Nepal Research
Website on Nepal and Himalayan Studies

Human Rights (NHRC, National Human Rights Commission)
Time in Taksindu:
Human Rights

Human rights (general)
Bonded labour
Child rights
Denial of assistance
Fundamental rights

Amid reform delays, rights body braces for status review : NHRC member Surya Dhungel claims they are in a stronger position to defend the commission’s ‘A’ status, by Binod Ghimire (kp 10/03/2025)

Discussion over bill exposes discord within National Human Rights Commission : Watchdog holds discussion on the contents of the bill while it is already in the finance ministry for consent (kp 07/03/2025)

NHRC calls for protection and promotion of migrant workers’ rights (kh 18/12/2024)

Over 800 cases mired in delay at human rights commission : Officials blame misplaced priorities while commissioners cite focus on transitional justice, upcoming conference, by Binod Ghimire (kp 30/08/2024)

Nepal rights commission delays law revision after avoiding downgrade : Global alliance of rights bodies has called for NHRC Act revision in line with Paris Principles, by Binod Ghimire (kp 11/07/2024)

by Binod Ghimire (kp 08/07/2024)NHRC wants war crimes and crimes against humanity to be non-amnestiable : National Human Rights Commission unveils report today detailing its efforts and positions on transitional justice,

Rights watchdog seeks progress report on probe into mysterious deaths, disappearance : In 2021, government promised to probe the mysterious deaths of Nankunni Dhobi and Sumarani Tharu, and the 2010 disappearance of Nirmala Kurmi. Families still await justice (kp 22/06/2024)

NHRC requests Home Ministry for details on Ruby Khan’s hunger strike and agreement (kh 21/06/2024)

NHRC’s 24th Birthday: We Would Like To Commend The Commission’s Continuous Vigilance, Adaptability, And Dedication, by Hanaa Singer-Hamdy (sp 14/06/2024)

NHRC to stay away from office-bearer nomination panel : Conflict victims want amendments to transitional justice bill before the process to appoint office bearers begins, by Binod Ghimire (kp 02/05/2024)

NHRC calls for promoting labor rights (kh 01/05/2024)

Government rejects rights commission’s secretary pick citing lack of transparency : Constitutional rights body asserts autonomy, claims that executive can’t demand confidential documents, by Binod Ghimire (kp 28/03/2024)

Dispute over secretary appointment divides Human Rights Commission : As an international team assesses commission's performance, calls grow for an executive decision to end the controversy, by Binod Ghimire (kp 10/03/2024)

NHRC demands fair investigation of Chitwan school incident (kh 05/03/2024)

Is Nepal’s National Human Rights Commission really weak? What can be done to make it more functioning and relevant? When human rights violations occur and the citizenry expect a prompt and swift intervention, the Commission’s “grand” mandate and mission often crumble to pieces, by Shrawan Adhikari and Simone Galimberti (nlt 04/02/2024)

Documents / Websites

Global Alliance of National Human Rights Institutions (GANHRI).
Report and Recommendations of the Session of the Sub-Committee on Accreditation (SCA)
Geneva, 03 - 07 October 2022

Nepal: Human Rights Commission’s Integrity in Jeopardy : Lack of Transparency in Appointments Undermine Effectiveness, Public Confidence, common statement by Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch and International Commission of Jurists, 1 March 2021

National Human Rights Commission, Nepal (NHRC)

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