potential in the global arena, by Illa Mainali (kp 06/12/2018)

Dalit ward members excluded from decision-making, by Pushparaj Joshi (rep 27/11/2018)

Excluded groups to get job quotas only during entry: Unlike the Civil Service Act, the model law proposes such reservation won’t be applicable for promotion, by rithvi Man Shrestha (kp 20/11/2018)

‘Govt not following inclusion policy’, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht 16/11/2018)

The indefeasible struggle: When Padma Ratna Tuladhar passed away, a powerful symbol of struggle for dignity of historically humiliated communities of Nepal suddenly disappeared from the scene, by CK Lal (rep 12/11/2018)

Ministry lays groundwork for 6 constitutional panels: Joint-secretaries to  work in capacity of  a secretary of their concerned commission (kp 12/11/2018) [This proves the government's understanding of inclusion: Almost exclusively male Bahuns nominated!]

Women in civil services up by 8 percent: In the fiscal year 2017-18, at least 20,334 women held various positions in government offices-making it 23 per-cent of the civil service. Government records show there are 87,753 civil servants across the country, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp 08/11/2018), Let them in: Active representation of women in bureaucracy cannot be ignored anymore (kp 08/11/2018)

Surveillance state and minorities: The state oppresses; but at the same time, it is expected to protect and uphold rights, by Sangita Thebe Limbu (kp 26/10/2018) [The oppressive state elite is also recruited from a minority: male Bahuns (6%) resp. male Tagadharis (14%). To describe other population groups as minorities is presumptuous!]

Brahmins and Chhetris land most government jobs, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp 16/10/2018) [Bahuns with a population share of 12.2% secure 33.39% of the jobs!]

Amnesty for inclusive law-making process (kp 13/10/2018)

Parties fail to represent 33 percent women: The issue of women’s representation in the central committee surfaced after the recently unified NCP failed to assign roles to women in line with the legal requirement, by Sanjeev Giri (kp 08/10/2018)

A Dashain diversion: Stories of history and society from perspective of Dalits, Janjatis and Madhesis remain to be written. Until then, only way to get their version is to listen to their woes firsthand, by CK Lal (rep 08/10/2018)

Pushing women away: It is very difficult for women to access information on safe migration. Many do not realize the implications of being flown via India or Nepal, by Ayushma Basnyat (rep 22/09/2018)

Women and the welfare state: The second class treatment that women feel they are getting should be eliminated, by Kartika Yadav (kp 20/09/2018)

Students deprived of higher education due to lack of citizenship (rep 15/09/2018)

Financial inclusion: Progress and challenges, by Bhubanesh Pant (ht 12/09/2018)

To all those fathers: Until masculinity is measured by men’s ability to shuttle back and forth from one wife to another, gender equality will remain an elusive quest in Nepal, by Mukesh Baral (rep 08/09/2018)

Language panel submits report (kp 07/09/2018)

Constitutional Body Recruitment, by Multi Rijal (rn 30/08/2018)

NC told to amend statute to ensure 33pc seats for women (kp 28/08/2018)

School for Chepang kids with modern facilities, by Sarita Shrestha (rep 28/08/2018)

Applications called to form constitutional bodies: The National Inclusion commission has mandate to mainstream the marginalised, poor and disabled people (kp 22/08/2018) [After three years? Wow!]

Convention against progress: Flawed interpretation of ILO convention has resulted in a long delay of project execution and its soaring cost, making the project even unfeasible, by Surya Nath Upadhyay (rep 20/08/2018) [The article describes an inclusive Nepal that does not correspond to reality!]

19/08/2018: Federal Tax Regime Under Attack, by Ritu Raj Subedi (rn), I/NGO funding scrutiny on anvil, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), Centre, central bank in funds duel:

Even local representatives not spared of caste-based discrimination, by Binod Pariyar (rep 18/08/2018)

Daura Suruwal made official attire, by Nayak Paudel (kp 17/08/2018) [Yes, please make the traditional dress of the true owners of the land, i.e. the 15 per cent male Tagadharis, the national attire again! This reflects the understanding of inclusive politics in the mind of the non-inclusive ruling communists!]

Nepal’s suffragette moment, by Om Astha Rai (nt 17/08/2018)

All political parties are technically illegal, by Om Astha Rai (nt 17/08/2018)

Invisible citizen: It is imperative that the state guarantee women’s entitlements as citizens (kp 13/08/2018)

Joint ownership of land on slow rise in Bajhang, by Basanta Pratap Singh (kp 12/08/2018)

Gender, nation, and women’s honour: Women’s bodies have been instrumentalised to legitimise certain groups’ political and business interests under the pretext of nationalism, by Sangita Thebe Limbu and Kalpana Jha (kp 10/08/2018)

Women in cilvil service: Why we lag behind; While the decision making executive positions are strictly male arena, women officers often get lost in the labyrinthine of the social and cultural gender constructs, by Smita Poudel (rep 05/08/2018)

PM expands Cabinet (kp 04/08/2018) [Now, 14 of the 23 full-fledged ministers (61 per cent) are Tagadharis, 10 of them are Bahuns. Only 16 per cent of the members of the Council of Ministers are women; the constitution requires a share of at least 33 per cent. The secular and inclusive federal state is now farther away than ever! The Council of Ministers has now reached its constitutional limit of 25 members.]

Woman sacked by school ‘for being Dalit’ seeks justice (kp 04/08/2018)

Appointment of non-Buddhist member secretary at LDT decried: NEFIN says the government is trying to establish supremacy of a single ethnicity as in the Panchayat era (ht 03/08/2018)

Women in agriculture: Agriculture sector is being feminised but their contribution is still undervalued, by Arati Joshi (kp 02/08/2018)

Hybrid identities: Higher degree of liberalism regarding inter-ethnic marriages nowadays is reflective of a social change, by Deepak Thapa (kp 26/07/2018)

Dhakal and Pokhrel in fray for the post of law minister (rep 26/07/2018) [Of course, two male Bahuns want to replace one of the 3 Janajati ministers! Nine of the 21 ministers are male Bahuns, although they only make up just over 6 percent of the population. Why is no Dalit woman (about 7 percent of the population) actually nominated?]

Uneven representation: Minorities have been relegated to the sidelines in the federal and state legislatures, by Amar Kant Jha (kp 20/07/2018)

Wages of conformity: Shackles of conformism are so comforting that it takes real courage to break out of its shiny chains. Exodus abroad is an escape, not liberty, by CK Lal (rep 16/07/2018)

Let women rise: Economic and social empowerment will help women emerge as leaders and policy-makers, by Sarmila Bagale (rep 14/07/2018)

Gurung, Magar communities shut Gandaki Province (kp 10/07/2018)

What makes news: The media gives little coverage to women’s issues regardless of their importance, by Rashmila Prajapati (kp 08/07/2018)

Top-down and centralised: The elite’s hold over land, forests and rivers continues in federal Nepal, by Shradha Ghale (kp 03/07/2018)

Flaws of Reservation in Civil Service, by Umesh Pokharel (rn 01/07/2018)

Strong leaders, weak democracies: Authoritarianism does not need a separate governing system; it can function equally well in a democracy, by Amish Raj Mulmi (kp 29/06/2018) [!!]

