Nepal Research
Website on Nepal and Himalayan Studies

Nature (wildlife, animal rights, plants, biodiversity, poaching, livestock, botany, zoo, pets)
Time in Taksindu:
Human Rights

Nature (general)
Environment and economy

Human-wildlife interactions: Conflict to coexistence, by Santosh Dulal (ae 11/03/2025)

Take Urgent Measures to Curb Smuggling of Pangolins (rep 09/03/2025)

One killed in wild elephant attack in Chitwan (kh 09/03/2025)

In Chitwan, unchecked human-wildlife conflict adds to conservation challenges : Better habitat management, timely identification of problematic animals and increased community engagement are key for conflict control, experts say, by Ramesh Kumar Paudel (kp 09/03/2025)

Wildlife attacks claim 10 lives in Chitwan National Park (kh 05/03/2025)

New sunbird species spotted in Nepal : With the addition of purple-backed sunbird, known as Baijani Dhade Bungechara, Nepal’s bird count has risen to 898, by Parbat Portel (kp 05/03/2025)

103 crocodiles released in Rapti River (rn 04/03/2025)

Artificial ponds inside community forest provide reliable source of water for wildlife : Besides providing water for animals and birds, the ponds inside the Gaide Community Forest serve as a backup for controlling wildfires when needed, by Birendra KC (kp 03/03/2025)

Rhino census uncertain due to budget crunch following suspension of USAID project (kh 02/03/2025)

Elderly man killed in wild elephant attack  (rep 28/02/2025)

Painting eyes or X on cattle’s hindquarters to deter tiger attacks : Inspired by findings in Botswana, conservationists are painting symbols on livestock in Chitwan National Park’s buffer zone to trick tigers and leopards, by Ramesh Kumar Paudel (kp 27/02/2025)

Ensure humane treatment of dogs: Stop poor breeding practices, by Aaryan Kunwar (ht 25/02/2025)

Tiger carrying capacity debate : Nepali wildlife conservationists are divided over the PM’s tiger population statement, by Aditya Acharya and Dayaram Pandey (kp 23/02/2025)

Chitwan National Park struggles to feed caged tigers amid budget shortfall (kh 22/02/2025)

Yet another elephant found dead in Bardiya (rep 19/02/2025)

New camera traps set up in Parsa to monitor tiger activity (kh 15/02/2025)

Bird population increases in Koshi Tappu Wildlife Reserve (kh 12/02/2025)

Ramhari Khatiwada proposes selling monkeys to China to curb growing threat (kh 10/02/2025)

Makuna’s demise likely to affect elephant breeding, by Basanta Parajuli (rn 08/02/2025), Probe begins into Makuna’s death in Chitwan National Park (kh 10/02/2025)

The Tiger Paradox: Custodian of Nature or Sacrifices in Political Rhetoric. Endangered tigers signify the complex conflict of priorities between conservation efforts and political opinions, by Samundra Adhikari (rep 07/02/2025)

Wild elephant shot dead in Chitwan after attack on park rangers (rep 06/02/2025)

32 species of migratory aquatic birds found in Banke (kh 02/02/2025)

Relocation of Rhinos in Chitwan National Park starts today (kh 01/02/2025), Internal relocation of rhinos begins in Chitwan National Park : There are currently 752 rhinos in Nepal, of which, 694 reside in Chitwan National Park (kp 02/02/2025), Three rhinos relocated to CNP’s eastern sector (kh 04/02/2025)

Birds in Kanchanpur’s wetlands face growing threats (kh 29/01/2025)

Nepal’s unique black pig breed faces identity crisis, by Kabiraj Ghimire (rn 29/01/2025)

Stray cattle shelter in Tanahun becomes a haven for vultures : Steady food supply from carcasses and tall trees support vulture growth in Shishuwa Bhateri, by Samjhana Rasaili (kp 28/01/2025)

Tiger attack injures woman in chhaugoth in Kailali (kh 27/01/2025) [Caused because of the performance of the Chhaupadi crime!]

