Nepal Research
Website on Nepal and Himalayan Studies

Health (mental, suicides)
Time in Taksindu:
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Health (general)
Mental Health
Reproductive health
Traditional systems
Veterinary medicine

Awareness Key To Suicide Prevention, by Ballav Dahal (rn 24/02/2025)

Break Mental Health Stigma, by Krishtina Khanal (rn 07/02/2025)

Depression: Is It Not a Concern?, by Roshan Pudasaine (rep 06/02/2025)

Realty slump linked to rise in alcohol, substance abuse : Psychiatrists say rise in hospital cases of alcohol and substance addiction suggests the problem is widespread in communities (kp 29/01/2025)

Chained for 32 years, Iman Singh finally finds freedom, by Amrit Thapa (rep 24/01/2025)

As mental health issues become rife, youths are tackling it more openly : There’s an increasing tendency to seek diagnosis and remedies online, but it’s fraught with danger as experts point out social media use as a problem in itself, by Aarati Ray (kp 10/01/2025)

Not serious on suicides : Localised efforts aren’t enough for large-scale data collection needed to understand suicide (kp 08/01/2025)

Bhaktapur murder case raises discussions about mental health, by Ajabi Paudyal (ae 26/12/2024)

Mental health crisis: A national-level threat being ignored (ae 23/12/2024)

Health authorities to screen prisoners for mental health conditions : It is estimated that 35 percent of around 30,000 jail inmates across the country have some form of mental health problems (kp 15/12/2024)

Nepal bans three more pesticides to tackle growing suicide cases : Nepal police data show suicide cases fell sharply following past bans on highly toxic pesticides, by Arjun Poudel (kp 09/12/2024)

Nepal unprepared to tackle children’s mental health problems : Issues often dismissed due to lack of awareness, social stigma and poor treatment set-up, by Aarati Ray (kp 26/10/2024)

Hustle culture—the productivity trap : The relentless pursuit of productivity leads to serious mental and physical consequences for workers and students alike, by Aarati Rai (kp 17/10/2024)

Beauty in pain? How mental illness is fashioned online : Glamourisation of mental health across social media platforms is not just trivialising the issues but also dissuading many from seeking help, experts say, by Aarati Ray (kp 16/10/2024)

Suicidologists urge media to stop glorifying suicides (rep 04/10/2024)

Post-disaster scenario: Dealing with a mental health crisis, by Rika Rijal (ae 01/10/2024)

Nepal Needs a Licensing Body for Counseling and Therapy in Mental Health, by Kishor Adhikari (rep 22/09/2024)

More farmers and students are killing themselves in Nepal, data shows : Growing financial pressures including debt and rising production cost is fuelling self-harm among farmers, by Arjun Poudel (kp 10/09/2024)

World Suicide Prevention Day: An average of 20 people commit suicide daily in Nepal (rep 10/09/2024)

Maternity Hospital starts screening pregnant women, new mums for mental health issues : Doctors say mental health problems in pregnant women and new mothers are more severe than previously believed, with around 20 percent women affected, by Arjun Poudel (kp 24/08/2024)

Nepal witnesses unprecedented rise in suicide cases : A record 7,223 suicides were reported in the fiscal year 2023-24, highlighting a worsening mental health crisis, by Ajun Poudel (kp 19/08/2024)

Understanding Mental Health in Rural Mugu: A Personal Experience, by Grishma Paneru (rep 19/08/2024)

Children and adolescents to be screened for mental health conditions : Report shows the prevalence of current suicidal thoughts among adolescents was around four percent in 2020; suicidal attempt in the same age group was 0.7 percent (kp 08/08/2024)

Crisis and its long-term impact on mental health in Nepal, by Nabin Prasad Joshi (ae 01/08/2024)

Maternity Hospital pushes for mental health screening training for all healthcare workers : It is estimated that around 20 percent of women suffer from mental health problems during pregnancy (kp 02/07/2024)

Bleeding Resilience : The prevalence of mental health issues, such as anxiety and depression, is on the rise in Nepal and worldwide, by Fr. Augustine Thomas, S.J. (rep 02/07/2024)

Embracing mental health awareness in adolescents (rep 29/06/2024)

KMC imparts mental health screening training to doctors, paramedics : Officials say : they will also provide medicines for mental health problems to patients from urban health promotion centres (kp 27/06/2024)

Nepali society yet to embrace hard mental illnesses : Individuals with hard mental conditions are still pitied, and socially isolated, by Aarati Ray (kp 31/05/2024)

Need for counselling as students complain of rigid school rules : Students and mental health facilitators believe that regular school counselling can go a long way in creating a healthy learning environment, by Manushree Mahat (kp 11/05/2024)

Health workers deployed at prisons to get mental health screening training : An estimated 35 percent of around 27,000 inmates in Nepal have mental health problems, by Arjun Poudel (kp 02/04/2024)

Mental health support in schools : Schools should do more to ensure a stress-free environment for students to learn and grow, rather than obsess over studies, by Dipesh Tandukar (kp 02/04/2024)

Judiciary and Mental Health, by Diwakar Dhakal (kh 02/03/2024)

Focus on mental health : Nepal has less than one mental health worker for every 100,000 people, by Pallavi Koirala (kp 30/01/2024)

Transforming Mental Health For All, by Jhabindra Bhandari (rn 20/01/2024)

Mental illness: Social Media Identified as a Significant Factor, by Pawan Mudbhari (kh 18/01/2024)

Against all odds : The mental health challenges of individuals with disabilities, which are a result of societal misconceptions and discrimination they face, are often neglected, by Aarati Rai (kp 09/01/2024)

Mental Health and Human Rights, by Swastika Poudel (rep 06/01/2024)

Haunting specter of heartbreak takes toll on young lives, by Sita Neupane (kh 02/01/2024)

National Planning Commission set to bring suicide prevention strategy this fiscal year : Nepal aimed to reduce suicides to 9.7 per 100,000 people by 2022 but the number rose to 24, by Arjun Poudel (kp 01/01/2024), Getting serious on suicides : The National Planning Commission should lobby for more money for mental health (kp 02/01/2024)

Documents / Websites

Centre for Mental Health and Counselling –Nepal (CMC-Nepal)

Matrika Devkota. Mental health in Nepal: The voices of Koshish. American Psychological Association, July 2011

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