Participation of Nepali Women in Politics, by Sarmila Bagale (rn 27/06/2018)

Diversity in workplace: Inclusive environment is an important driver of growth that is often overlooked, by Maina Dhital (kp 22/06/2018)

Nationalism: An alternative view; Nationalism should build confidence of citizens in their political leaders, by Naresh Koirala (kp 20/06/2018)

The ruling Nepal Communist Party, among others, break the law to exclude women: They have three months to comply, by Shubhashree Basnyat (The Record 10/06/2018)

Agents of change: Youth voice matters, by Prakash Banjade (ht 08/06/2018)

Casteism denies Dalit lawmaker rental apartment in Kathmandu (kp 05/06/2018), Beyond symbolic inclusion: Caste based discrimination is the elephant in the room that cant be ignored anymore (kp 06/06/2018)

NCP violates Party Registration Act with low representation of women (rep 03/06/2018), EC decides to register NCP, ignoring law (rep 07/06/2018) [Leading parties can do what they want! Obviously, they are above law and constitution!], Move afoot to challenge poll panel’s decision to register NCP (NCP): Proportional representation of women in all organs of the state is crucial to empower women, but more worrisome is the fact that the prime minister and ruling party co-chairpersons are openly defying the legal provisions (ht 08/06/2018)

Reimagining Inclusion: Argument that only certain groups work hard will not hold any weight unless there is a deliberate effort to level the playing field, by Sangita Thebe Limbu (kp 01/06/2018)

Only 16 pc representation for women in NCP central committee, by Rewati Sapkota (ht 23/05/2018) [!!! Besides, the party leadership continues to be completely dominated by male Tagadharis, especially Bahuns!!], Only 16 percent women at NCP central committee (rep 23/05/2018)

Significance of symbolism: There is nothing Maithil or Madhesi about the Kurta-Suruwal ensemble the Premier-duo donned, but it blended so well with the Mughal-Rajput architecture in the background, by CK Lal (rep 21/05/2018)

With reservation: Reservation in Nepal is taking a wrong turn compared to other countries which have practiced it. This should be corrected, by Pratap Sharma (rep 20/05/2018)

Women woes: Even as the importance of women in agriculture in Nepal has increased, they continue to be undervalued, by Kantilata Thapa (kp 13/05/2018)

Fostering Civic Nationalism, by Dev Raj Dahal (rep 01/05/2018)

Algebra of authoritarianism: It’s too early to pass a definitive judgment, but Premier Oli has a lot going for him, by CK Lal (rep 23/04/2018)

Quest for identity: Nepal has only one decade of reservation policy but voices of resistance has started to be heard, mainly from dominant community, by Nishnu Think (rep 22/04/2018)

Casteised economy: State failed to support traditional leather makers even as leather industry booned, by Subhash Nepali (kp 22/04/2018)

Exclusion story: In Nepal, nobody wants to take responsibility for the injustice perpetrated in the name of caste and gender in the past, by Giri Bahadur Sunar (rep 19/04/2018)

That is so unfair: Women fought shoulder to shoulder with men for freedom, and then they got left behind, by Asmita Verma (kp 15/04/2018)

Those trying to foment sectarian violence won’t be spared, says home minister (ht 11/04/2018) [Forces that fight for a return to the Hindu state are very responsible for sectarian demands in the multiethnic, multicultural, multireligious and multilingual state of Nepal!]

Iron will: Ruling parties have the power to send out a message of zero tolerance against gender- and caste-based discrimination, by Deepak Thapa (kp 05/04/2018)

Divide and defame: The EU report treats Khas Arya as the source of all problems. It has tried to create rift and division in closely integrated Nepali society, by Umesh K. Bhattarai (rep 04/04/2018) [An extremely facts distorting and misleading article in strong defence of continued dominance of male Tagadharis!], Pride and prejudice: Need of the hour is to make our nationalism people-centric and broad-based so that all of us can take its ownership, by Manjeet Mishra (rep 04/04/2018) [!!]

Paradox of nationalism: Those who advocate populist nationalism in every opportunity may be a more severe threat to our nation, by Barun Ghimire (kp 02/04/2018), “Paint-on-the road” nationalism: Nationalistic paranoia about the intent and behaviour of internationals and nationals will not help Nepal move forward, by Seira Tamang (kp 04/04/2018)

We shall overcome: Dalits still face discrimination due to state-protected ideology and undeclared exclusion in politics and profession, by Dhana Bahadur Mijar (kp 25/03/2018)

Times change, mindsets don’t: For how many more years will the people need to wait to see an inclusive Nepal?, by Raj Pariyar (kp 23/03/2018)

Politics in a man’s world: Given the requirement to follow the principle of inclusion in the PR part of the election, who you are becomes crucial, by Deepak Thapa (kp 22/03/2018)

EU mission urges EC to maintain transparency (kp 21/03/2018), [see official eu report], Mission against Khas-Aryas’ proportional representation (kp 21/03/2018), EU-EOM report undermines successful holding of election: Government (rep 21/03/2018), Govt rejects EU report on elections: Foreign Ministry says the report not only undermines the recent polls, but also goes against the scope and norms of international election observation (kp 22/03/2018), Stop comments challenging constitution: Govt tells EU (rep 22/03/2018), Uncalled-for report: The Eu election observation mission has gone beyond its mandate to comment on political issues that have already been settled (ht 23/03/2018), EU report totally unacceptable: EC (rep 23/03/2018), Hail to the chiefs, by Om Astha Rai (nt 23/03/2018), Baburam’s U-turn, by Om Astha Rai (nt 23/03/2018), EU mission sticks to advice for EC (kp 24/03/2018), EUEOM claims it fully abided by ToR, MoU (ht 24/03/2018), European Union’s Divisive Mission, by Ritu Raj Subedi (rn 25/03/2018) [Criticising the EU and favouring the non-inclusive politics of Nepal's male Tagadhari politicians! The EU critics is necessary and justified as long as these politicians continue their non-inclusive practice of selecting candidates for the FPTP system!], PM criticises EU poll mission for its report (kp), Long-term returns: Govt is rightly keen to maintain state’s autonomy but must guard against majoritarian overreach (kp 16/03/2018) [Hopefully, the PM and others of the over-represented male Tagadhari leaders have time and are able to read this excellent editorial!], Lest we ignore: Provisions of positive discrimination are meant to benefit under-represented groups and its very purpose is defeated if an already dominant ethnicity is brought under its ambit, by CK Lal (rep 26/03/2018)

Constructing National Identity, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 20/03/2018)

Orientation to Curb Disorientation, by Prem Khatry (rn 20/03/2018)

1,000 Rautahat couples receive joint land ownership certificates, by Shiva Puri (kp 17/03/2018)

Girls of Badi community being deprived of school education (ht 17/03/2018)

Gender equality: New Opportunities, by Pratik Chhetri and Neha Malla (ht 13/03/2018)

Let’s have inclusive prosperity: Economic growth only will not reduce the poverty and inequality prevailing in Nepal, by Tara Kanel (kp 11/03/2018)

Women to make Thalara Rural Municipality free of inequity, by Basanta Pratap Singh (kp 09/03/2018)