Botched road works threaten Chitwan’s wildlife tourism : Chitwan National Park reported a loss of 37,011 domestic visitors in the first six months of the current fiscal year, by Ramesh Kumar Paudel (kp 26/01/2025)

Status Of The Bengal Monitor Lizard, by Rajesh Dhungana (rn 24/01/2025)

Tiger found dead in Banke (kh 24/01/2025)

One dead in rhino attack in Chitwan (kh 22/01/2025)

Elephant menace: Sundarharaicha people demand safety (kh 21/01/2025)

Bird census begins from Rapti (kh 19/01/2025)

Elderly man killed in wild elephant attack in Morang (kh 18/01/2025), One trampled to death by wild elephant in Morang (kh 19/01/2025)

352 ghariyals found in Rapti and Narayani rivers in CNP (ae 17/01/2025)

One dead in rhino attack in Madi (kh 14/01/2025)

The disappearing glow of Junkiri , by Shreya Piya (ae 13/01/2025)

55 species of birds recorded in wetlands of east Chitwan (kh 12/01/2025)

Does Nepal really have too many tigers? The answer is no. We must learn to manage wildlife better, by Sudiksha Tuladhar (nt 10/01/2025)

Elevating Chitwan's Tourism: Pioneering Luxury and Nature-Based Experiences, by Siddhartha Bajra Bajracharya (ht 09/01/2025)

41 gharials released in Rapti River (kh 08/01/2025)

83 deaths and 599 injuries from wild animal attacks in Nepal in last five months (kh 06/01/2025)

Nepal commences nationwide waterfowl census to monitor biodiversity (kh 04/01/2025), Nationwide count of water birds kicks off : A group of more than 400 ornithologists, nature guides, technicians and bird enthusiasts are busy counting aquatic birds in several parts of Nepal, by Manoj Paudel (kp 05/01/2025)

Mitigating maize raids by monkeys (ae 02/01/2025)

Increasing wild elephant menace in Koshi Province (rn 01/01/2025), Wild elephant kills one more in eastern Nepal (kh 01/01/2025)

Two injured in rhino attack in Chitwan (kh 31/12/2024)

PM Oli says it’s unwise to increase tiger numbers at the cost of human lives : The prime minister argues it’s impractical and unwise to increase the number of tigers by endangering human lives (kp 28/12/2024)

Farmers worried as snow leopards, wolves attack domesticated animals in Chumnubri area : They say authorities concerned neither take any initiatives to protect the village from wild animals nor provide suitable compensation to the victims, by Hariram Upreti (kp 24/12/2024)

12 rhinos found dead in Chitwan National Park over 5 months (kh 21/12/2024)

Survey of tiger and prey species begins in Banke National Park (rep 20/12/2024)

Palpa’s Khaireni community forest is teeming with vultures : Conservationists credit the Diclofenac ban for the revival after decades of dwindling numbers. This area was declared ‘vulture conservation zone’ in 2001, by Madhav Aryal (kp 19/12/2024)

65 arrested as Chitwan National Park boosts efforts to curb wildlife crimes (kh 18/12/2024)

Authorities mobilise after rogue elephant wreaks havoc in Bara settlements : Residents of Chakari area in ward 22 of Jitpur Simara Sub-metropolitan City petition for protection from killer tusker nicknamed ‘Yamagaj’ (kp 16/12/2024)

Leopard sightings spark rear in Abukhaireni villages (kh 15/12/2024)

Nepal’s efforts to save sarus cranes earn global praise : But electrocution and stray dogs still remain major threats to these birds, by Manoj Paudel (kp 10/12/2024)

Hunters kill 10 Naurs and 5 Jharals at Dhorpatan Hunting Reserve in first season (rn 11/12/2024)

Red Panda sighted at Muna of Myagdi (kh 09/12/2024)

Gadhimai Again : Every five years, the mass animal sacrifice in a tiny village in Nepal pits activists against devotees, by Chandra Kishore (nt 06/12/2024), Animal activists rescue hundreds of animals at Nepal-India border, preventing their sacrifice at Gadhimai festival (rep 11/12/2024)

Bardiya’s rhinos may have migrated to India : The rhinos cross into India due to lack of water sources and proper habitats in Nepal, conservationists say. About 20 are thought to have moved, by Kamal Panthi (kp 04/12/2024)

Satellite tagging tracks Egyptian vulture’s 200 km journey to Ayodhya, by Krishna Mani Baral (ae 04/12/2024)

Annual tiger count begins in Shuklaphanta National Park : Camera traps have been installed across 101 grids for the 21-day census, by Bhawani Bhatta (kp 02/12/2024)

New bird species, Naumann’s thrush, recorded in Nepal : The number of bird species found in Nepal has now reached 897. With the increasing number of species, Nepal has been a haven for birding, by Manoj Paudel (kp 01/12/2024)