End the stigma: Women migrants, like their male counterparts, send remittance, and eventually bring new skills back home. Don’t they deserve respect?, by Roni Pradhan, Dhaubhadel (kp 09/03/2018)

How long must they wait? Despite progress on political inclusion, women are still weighed down by a culture of silence (kp 09/03/2018)

Time is now #PressforProgress, by Elisabeth von Capeller, Veronica Cody, Vallerie Julliand, Mashfee Shams and Alaina B. Teplitz (ht 08/03/2018), Gender equality still a distant dream, by Bhim Chapagain (rep 08/03/2018), Need for paradigm shift: Nepal constitutionally guarantees 33 percent seats in parliament for women. If we truly want equality, why can’t we aim for 50 percent representation?, by Sakun Gajurel (rep 08/03/2018)

Inclusion in education: Ensure equal opportunity, by Sudarshan Neupane (ht 22/02/2018)

Making room for women: Women can be empowered through creation of equal opportunities for leadership at all levels of decision-making, by Sapana Phuyal (kp 20/02/2018)

An unequal constitution: For all the years of debates and discussions on constitutional issues, we could not do justice to Nepali women, by Mohna Ansari (kp 19/02/2018)

Idea of inclusion: Although not perfectly executed, inclusion in the political sphere has been achieved to a large extent. The challenge for the country and the leaders is to ensure that the long-promised growth we hope to achieve as a country is shared as equitably, by Deepak Thapa (kp 19/02/2018)

Prospects of first woman CM in Nepal fizzle out, by Tika R. Pradhan (kp 11/02/2018)

Unacknowledged irrigators: Smallholder women farmers are not acknowledged by water institutions, by Gitta Shrestha, Floriane Clement and Patrick Drown (kp 08/02/2018)

Commissions for marginalized face lack of budget, personnel, by Chandni Hamal (rep 28/01/2018)

Muslim community objects to zero representation in NA (ht 27/01/2018)

Only few schools imparting education in mother tongue (ht 25/01/2018)

Make Nepal better: Without the people taking ownership to end discrimination, national campaigns by NGOs and govt can only exact so much change, by Simone Galimberti (kp 23/01/2018)

Bridging the gender gap: Everyone should be given equal opportunities so that they can be assets to the nation building process, by Samaya Lama (kp 21/01/2018)

Founder of modern Nepal: Prithvi Narayan hailed as the unifier (kp 12/01/2018) [For most parts of the country, it was usurpation, not integration! Most population groups are still not equal! Current Nepal deserves her existence as an independent state to Prithvi Narayan, though we must be aware that he did not do it for the country but fort himself!]. Dhading’s Kumal community yet to receive housing rebuilding aid, by Harihar Singh Rathour (kp 12/01/2018)

Representation from Karnali zone dismal (ht 04/01/2018)

Women grab opportunities in politics, by Suresh Yadav (rep 04/01/2018)

Double speak: At least 33 percent women, says the constitution, but only three percent were elected through the FPTP, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp 31/12/2017)

Writ on Madhesi Dalits’ PR seats (kp 27/12/2017)

Youth in data: Only by providing adequate opportunities to the youths, can Nepal realize its dream of transitioning into the middle-income country by 2030, by Bijay K. Shahi (rep 25/12/2017)

Male chambers: Only six of 165 candidates picked for House of Representatives under FPTP are women, which comes to a paltry 3.63 percent, by Meena Bhatta (rep 24/12/2017)

Dalit presence in Parliament still seen as tokenism, by Bhadra Sharma (rep 22/12/2017), Protect political rights of Dalits: NHRC chair (ht 23/12/2017)

It’s not over: When Nepal should be moving ahead with all its people on board, the marginalised are still struggling, by Pramod Mishra (kp 21/12/2017)

‘Government media not inclusive’ (ht 20/12/2017)

Building a bridge Why can’t Madhesis and those who look like them, Indians from across the border, visit Pashupatinath without being called names?, by Ram Manohar Sah (rep 16/12/2017)

Investing in inclusion: Constitutionally guaranteed proportional  representation won’t guarantee qualitative change (kp 15/12/2017) [The parties' women discriminating way of nominating candidates for elections is a fundamental crime and a grave violation of the constitution!!], Need to aim higherWomen’s representation in public life has risen, but we shouldn’t become complacent, by Kabi Adhikari (kp 15/12/2017)

No. of directly elected female candidates slumps further: Only six secure seats in House of Representatives under FPTP category in these elections (kp 14/12/2017)

Prez stresses upliftment of marginalised communities (kp 10/12/2017) [For example, by not participating them in politics?]

Equality before the law: Govt must examine all areas of law to ensure persons with disabilities have unbiased right of legal capacity, by Dev Datta Joshi (kp 06/12/2017)

Report highlights barriers Nepali girls face in accessing education: The report provides data of education, child marriage and VAW (ht 02/12/2017)

Space of absence: Women and other marginalised gender groups cannot  afford to ignore inaccessibility to fundamental rights, by Archana Thapa (kp 24/11/2017)

SC calls parties, EC to discuss 33 pc women candidates, by Tika R. Pradhan (kp 22/11/2017) [Why only 4 days ahead of the first election day?]

Despite higher population size women voters are less than men (kp 19/11/2017)

From the margins: While there are sparse Muslim settlements in the hilly regions of far western Nepal, they receive little to no attention from government agencies, and political candidates vying for office, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp 18/11/2017)

Electoral competency: Women are still underrepresented in Nepali politics and the PR system has not made it any better, by Sanjaya Mahato (kp 02/11/2017), Politicians in proportion: Women must be allowed to contest direct elections so as to develop leadership skills (kp 03/11/2017) [Its is their right! Men have nothing to allow!], Major political parties fail to field enough number of women candidates (ht 03/11/2017)

Dalit leaders demand fair distribution of tickets in second phase elections (ht 28/10/2017)

‘Ensure women participation as per statute' (kp 28/10/2017)

Women leaders demand more media coverage to promote female leadership (ht 27/10/2017)

Parties leave out women, Dalits in candidate selection, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp 24/10/2017) [Not even 5 per cent female candidates!!], Fair share of tickets a far cry for women: Three major parties field only nine women for Nov 26 polls, by Arjun Poudel (ht 24/10/2017), Two alliances field just 8 women under FPTP in first phase polls: Poll alliances, reluctance of women aspirants, cited for low female numbers, by Kosh Raj Koirala (rep 24/10/2017), Gender imbalance: The major political parties  have given importance to male candidates for reasons, or rationale, beyond anybody’s comprehension (ht 24/10/2017)

Disabled people guaranteed right to political participation (ht 16/10/2017)

The democratic treatment: Sooner or later, the commitment of Madhesi intellectuals to achieve equality will be translated into political action; The path that Upendra Yadav and Ashok Rai’s party has shown by forming Janajati-Madhesi alliances and transcending differences in caste, ethnicity and region is the political version of what Madhesi intellectuals have begun to articulate, by Pramod Mishra (kp 28/09/2017)

Strength of a woman: Shortcomings with the microcredit approach have to be addressed to fuel women’s development, by Guneshwor Ojha (kp 22/09/2017)