Elderly killed in rhino attack (kh 23/11/2024)

Land mounds offer refuge to wildlife during flooding : Chitwan’s Baghmara Buffer Zone Community Forest has constructed two land mounds, each 36 metres long, 25 metres wide, and about seven feet high, by Ramesh Kumar Paudel (kp 21/11/2024)

Man killed in wild elephant attack in Jhapa (kh 17/11/2024)

3,000 people, mostly the poor, die of snake bites annually, by Pabitra Sunar (rep 11/11/2024)

Call for awareness, training to reduce snakebite deaths : Nepal has committed to reducing 50 percent of deaths and disabilities through snakebite envenomation by 2030. Each year, around 2,700 people, die of snakebites in the country (kp 09/11/2024)

Fishing nets pose a grave threat to gharials in Chitwan : Park officials battle to protect this critically endangered species from human threats, by Ramesh Kumar Paudel (kp 06/11/2024)

Man killed in rhino attack while grazing cattle in Nawalparasi (kh 05/11/2024)

Ten rhinos found dead in Chitwan National Park since July : With horns and hooves of these rhinos intact, the recent deaths are likely due to natural causes or accidents, by Ramesh Kumar Paudel (kp 03/11/2024)

Elephant kills woman in Rautahat (rn 01/11/2024)

Four rhinos found dead in two weeks (kh 30/10/2024)

Researchers use GPS tags to track vultures at Shuklaphanta National Park : Study aims to find out movement patterns and habitat preferences of vultures in farwest Nepal, by Bhawani Bhatta (kp 26/10/2024)

Crocodile Chronicle : Nepal has rescued the gharial from extinction, but the rare reptile has a sex problem, by Shristi Karki (nt 25/10/2024)

Climate change poses threat to habitat of snow leopard (ae 23/10/2024), 13 snow leopards recorded in Kanchenjunga Conservation Area (rn 23/10/2024)

Man killed in tiger attack (kh 18/10/2024)

Elderly man killed in elephant attack in Ilam : The victim succumbs to injuries during treatment in Damak (kp 15/10/2024)

Man died in elephant attack in Bara : Just days earlier, another elephant was found dead in the same municipality (kp 14/10/2024)

Forrest’s pika spotted possibly for the first time in Nepal : The animal, locally known as Jangali Thute Kharayo, resembles a small hare and is mainly found in high mountains of China, Bhutan, Myanmar and India, by Parbat Portel (kp 10/10/2024)

Elephant found dead in Shuklaphanta (kh 05/10/2024)

Elephants on the move : The elephant corridors in eastern Nepal and north Bengal are crucial conduits in their migration, by Akhilesh Upadhyay (kp 27/09/2024)

Call to remove provisions added to National Parks and Wildlife Protection Act (kh 22/09/2024)

Two calves born at CNP’s Elephant Breeding Centre, six more births expected soon (rep 17/09/2024)

Ornithologists confirm first whiskered tern breeding in Nepal : The bird was spotted nesting at Jagadishpur Lake Bird Reserve in Kapilvastu, where it has hatched chicks, by Manoj Paudel (kp 15/09/2024)

Snow leopard study incorporated in local curriculum in Mustang : Conservationists hope that retaliatory killings of snow leopards, one of the major challenges to conservation efforts, would decline in the coming days (kp 11/09/2024)

Number of vultures up by 22 per cent in Pokhara and surrounding areas (rep 08/09/2024)

Rhino attack claims life of nature guide, injures American tourist (kh 06/09/2024)

Farmers face snow leopard attacks, compensation hurdles : Troubled by snow leopards as the climate warms, mountain dwellers say the government is apathetic to their plight, by Arjun Poudel (kp 04/09/2024)

Owl conservation: From anti-poaching training to artificial nesting, by Krishna Mani Baral (ae 04/09/2024)

Python rescued from sugarcane field in Kanchanpur (kh 03/09/2024)

Child dies of snake bite in Kailali (rep 02/09/2024)

Leopards killed 15 children in Tanahun over six years, by Samjhana Rasaili (kp 30/08/2024)

10 people, including former DIG and current sub-inspector, arrested on suspicion of killing wild boar, by Mithilesh Yadav (rep 29/08/2024)

Tigers major threat to rhino calves in Chitwan : As these endangered species thrive, tigers trick rhinos deep into forests to prey on calves, by Ramesh Kumar Paudel (kp 25/08/2024)