How Nepal has voted: Fair competition enables members of the janajati populace to rise to leadership positions, by Krishna Prasad Upadhyaya and Krishna Prasad Sharma (kp 14/09/2017)

‘Increase representation of women in economy’ (ht 12/09/2017)

Dalit women come forward to assume leadership (kp 10/09/2017)

Madhesi panel bill endorsed: Tharu, Muslim commission bills stuck for lack of quorum, by Binod Ghimire (kp 09/09/2017), Crucial bills stuck in House for lack of quorum, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht 09/09/2017)

Being a Nepali: People tend to meander and talk about broadening “Nepali” identity so as to subsume Madhesis in it, by Bharat Shah (rep 02/09/2017)

So-called Nationalists In Name Only, by Siddhi B Ranjitkar (km 30/08/2017)

Pressure group for indigenous peoples’ rights: Inter-Party Indigenous Network represents  indigenous leaders from five parties and is support-ed by NEFIN and NFDIN (kp 26/08/2017)

Voice of the people: The UML promotes one type of nationalism in Nepal, but will all their cadres follow?, by Deepak Thapa (kp 10/08/2017)

Undeclared borders: The centre has created a cut-off point defined by physical boundaries and devised mechanisms that perpetuate difference, by Kalpana Jha (kp 08/08/2017)

Gender-aware policies needed: Nepal can’t hope to graduate from its LDC status without reaching out to the poor, by Subhash Nepali (kp 06/08/2017)

MPs demand 55 FPTP seats for women (ht 04/08/2017)

Decks cleared for setting up three commissions: House has endorsed bills related to formation of National Dalit Commission, National Inclusion Commission and Indigenous Nationality Commission (kp 03/08/2017)

Looking beyond the horizon: Politicians are more focused on maintaining power than on principles of justice and structural equality, by Pramod Mishra (kp 03/08/2017)

Awakening Urgency For Nepali Females, by Prem Khatry (rn 01/08/2017), More teeth sought for NWC (ht 01/08/2017)

Remembering Ambedkar in Bangalore: Nepali Dalits lack the generations of affirmative action through reservations in politics, the civil service and other state organs, by David Gellner (kp 31/07/2017)

NEFIN for ensuring proportional representation in all elections: After consulting with indigenous lawmakers from several parties, NEFIN drafts amendment proposals to the election bills (kp 28/07/2017)

Tikapur sees rise in number of people seeking citizenship certificates, by Yogesh Rawal (rep 26/07/2017)

National ID card will be gender inclusive, says Minister Sharma (kp 25/07/2017)

Where’s the will? The constitution is largely Dalit-friendly but sadly few of its implementers, by Dhana Bahadur Mijar (rep 24/07/2017)

Muslim women and girls benefit from literacy classes (kp 22/07/2017)

Written by the winners: Things are improving for the Dalits, but not fast enough; we must do more to ensure an inclusive state, by Dhana Bahadur Mijar (kp 20/07/2017)

Kusunda man’s foray into politics, by Devendra Basnet (rep 19/07/2017)

Take the long viewIt’s in the interest of all parties to respect inclusive provisions in the constitution (kp 13/07/2017)

Her future is our future: When a woman is free to make choices about her life, her children, her family and everybody else will benefit, by Giulia Vallese (kp 11/07/2017), Women empowerment: Many barriers, by Prativa Subedi (ht 12/07/2017)

Poor Nepali Dalits: Only special packages for poverty-reduction among Dalits will bring meaningful change in their lives, by Hira Vishwakarma (rep 09/07/2017)

Kusundas went ire of political parties and election commission for neglecting them, by Devendra Basnet (rep 27/06/2017)

Minority groups flay parties for ignoring them (kp 25/06/2017)

Caste-based discrimination, untouchability punishable (ht 25/06/2017)

Disabled people seek equality (ht 24/06/2017)

Women leaders buoyed, eyeing better posts in next elections, by Kalendra Sejuwal (rep 21/06/2017), Over 5,000 women elected in phase one local polls (rep 21/06/2017)

Girls lag despite outnumbering boys in exams, by Binod Ghimire (kp 18/06/2017), Education of daughters: Disparity in SEE performance shows that girls still have a long way to go (kp 19/06/2017)

Clarity on distinction of excluded groups wanting, says UNDP (kp 16/06/2017) [see IDPG report]

Local level restructuring: Proportional representation, by Birendra P. Mishra (ht 14/06/2017)

Voice for equality: Nepal’s Female Labor Force Participation Rate is 80 percent. But women have a long way to go achieve gender equality, by Ayushma Basnyat (rep 13/06/2017)

Disabled deprived of identity cards, by Gokarna Prasad Bhandari (ht 11/06/2017)

Madhesi Commission chair, members to be from same community (ht 06/06/2017)

Badi women continue to be deprived of citizenship, by Anita Shrestha (ht 01/06/2017)

Book on indigenous peoples' rights in Nepal launched (rep 01/06/2017)

Implementation of laws necessary to help end discrimination (kp 30/05/2017)

Rights all year round: NHRC needs to undertake structural reforms to make it fit for purpose in the new federal set-up; Tikapur case shows that unless there is representation of linguistic and religious minorities in the NHRC’s structures, it would be difficult for it to win the confidence of these groups, by Mohna Ansari (kp 26/05/2017)

Including the excluded: The real winners of the local elections are not political parties, but women, by Om Astha Rai (nt 26/05/2017), Federal feminine republic of Nepal (nt 26/05/2017)

Categorisation of ethnic nationalities as minorities: On April 24, the government published a notice on the Nepal Gazette declaring 98 communities with population below 0.5 percent as minority groups, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp 23/05/2017)

Come, all ye faithful: Why would Dalits stand outside a closed door when the next one says welcome?, by Rajendra Senchurey (kp 23/05/2017)

SC orders citizenship through mother for Gurung sisters, by Anjali Subedi (rep 23/05/2017)

Dalits in leadership: Dalit community is hopeful that they will no more have to fight for their rights, by Janak KC and Sangam Gharti Magar (rep 22/05/2017)

Civil society group calls for charter revision (kp 19/05/2017)

Tharu communities in Kailali worry their traditional rules will die out (ht 18/05/2017)

Not quite half the sky: Intricacies that limit women’s participation in politics must be brought to the fore, by Anjita Parajuli (kp 14/05/2017)

Technically included, practically left out: The number of Dalit candidates for top jobs in municipal and village councils is near zero despite commitments for inclusion in the constitution and party documents, by Bhola Paswan (The Record 13/05/2017)

Female politicians displeased with sexism in nomination process (kp 05/05/2017)

No woman candidate for major post in Mugu, by Suman Malla (rep 02/05/2017)

Female leaders forced to accept candidacy for second position (ht 02/05/2017)

Voting centre location excludes disabled, pregnant women (ht 02/05/2017)

Sole woman candidate for local level election in Kalikot (rep 01/05/2017)

UML picks male candidates for top local level posts in Siraha (ht 29/04/2017) [This is the UML understanding of inclusion and equality!]

Hardly any female aspirant for major posts in Dhading, by Shankar Shrestha (rep 29/04/2017)

President’s Women Empowerment Programme starts in 26 districts: It aims to provide skill development training to Dalit, indigenous and marginalised women, by Samipa Khanal (kp 24/04/2017), Better than before? Women’s empowerment requires concrete policies and their robust implementation (kp 28/04/2017)

Women’s voices enrich public life: Building strong gender equal communities requires every individual citizen to stand firmly in the political landscape, by Valerie Julliand, Alaina B. Teplitz, Mashfee Binte Shams, Rensje Teerink, W. Swarnalatha Pereira and Ingrid Dahl-Madsen (kp 21/04/2017)

Rautes to be granted citizenship (ht 19/04/2017)

Women in politics: The way forward, by Ayush Joshi (ht 19/04/2017)

Inclusion and equality: Mind shift; Just as donors have pooled their strengths to establish Governance Facility, a similar Facility can be built to support NGOs committed to fight exclusion, by Simone Galimberti (rep 17/04/2017)

Men likely to dominate nominations in Bardia, by Nirmal Ghimire (rep 15/04/2017)

Parties struggle as women leaders are scarce among Thamis, by Ramesh Khatiwada (rep 08/04/2017)

Nepal leads South Asia in women parliamentarians (rep 03/04/2017)

Female turnout disappoints EC: Women job aspirants account for only 14pc of total 179,486 applicants, by Manish Gautam (kp 02/04/2017)

Road to Inclusion: Progress in inducting women into public service may be small, but in light of the country’s dismal history of inclusivity, it is a much welcome change, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp 01/04/2017)

Federal election bill: federal election bill; Madhesis to get reservation for 20.9 percent seats, down from 31.9 percent in the Constituent Assembly elections when Madhesis, Tharus and Muslims were under a single category, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp 28/03/2017)

Dalits in civil service: They got in through seat quotas, but they are no less capable and skilled than others, by Pradeep Pariyar (kp 28/03/2017)

Deliberation on inclusion commission bill begins (ht 22/03/2017)

Gender equality: The Nordic Model, by Kjell Tormod Pettersen (rep 22/03/2017)

Stakeholders bat for accelerated efforts to end gender imbalance (ht 21/03/2017)

Our first nations: There are compelling evidence to suggest that even before the Aryan and Mongoloid groups of people stumbled upon this place, it was occupied by Austroasiatic groups of people, by Abhinawa Devkota (kp 18/03/2017)

Khadka addresses UN’s CSW session (kp 17/03/2017) [??]

Up to the task: More struggle is necessary to get Nepali  women into real decision-making positions, by Bidushi Dhungel (kp 10/03/2017)

Mountain women The difference between a broken community and a thriving one is the presence of women who are valued, by Sunayana Basnet (kp 08/03/2017), Bold action now: In Nepal, while women work as much as men, the gender wage gap is still in the bottom half of the world ranking, by Valerie Julliand (rep 08/03/2017), Is women empowerment just women employment? If this day is to celebrate your and my achievements, then it does not need to be marked in the calendar, by Sambridhi Gyawali (rep 08/03/2017), Exemplary Muslim sisters empowering women, by Kalendra Sejuwal (rep 08/03/2017), Working on gender: We saw no representation of Himalayan women in history or literature, nor in the research and development sectors, by Chhaya Vani Namchu and Menaka Hamal (rep 08/03/2017), Championing their cause: We need to be more proactive in identifying true champions of women's economic empowerment in Nepal and build a strong coalition, by Gail Marzetti and Pukar Malla (rep 08/03/2017)

From safe motherhood to safe womanhood: Nepali women deserve to be recognised as complete human beings and equal citizens, not just as mothers, by Poonam Thapa (kp 07/03/2017)

Leave no one behind: Absorbing women into the labour market by reinforcing traditional gender roles is not empowering, by Sangita Thebe-Limbu (nt 03/03/2017)

Kids in Chepang village spend time playing in lack of school, by Ramesh Kumar Paudel (rep 02/03/2017)

PM pledges to raise Dalit issues at UN (kp 28/02/2017)

Musahars submit memo to PM, by Santosh Singh (rep 20/02/2017), Musahars lament lack of land ownership certificate, by Mahesh Kumar Das (rep 21/02/2017)

Visually impaired struggle to open bank account, by Rameshchandra Adhikari (kp 19/02/2017)

Move over, men: Women should be included in decision-making roles in the management of forests, by Basundhara Bhattarai (kp 19/02/2017)

Powerful Nepali women’s challenges: They have come to stand face-to-face with history in an unprecedented way, by Abhi Subedi (kp 19/02/2017)

From a guerilla fighter to humble Speaker, by Onshari Gharti Magar (kp 18/02/2017), We may have come a long way, but there is much to achieve: The feminist consciousness flourished after the restoration of democracy in 1990 and received ample focus  during the decade-long Maoist struggle followed by people’s movement and constitution-writing process, by Mohna Ansari (kp 18/02/2017), A ‘competent’ woman politician —a rhetorical excuse? High time we asked whether all men maintain the highest degree of competence, by Pranika Koyu (kp 18/02/2017), Women in politics: Nepal is among the only 10 countries in the world having a woman head of state, by Binod Ghimire (kp 18/02/2017)

Feminism in the margins, a Madhesi perspective: Madhesi women are not a topic of discussion, nor is their contribution acknowledged in the national discourse, by Rita Sah (kp 18/02/2017)

Questioning the Questions: Caste struggle against structural minds: Let’s challenge the system by re-imagining, redefining, re-narrating and retelling our story, by Sarita Pariyar (kp 18/02/2017)

Representation of women: The Nepali media sector, in general, suffers from patriarchy, by Sumina Rai Karki (kp 18/02/2017)

The scourge of stereotype: Even though their workplace is female dominated, the fact is that the most popular gynecologist in our country is a male, by Arpana Neopane (kp 18/02/2017)

Ladies first: Women now hold top management positions in various organizations, by Sanjeev Giri (kp 18/02/2017)

The choice is yours: Short-term Panchayat-era nationalism or long-term vision of Nepal owned by all? The seed of one language, one dress nationalism that Mahendra sowed, KP Oli tries to reseed as the ideological son, by Pramod Mishra (kp 16/02/2017)

Post-truth narratives: The elite want to regain sway over the bureaucracy by amending the inclusion policy, by Ramesh Sunam (kp 14/02/2017)

The marginalised: Toilet and school, still a dream for Musahars, by Santosh Singh (rep 14/02/2017)

Chepang folk deprived of housing aid (kp 13/02/2017)

Women in civil service: Women applicants ‘outwitting’ men in PSC examinations, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp 12/02/2017)

Chepangs facing food crisis, by Keshav Adhikari (ht 12/02/2012)

Inclusiveness in Nepal and India: There are a number of lessons that Nepal can learn from India to redress historical injustices, by Mahendra P. Lama (kp 08/02/2017)

Broadening the Nepali mind: Events like the Nepal Literature Festival help counter aggressive nationalism and ignorance, by Pramod Mishra (kp 02/02/2017)

Local level election bill: Women, Dalit, marginalized representation to increase, by Ashok Dahal (rep 02/02/2017)

Idea of citizenship: We need to revisit the 1952 Citizenship Act in order to make Nepal a true republic, by Kalpana Jha (kp 31/01/2017)

Unequal by law: The constitution needs to be amended so that  people of all genders can receive equal treatment, by Sanjay Sharma and Tingyi Yang (kp 27/01/2017)

Nationalism Under Threat, by Narad Bharadwaj (rn 27/01/2017) [Which nationalism, male Tagadhari nationalism or the one that includes all sections of society and that still has to be invented?]