Buffalo kills a tiger in Makawanpur (kh 22/08/2024)

Need To Protect Nature And Wildlife, by Uttam Maharjan (20/08/2024)

Nepal’s wildlife at risk from drug resistance : Nepal must act to save protected species and ecosystems from antimicrobial resistance, by Siddhant Pandey (nt 16/08/2024)

Eight new species of birds found in Resunga and Madane forest areas (rep 14/08/2024)

Native tusker population doubles in Jhapa (kh 12/08/2024)

Tuskers Rudrakali and Khagendraprasad delayed in their journey to Qatar : Nepal and Qatar await approval from CITES headquarters in Geneva as elephants are protected under the convention, by Ramesh Kumar Poudel (kp 12/08/2024)

Man Injured in tiger attack in Chitwan (rn 04/08/2024)

Endangered Wild Water Buffalo, by Rajesh Dhungana (rn 02/08/2024)

People, tigers, trees and rivers : On World Tiger Day, a look at Nepal's intricate web of biodiversity and conservation, by Shashank Poudel (nt 02/08/2024)

Man-eating tiger under control in Kanchanpur (rep 02/08/2024)

New bird species, spotted flycatcher, sighted in upper Mustang : The total number of bird species recorded in Nepal has now reached 896, by Manoj Paudel (kp 30/07/2024)

Nepal conservation body promoting human-tiger coexistence : Behaviour change campaigns educate and protect park buffer zone communities to reduce tiger attacks, by Jagdishor Panday (kp 29/07/2024)

Number of Bengal tigers in Bardiya National Park reaches 125 (rep 29/07/2024)

Buffer zone area residents in Chitwan continue to get killed in human-animal conflict : Chitwan Park’s data shows 11 people were killed by wild animals in the area last fiscal year, by Ramesdh Kumar Paudel (kp 28/07/2024)

Four arrested for killing Rhino in Chitwan (kh 28/07/2024)

Elongated Tortoise Faces Extinction, by Bishal Khanal (rn 26/07/2024)

Protecting Crops From Monkeys In Mid-hills, by Chhabi Lal Paudel (rn 26/07/2024)

‘Modern slingshot’ to tackle monkey menace : Compared to an ordinary slingshot, this one hurls stones three times farther, local government official says, by Hariram Uprety (kp 23/07/2024)

Female rhino found dead in CNP (rep 23/07/2024)

222 animals rescued at CNP; 76 dead in one year (kh 22/07/2024)

Wildlife draws record tourists, alarms conservationists : Chitwan National Park, Nepal’s first national park, drew 306,837 visitors for wildlife activities in the last fiscal year. Among them, 58 percent were Nepalis, by Ramesh Kumar Paudel (kp 22/07/2024)

Over 20 million for compensation to wildlife victims in Chitwan (kh 21/07/2024)

The royal roots of Central Zoo : The story of how Juddha Shumsher’s zoological garden was born and evolved, by Prawash Gautam (kp 20/07/2024)

Child killed in leopard attack in Tanahun (rep 19/07/2024)

Ten people killed in elephant attacks in Koshi Province over the past year (kh 19/07/2024)

Human-crocodile conflict rising in Chitwan : In the last fiscal year, 2023-24, crocodiles ranked the third major cause of human fatalities in the Chitwan National Park and its buffer zone, after tigers and rhinos, by Ramesh Kumar Paudel (kp 19/07/2024)

Promoting sustainable and free foraging, by Binod Baral (ae 10/07/2024)

Three women injured in tiger attack in Dang (rep 08/07/2024)

Monsoon triggers surge in snakebite cases in western Tarai districts : Nepal Army’s snakebite treatment centre at Arjuni inside the Shuklaphanta National Park treated 60 cases in the last three weeks, by Bhawani Bhatta (kp 08/07/2024)

Insufficient budget poses challenges for wildlife conservation at CNP (rep 05/07/2024)

Rising gun use in elephant poaching in east Nepal alarms conservationists : They claim authorities’ lax response to the crime has emboldened poachers, by Parbat Portel (kp 29/06/2024)

Police receive permission to detain dog beater for five days, injured dog receiving treatment with oxygen support (rep 29/06/2024)

Wild elephant found dead on Sukhiya river bank (rep 27/06/2024)