A nation still in the making: Ethnicity and nationhood need not be mutually exclusive, but Mahendra failed to create a multi-ethnic nation, by Deepak Thapa (kp 26/01/2017)

Times of confusion and fusion: Moderation and cultivation of multicultural, multilingual, multiethnic living is what Nepal needs at the moment, by Pramod Mishra (kp 19/01/2017)

Less equal: We must aim for a socially inclusive country that ensures the welfare of a broad section instead of serving few elites, by Giri Bahadur Sunar (rep 17/01/2017)

Inspiration as we rebuild: Venturing into masonry will improve women’s income and help them challenge traditional gender roles, by Pratibha Tuladhar (kp 15/01/2017)

Gender pay gap: What we can learn from global practices to reduce inequality in our workforce, by Tara Kanel (kp 15/01/2017)

Enact more women-friendly laws: Experts (kp 14/01/2017)

Making room: Accessibility and inclusion are a national  issue, addressing which will benefit everyone, by Simone Galimberti (kp 01/01/2017)

Dalit community submits 5-point demand to PM (kp 30/12/2016)

Toothless commissions: The proposed Madhesi, Janajati, Tharu and Muslim commissions have no real power, by Mona Ansari (kp 27/12/2016)

Workshop held to seek feedback on Muslim Commission Bill: Speakers call for revising the bill in order to ensure the rights of Muslims as per the spirit of the statute (kp 22/12/2016)

Democratising nationalism: Greater the perception of a threat to security, stronger the tendency to push in-group cooperation by excluding others, by Ajaya Bhadra Khanal (kp 21/12/2016)

Women deprived of opportunities: Yami (ht 20/12/2016)

National identity and belonging: Even those who are not at the borders of Nepal are often pushed to the borders of settlements, by David Gellner (kp 19/12/2016) [excerpt of his Mahesh Chandra Lecture "The idea of Nepal", als available as audio],

Partisan rift as search for new NEFIN leadership begins, by Roshan Sedhai (kp 18/12/2016)

Fifty years of partnership: Road to social inclusion in Nepal is long, but there has been marked progress, by Jose Assalino (kp 18/12/2016)

Question of empowerment: Caste or class?, by Atindra Dahal (ht 16/12/2016)

Trend of political violence: Women continue to suffer, by Hisila Yami (ht 14/12/2016)

Building durable peace: Women’s role is vital, by Sophie Kemkhadze (ht 12/12/2016)

Female staff at health ministry allege discrimination, by Bishnu Prasad Aryal (rep 10/12/2016)

Mindset needs to change: There are numerous obstacles to inclusive education for children with disabilities; Disabled people are often subjected to inhuman treatment and are largely perceived as requiring charity as opposed to rights, by Devdatta Joshi (kp 07/12/2016), Divorced women may not get property share in new Code, by Ashok Dahal (rep 07/12/2016)

Chepangs sans citizenship, by Pratap Bista (kp 04/12/2016)

Disaster management bill: ‘Govt committed to ensuring women representation’ (kp 01/12/2016) [Yes, please include one woman in a minor position, just as in the council of ministers!], Regional meet stresses need for gender-friendly DRR policy (ht 01/12/2016)

Agents of change: Knowing of the sacrifices women rights defenders make every day, let us commit to respect them, by Renu Adhikari Rajbhandari (rep 01/12/2016)

Caste in doubt: If the struggle is for the rights of everyone, how can that ‘everyone’ not include Dalits?, by Deepak Thapa (kp 01/12/2016)

Women leaders demand 50pc representation in Cabinet (kp 29/11/2016)

495 couples in Okhaldhunga get joint land deeds, by Kumbharaj Rai (kp 21/11/2016)

Where are all the women? An underlying reason for the low representation of women in  politics is a patriarchal mindset that permeates political life, by Avasna Pandey (kp 18/11/2016)

‘More women needed in all sectors for development’ (ht 15/11/2016)

The divide within: Invisibility of labourers in Kathmandu is compounded by their inability to negotiate with employers directly; The Madhesi migrant population in Kathmandu, heterogeneous as it is, remains outside the public fabric and does not participate in religious, communal or political events, by Dan V. Hirslund (kp 14/11/2016)

Nepalis and nationalism: Nationalism is best demonstrated by our responsibility towards the nation, by Meera Rajbhandari Amatya (kp 06/11/2016)

Bill proposes greater powers for NWC (ht 04/11/2016)

A ‘Madhise’ in the US: A Nepali waiter at an Indian restaurant was stunned when I told him I was a Nepali, by Bikash Gupta (kp 26/10/2016)

Diverse experiences: It is important to understand that empowerment can take different forms for different women, by Emma Karki (kp 21/10/2016)

Economic progress: Invest in 10-year-old girls, by Giulia Vallese (ht 21/10/2016)

SAsian women leaders meet with focus on empowerment (kp 20/10/2016), Women’s participation vital for economy (ht 20/10/2016)

The rightward drift: The majority believe that their identity is threatened by the new narratives of those pushing for change, by Pranab Kharel (rep 20/10/2016) [The dominant groups of male Bahuns and Chhetris are not a majority but a minority constituting not more than 15 per cent of the population!]

Shashanka Koirala demands referendum on Hindu state (ht 15/10/2016) [The statement by the NC General Secretary reflects the staunch conservative and anti-inclusive minding of many NC politicians!!]

Politics of exclusion: Lack of inclusion in Nepal’s political parties is a reflection of social realities, by Mukesh Jha (kp 06/10/2016)

A temple in Janakpur where women are not allowed (kp 05/10/2016)

Women leaders ask govt to honour 33 percent quotas (kp 02/10/2016)

Banking boom: Financial inclusion key to sustainable growth; Today, 45 percent of the BFI branches are located in the central region where the capital, Kathmandu, is located (kp 28/09/2016)

Proposed provision could further ‘limit women’s citizenship right’, by Dewan Rai (kp 26/09/2016)

Conference on gender equality, social justice begins (ht 23/09/2016)

Rajbhandari becomes NT’s first female MD (kp 23/09/2016)

Women representation: A year on, provision of 33pc unimplemented, by Pratichya Dulal (kp 19/09/2016)

First things first: The constitution cannot be an obstacle to finding a progressive solution to political and social problems, by Dipendra Jha (kp 14/09/2016)

In the driving seat: Apart from proportionate representation, women need to have rights to grant citizenship as men do, by Shreejana Shrestha (nt 02/09/2016)

Power to women: Male politicians still do not believe women to be as capable and deserving as themselves, by Bineeta Gurung (nt 02/09/2016)

A history of exclusion: People are excluded on the basis of language, caste, religion, region and culture, by Krishna Kumar Sah (kp 23/08/2016)

Beyond symbolism: Indigenous nationalities need substantive support, not tokenistic public holidays (kp 12/08/2016)

EC for mandatory one-third women representatives (rep 11/08/2016)

Will meet demands of indigenous people: PM (kp 10/08/2016), ‘National consensus must to address national issues’ (kp 10/08/2016) [National consensus must not mean consensus among the male Tagadhari elites of the different parties but consensus among all the different social groups of the country of which the male Tagadharis are only a small minority!!]

Language poses barrier to learning, by Anita Shrestha (ht 09/08/2016) [!! On the other side do politicians, administrators, journalists, etc. hardly have any knowledge of ethnic languages and cultures even though they prepresent the majority of Nepal's population!]

Of female justices: Three female justices taking up responsibilities put our position on a par with the most advanced democratic countries, by Abhi Subedi (kp 07/08/2016)

Women Commission in care of lone member (kp 06/08/2016)

Fee waiver luring women to hold land ownership (ht 04/08/2016)

Women at work: First woman chief justice is a milestone on Nepal’s road towards gender equality (kp 13/07/2016), Autumn of the patriarchy: Social justice, development and peace require Nepali women to be on equal terms with Nepali men in all fields (nt 15/07/2016)

Power and discourse: Lack of an inclusive education system makes Nepalis ignorant of each other’s cultures and ways of life, by Abhishek Mallik (kp 12/07/2016)

Widow woes: Widows are discounted in statistics, neglected by authorities and lost within the homogeneous women population, by Sumeera Shrestha (kp 23/06/2016)

33 percent women in parliament: Fears of representation turning into tokenism, by Pratichya Dulal (kp 19/06/2016)

Girl students continue to face discrimination, by Binod Ghimire (kp 07/06/2016), The battle continues: Nation should introspect and change its attitude towards educating girls (kp 08/06/2016)

Two-year ‘every last child’ drive gets under way: Campaign aims to reach the most deprived girls in the four target districts (kp 05/06/2016)

Mobilising women: Women’s centres help empower women to claim their rights and regain their footing, by Ayesha Shakya (nt 03/06/2016)

Equal but unequal: Prez Bhandari, Speaker Magar should clearly state support for women’s citizenship rights (kp 31/05/2016)

Minority report: Goverment should respect sentiments of minority groups in deciding national holidays, by Ramesh Khatry (kp 17/05/2016) [Another proof of the continued single ethnic identity based thinking of Nepal's leading party politicians!!]

Ban on women going for domestic jobs lifted: Women aged 24 and above will now be able to take up domestic jobs in the Gulf and Malaysia with help of selected recruiting firms (kp 13/05/2016)

Investing in women: The international framework on women's rights has been an important instrument on the road to gender equality, by Kirsten Geelan (rep 11/05/2016)

Discouraging participation of women in construction projects, by Yogesh Rawal (rep 10/05/2016)

Meritorious, not inclusive: The argument that a former member of one branch of the state is automatically disqualified from serving another branch is faulty, by Sheri Meyerhoffer and Adil Ali Khan (rep 10/05/2016)

The citizenship debate: Nepal's citizenship debate is stuck in whether it should be guided by an overarching global norm or if certain people deserve special treatment, by Mahabir Paudyal (rep 09/05/2016)

Recommendation of envoys challenged (ht 22/04/2016), SC issues show cause on ambassador nominations (kp 23/04/2016)

Tough going: Women politicians find themselves caught between the devil and the deep blue sea, by Narayan Manandhar (kp 17/04/2016)

Level playing field: It is critical that equal treatment for women start with constitutional provisions (kp 08/04/2016)

Women’s day, every day: Advancing the status of women is not only the right thing to do, it is also the smart thing to do, by Alaina B. Teplitz (kp 29/03/2016)

Girls are the future: It is time to unlock the potential of girls in Nepal and support their empowerment, by Gail Marzetti (kp 23/03/2016)

Old enough: In a 21st century democracy, as a voter, no one should be restricted from our opportunity to lead simply because we are "not old enough", by Ujwal Thapa (rep 23/03/2016)

Women in the woods: Nepal has a long way to go with regard to achieving gender equality goals in forestry, by Bhawana Upadhyay (kp 21/03/2016)

Meet calls for empowering women at grassroots level (kp 20/03/2016)

Congress puts marginalised communities on the margins, by Dewan Rai (kp 15/03/2016) [NC has missed the chance to turn into a progressive and inclusive party with clean and non-corrupt politicians as it is needed by the country!], Madhesi women in politics: Grooming at the grassroots urged (kp 15/03/2016)

Stand-up for women: Men and women should be seen as two wheels of the same cart, by Kajol Shah (kp 14/03/2016)

Caste away: Untouchability and discrimination cannot be ended without strong state intervention, by Ratna BK (kp 13/03/2016)

Equality in true sense: Removing traditional barriers to achieving gender parity needs greater priority in Nepal (kp 08/03/2016), For the women: The mainstream women movement has a long way to go before it can claim to represent ‘all Nepali women’, by Subha Ghale (kp 08/03/2016), Nepal still needs to give women wider roles: UN; The UN suggests the upcoming local elections need to be shaped by women as both equal voters and as candidates (kp 08/03/2016)

Call for gender-friendly programmes (kp 03/03/2016)

Women at work: KP Oli could have made significant strides in making the NRA gender-inclusive, by Basundhara Bhattarai (kp 01/03/2016)

More women leaders sought in politics (kp 25/02/2016), The feminist mystique: There is little recognition of the great diversity of Nepali women even in this day of identity politics, by Deepak Thapa (kp 25/02/2016)

Civil society demands proportional representation of Dalit community (ht 21/02/2016)

Careful reservations please: Reservation is but a small step to correct the  wrong that has been done to the marginalised, by Sanjeev Dahal (kp 21/02/2016)

Language barrier causing hassles in quake data collection, by Narahari Sapkota (rep 15/02/2016)

Show some empathy: It’s wrong to mock marginalised groups engaged in social justice movements, by Tirtha Raj Bhatta (kp 14/02/2016)

Words beyond Oliology: Oliology captures the essence of social tendencies that equates Nepali nationality with Khas-Arya communalism, by CK Lal (rep 08/02/2016)

Lost spirit of 2036: Intersectionality of class and ethnicity is the need of the day for the Nepali left, by Shreya Paudel (kp 26/01/2016)

Making it work: Nepali people desire to forge strong national unity above ethnic interests, by Anjita Parajuli (kp 21/01/2016)

Female officers man police station in Makwanpur: The station with nine officers is headed by ASI Dil Kumari Kafle, by Pratap Bista (kp 09/01/2016)

Karki becomes first woman JC member: Set to take the Supreme Court helm as female chief justice (kp 06/01/2016),
Breaking barriers: Women are under-represented in judiciary despite Karki’s appointment (kp 08/01/2016)

Who are we? If we can all rejoice in the richness of our collective cultural heritage, we will all be the better for it, by Deepak Thapa (kp 31/12/2015)

Social change through political empowerment? Nepal gets first female President and Speaker of the Parliament in 2015, by Ashok Dahal and Shreejana Shrestha (rep 31/12/2015)

Ensuring gender equality: Implementing policies a huge challenge: Study (kp 16/12/2015)