Monsoon in, snakebite risk up. Even mountain districts are not immune : 1,200 snakebite cases have been recorded so far this year. Snakes are climbing altitudes due to climate change, by Arjun Poudel (kp 24/06/2024)

Scavengers of ecosystem, white-rumped vulture, by Sasi Sen (ae 24/06/2024)

Chitwan’s Ayodhyapuri balancing wildlife conflict and human safety with electric fencing : After a human death, the residents started sounding sirens for several minutes before activating the fence in the evening, by Ramesh Kumar Paudel (kp 18/06/2024)

Controlling Invasive Alien Plants, by Uttam Maharjan (rn 18/06/2024)

New non-native fish species found in river in Morang (rep 13/06/2024)

Conservation of barn owl, by Rona Vaidya (ae 12/06/2024)

Gherabhir cliff in Arghakhanchi is buzzing with nesting vultures : 30 pairs of Himalayan griffons, and one pair each of bearded vultures and Egyptian vultures are currently raising their young, by Manoj Paudel (kp 10/06/2024)

Rising fledgling deaths threaten Nepal’s vulture conservation efforts : Ornithologists say food shortages near nests force parents to fly far in search of food, leaving their young vulnerable, by Manoj Paudel (kp 04/06/2024)

Animal Save Nepal rallies for animal rights (ae 03/06/2024)

Protecting endangered pangolin: A conservation effort in Makwanpur (rn 02/06/2024)

Bardia’s birds : The Bardia National Park is a jewel of nature in western Nepal, and a birder’s paradise, by Carol Inskipp (nt 31/05/2024)

French Embassy and DCIS organize a two-day International Seminar on Fighting Poaching and Wildlife Trafficking  (rep 31/05/2024)

New species of bird found in Ghodaghodi (kh 30/05/2024)

Woman killed in tiger attack (rep 23/05/2024)

Royal Bengal Tiger found dead in Nawalpur (kh 23/05/2024)

Red Eared Slider: A potential growing threat to Nepali Turtle fauna, by Rashmi Dhital (ae 23/05/2024), Nilssonia gangetica: A threatened turtles awaits conservation attention, by Pooja Paudel (ae 23/05/2024)

Man-eater tiger dies in Sauraha (rep 20/05/2024)

Drought threatens wildlife in Chitwan National Park as water sources dry up (rn 19/05/2024)

New species of bird found in Nepal (rep 17/05/2024)

105 crocodiles released into Rapti river (nlt 12/05/2024)

21 rhinos perish in 10 months in Chitwan National Park (kh 10/05/2024)

Tiger and rhino found dead in CNP (rep 07/05/2024)

Conservationists elated with thriving populations of tigers, rhinos in Shuklaphanta : The national park now faces challenges in managing habitat and prey along with the rise of tiger population in the park area, by Bhawani Bhatta (kp 21/04/2024)

Survey reveals 120 snow leopards in Dolpa (kh 20/04/2024)

Rising wildlife attacks forcing residents to flee villages bordering Banke National Park In Salyan’s Kaprechaur village of around 500 households, over 350 have applied for migration permission, by Biplab Maharjan (kp 19/04/2024)

A tiger roared, by Ravi M Singh (ae 18/04/2024)

Tree felling by road project displaces reptiles and birds : As over 12,000 trees are being chopped along the Kakarbhitta-Laukahi section of the East-West Highway, animal habitats are being destroyed, by Parbat Portel (kp 17/04/2024)

90 snow leopards recorded in Upper Dolpa, by Indira Aryal (rn 13/04/2024), Ninety endangered snow leopards recorded in Shey-Phoksundo National Park : Study said to be the first intensive research carried out using the latest technology to record wildlife in Shey-Phoksundo, by Raj Bahadur Shahi (kp 14/04/2024)

Nature guide killed in rhino attack (rep 13/04/2024)

109 one-horned rhinos relocated, 26 gifted to different countries in 38 years (rep 08/04/2024)

Male rhino found dead in CNP, 19 rhinos die in nine months (rep 05/04/2024)

Manage tiger-human conflict to save tigers (kh 05/04/2024)

Endangered Indian vulture sighted in Dhangadhi, by Abinash Chaudhary (rn 04/04/2024)

Three tigers die in cage of Parsa National Park (kh 01/04/2024) [???], Animal lovers stage protest in front of WWF office over death of three tigers kept in a cage at PNP (In Pictures) (rep 02/04/2024)