Nepal narrows its gender gap (kp 30/11/2015)

Shifting identities: There is a need to deconstruct the notions of ‘Nepali’ identity and nationalism, by Pramod Mishra (kp 26/11/2015)

Still second sex: Despite the election of a female president, Nepal needs to do a lot more to empower its women, by Mira Kafle (kp 26/11/2015)

More than half the sky: Despite their hard work millions of rural women are still socially disadvantaged, by Bhawana Upadhyay (kp 25/10/2015)

The right to have rights: The new Constitution lays bare misogynistic and patriarchal psyches that usually hide behind nationalism, by Sangita Thebe Limbu (nt 16/10/2015)

Pride and prejudice: Is treating women as second-class citizens the only way to avert the possibility of a geopolitical crisis?, by Sophia K. Tamot (kp 14/10/2015)

Law impedes progress of women: Report (kp 26/09/2015)

Backward classes: Who are they?, by Krishna Bahadur Adhikary (ht 15/09/2015)

Double jeopardy: Upper caste people use their social, economic and political power to silence the Dalit women, by Giri Bahadur Sunar (rep 12/09/2015)

A small, well-lighted place: A group of single women and widows have been attempting to procure loans to start small businesses for themselves. But because of onerous government provisions they have been stymied in their efforts, by Pratichya Dulal (kp 12/09/2015)

Dalits suffer due to lack of sec school (ht 03/08/2015)

The neglected south: Even by its poor standards, Nepali state’s neglect of Madhesi Dalits is appalling (kp 29/07/2015)

For the people: If the drafters want to prevent large-scale unrest, they should invite Madhesi and Janajati leaders for discussion, by Pramod Mishra (kp 23/07/2015) [But this would be against the self-interest of the male Tagadhari leaders!]

Quest for equality: Throughout South Asia, the ideology of equality stemmed from religion before becoming a political discourse, by Gérard Toffin (kp 10/07/2015)

Native aliens: The message is clear: Men own this country; Women had no place in Nepal in the past and they will have no place in Nepal in the future, by Anjali Subedi (rep 09/07/2015)

Fear the future: Drafters of the constitution have demonstrated myopia rather than long-term vision for gender equality, by Pramod Mishra (kp 09/07/2015)

The country is yours: The quake has provided us with a chance to finally right the years of discrimination faced by Tamangs, by Deepak Thapa (kp 02/07/2015)

Muslim lawmakers seek broader rights (kp 14/06/2015)

Dalits: Empower them; Earthquake taught us that we are just a puppet in the hands of existence, by Giri Bahadur Sunar (rep 13/06/2015)

Citizenship from either of Nepali parents: Agreement to replace ‘and’ conjunction with ‘or’, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp 11/06/2015), Hopes raised by new provision dampened: The ‘and’ clause on citizenship remains despite claims to the contrary, say rights activists, by Dewan Rai (kp 13/06/2015) [Long live the exclusive state dominated by male Bahuns whose thinking is deeply rooted in archaic Hindu traditions!!], Citizenship issue: Civil society concerned over PDCC report (kp 14/06/2015), CDC sub-panel settles citizenship issue, by Prakash Acharya (ht 17/06/2015) [The male Bahun overlords as based on their traditional Hindu thinking have decided that women will remain second or third class citizens under the new constitution, subordinate to male persons! This issue is symbolic for what can be expected from the consequences of the 16-point-agreement!!]

Keep the fire burning: Much needs to be done to address past injustice but in the present, the country perhaps needs to move ahead, by Pramod Mishra (kp 11/06/2015)

NPC: Boost gender parity in rebuilding, by Pratichya Dulal (kp 06/06/2015)

Numbers can lie: Girls outnumbering boys in Higher Secondary exams belies social reality (kp 05/06/2015)

Amnesty Int’l urges end to discrimination in aid effort (kp 03/06/2015) [!!!]

Dalits changing caste for shelter (ht 06/04/2015)

Dalit, Ethnic community students score low due to discriminatory attitude of peers: Study, by Nirjana Sharma (rep 03/04/2015)

Plight of untouchables: I was beaten black and blue by upper caste people when I attended a religious ceremony as a child, by Giri Bahadur Sunar (rep 28/03/2015), Dirty design: Division of labor is strategy of upper-caste people to dominate, divide and rule over the lower castes, by Giri Bahadur Sunar (rep 11/04/2015)

Construction of human identity: Flawed pre-selected categories, by David Seddon (ht 27/03/2015)

Indigenous people raise issues for UN review (ht 22/03/2015)

Missing the mark: Development must strengthen the political agency of disadvantaged groups while addressing cultural practices that reinforce inequality, by Subhash Nepali (kp 20/03/2015)

NRB governor selection: Race enters home stretch: Recommendation criteria ‘finalised’ n Committee discusses probable names, by Anil Giri and Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp 18/03/2015) [Long live the non-inclusive state!! All of them are male Bahuns!]

Strong presence of women in first CA did make a difference, interview with Binda Pandey (kp 16/03/2015)

Language barrier major cause of high dropout rate in schools, by Raju Adhikari (rep 16/03/2015)

Call to empower women for prosperity (kp 08/03/2015), Ensure women’s rights to address VAW cases: Study (kp 08/03/2015)

Being Nepali or becoming Nepali? Nepal has one of the most progressive laws on gay and lesbian rights, but still treats its women as second-class citizens, by Anjana Rajbhandary (nt 06/03/2015)

Masculinist logic: The proposed ‘and’ provision in granting citizenship insults autonomy of adult subjects who are rightful residents of Nepal, by Archana Thapa (kp 27/02/2015)

Born sinful: TU’s ethnographic profiles are a step towards a better understanding of excluded groups, by Gérard Toffin (kp 23/02/2015)

Dalits demand ‘or’ provision on citizenship (kp 05/02/2015)

Identity and ideology: Striving for identity in Nepal is not just about recognition; it is a deeper and more material need, by Pramod Mishra (kp 05/02/2015)

Dalit children deprived of education in remote Mugu, by Raj Bahadur Shahi (kp 27/01/2015)

Chepangs deprived of government allowance, by Pawan Yadav (kp 24/01/2015)

No downside to diversity: Diversity in the workplace promotes sustainable growth, increases productivity, and provides businesses with a competitive advantage, by Man Bahadur BK (kp 16/01/2014)

The grand inclusion project: Economic exclusion precludes the majority from opportunities afforded by social and political inclusion, by Ram C. Acharya (kp 14/01/2015)

Living together: The quest today concerns maintaining a balance between Nepal’s unity and recognising its huge diversity, by Gérard Toffin (kp 07/01/2015)

Power on paper: Women should be made part of all decision-making bodies to uproot patriarchy, by Sharmila Thapa (kp 04/01/2015)

Documents / Websites

Nepal financial inclusion report, by International Finance Corporation (IFC), April 2023

South Asia State of Minorities Report 2022 : Weakening Human Rights Commitments
and Its Impact on Minorities
. The South Asia Collective, February 2023

From Exclusion to Inclusion : Crafting a New Legal Regime in Nepal, by Bipin Adhikari et al. Kathmandu: Social Science Baha 2022

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