Shuklaphanta counts endangered Bengal floricans : Last year’s survey in the national park found five of these critically endangered ground-nesting birds, which are now confined to Nepal, India and Cambodia, by Bhawani Bhatta and Kamal Panthi (kp 01/04/2024)

Nepali Congress tries to capitalise on differences in ruling coalition : The largest party is looking to woo the second largest with the offer of constitution amendment among other things, by Dambar Singh Rai (kp 31/03/2024)

Woman dies in elephant attack (rn 30/03/2024), Wild elephant attacks claim six lives in Jhapa in past one month (kh 31/03/2024)

Chitwan National Park sets up tiger enclosures with observation towers to attract more visitors
The plan is to charge fees to visitors and the money will be spent on the operation of the enclosures, where troublesome tigers are captured and kept
, by Ramesh Kumar Paudel (kp 30/03/2024)

Woman killed in wild elephant attack, husband injured in Jhapa (kh 28/03/2024)

Counting of endangered Bengal florican continues in Koshi Tappu, by Baburam Karki (rn 27/03/2024)

Hundreds await financial relief following wild elephant attacks in Jhapa (kh 27/03/2024)

Local communities join forces to protect red panda : Residents of two local units in Khotang have been conducting awareness and conservation campaigns to save the endangered species, by Dambar Singh Rai (kp 27/03/2024)

Wild ideas : The most effective way to minimise human-animal conflict is to involve locals in conservation and animal-control efforts (kp 26/03/2024)

Efforts on to make Koshi Tappu a rhino habitat : A male rhino from Chitwan National Park will soon be paired with two female rhinos at Koshi Tappu Wildlife Reserve for natural breeding, by Binod Bhandari (kp 25/03/2024)

Human-animal conflict: Ayodhyapuri buffer zone residents live in terror : Since 1998, as many as 28 people have been killed in wildlife attacks in the area close to Chitwan National Park, by Ramesh Kumar Paudel (kp 24/03/2024)

Rare Yellow-Breasted Bunting spotted in Shuklaphanta (kh 24/03/2024)

Two male rhinos translocated in Chitwan (kh 17/03/2024), Three male rhinos in CNP relocated internally (kh 19/03/2024), Internal translocation of five rhinos completed in CNP (rep 22/03/2024), Male rhino released into Koshitappu (kh 24/03/2024)

25 gharials from Chitwan’s breeding centre  22/03/2024)translocated to Shuklaphanta/ : 1,887 gharials that grew up in the centre have been released in various rivers so far. But their survival rate is very low, by Bhawani Bhatta and Kumar Paudel (kp 17/03/2024)

Elderly man killed in wild animal attack (kh 17/03/2024)

Saving tigers to save the economy : Every $1 spent on nature conservation can yield up to $6 in economic development (nt 15/03/2024)

Bird decline in Koshi Tappu alarms conservationists : A mid-winter census conducted recently shows decline in both bird species and population in the Koshi Tappu Wildlife Reserve and its vicinity, by Binod Bhandari (kp 13/03/2024)

Vulture restaurants instrumental to conserve threatened bird (rep 11/03/2024)

Elephant menace continues in Shuklaphanta (kh 06/03/2024)

Habitat loss leads to sharp decline in bird population at Koshitappu Wildlife Reserve (kh 05/03/2024)

58 people died in last fiscal year as human-animal conflict gets deadlier : Parliamentary panel recommends engaging communities in other income opportunities, by Binod Ghimire (kp 01/03/2024)

As temperatures start rising, so does the risk of snakebite incidents : Study shows around 2,700 people die from snakebite every year in Tarai alone. Around 80 percent of snakebite victims die before reaching hospitals (kp 26/02/2024), Snakebite: A neglected menace claiming thousands of lives annually in Nepal : In a recently-organized program, experts said that the lack of awareness among people in the communities of the Terai region is resulting in the loss of more than 3,000 lives, with the actual number potentially even higher (rep 26/02/2024)

Campaign to save wild elephants gathers momentum in eastern Nepal (rep 26/02/2024)

Rhino found dead in CNP (rep 26/02/2024)

Distress calls from a rare waterbird : Anthropogenic activities are posing a big threat to the species. Stakeholders must join hands for its conservation, by Rona Vaidya (ae 26/02/2024)/

Rapti embankment in Chitwan hinders animal movement : On Monday, a park rhino was seen struggling to navigate a newly constructed dyke on the Rapti riverbank, leaving conservationists worried, by Ramesh Kumar Paudel (kp 23/02/2024)

A diclofenac-free status: No mean feat for Nepal, by Krishna Prasad Acharya (ae 23/02/2024)

Tailored conservation action needed for pangolins, by Chandramani Aryal (ae 20/02/2024)

Five vultures found dead in Nawalpur (kh 20/02/2024)

Tiger found dead in Nawalpur (kh 17/02/2024)

Shuklaphanta National Park ramps up grassland management to preserve swamp deer habitat : As per the latest count, the national park spread over 305 square kilometres is home to more than 2,300 swamp deer, by Bhawani Bhatta (kp 15/02/2024)

Leopard that injured two people found dead (rep 15/02/2024)

Nepal's Terai Arc Landscape honored as UN World Restoration Flagship for pioneering forest conservation (rep 13/02/2024)

Bharatpur metropolis building three-kilometer-long fence to reduce human-wildlife conflicts (rep 10/02/2024)

Snowfall leads to surge in wildlife poaching, trade of wild animal meat flourishes in Chainpur (rep 10/02/2024)

Authorities scramble to tackle monkey menace in Gandaki : The onslaughts of monkeys in villages have terrorised the locals and affected agriculture of farming communities, by Deepak Pariyar (kp 09/02/2024), Monkey Menace And Plight Of Farmers, by Anukram Adhikary (rn 09/02/2024)

321 victims of elephant attacks await compensations in Jhapa (kh 09/02/2024)

Call from the wild: Sloth bears need protection, too, by Pooja Paudel (ae 06/02/2024)

Owl festival underway in Lopre (kh 03/02/2024)

Conservation Status of Fishing Cats in Nepal, by Prabin Lama (rep 03/02/2024)

Birds face food shortage amid shrinking wetlands: Encroachment of arable land near rivers and lakes for building infrastructure has harmed the bird population in these areas, by Manoj Paudel (kp 02/02/2024)

One arrested on charge of shooting and killing rhino at CNP (rep 25/01/2024)

Estranged snow leopard brought to Central Zoo (kh 25/01/2024), Snow leopard rescued from Morang made public in Kathmandu (kh 27/01/2024)

Two girls injured in bear attack (kh 24/01/2024)

Poaching of tigers along Karnali bio-corridor worries conservationists : In a recent incident, a big cat died after falling into a trap set up by poachers. Poaching is on the rise in the areas where wild animals are meant to be protected, officials say, by Arjun Shah (kp 24/01/2024), Call of the wild : The violent death of a tiger within an area deemed safe raises doubts about wildlife safety (kp 25/01/2024)

Gangetic dolphin awaiting conservation, by Pooja Paudel (ae 22/01/2024)

Royal Bengal tiger found dead in Kailali (rep 21/01/2024)

Wild animals translocated to sanctuary (rep 20/01/2024)

12 injured in jackal attack in Rautahat (rn 20/01/2024)

Bird census reveals 41 water bird species in Narayani river area (kh 17/01/2024), Census shows rise in water bird species and numbers : Ibisbill, locally called Tilahari chara, sighted on Rapti River after 15 years. The bird’s return indicates improved water quality in Rapti, says expert, by Ramesh Kumar Paudel and Manoj Poudel (kp 19/01/2024)

Lichens on the brink : Over-extraction for exports threatens cultural identity, biodiversity, by Nitu Ghale (ae 17/01/2024)

Let’s keep common species common, by Chandramani Aryal (ae 17/01/2024)

Woman killed in wild boar attack (rep 16/01/2024)

Tusker killed elderly person (kh 11/01/2024)

Tiger population up: 14 spotted tigers found in Someswor bio-route (kh 10/01/2024)

Escalating human-elephant conflict takes a toll on lives and herds in Jhapa and Morang districts (kh 09/01/2024)

Whistling hunters anticipating conservation attention, by Chandramani Aryal (ae 08/01/2024)

Count of water birds kicks off (rep 06/01/2024), Aquatic bird count underway across Nepal : Census of aquatic birds is held every year in January in various water bodies and wetlands. Report will come in April-May, by Manoj Paudel (kp 08/01/2024)

Dhrube elephant demolishes four houses in Chitwan (kh 05/01/2024)

265 crocodiles and 3 dolphins found in Narayani and Rapti river (kh 02/01/2024)

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